Ch. 5:

(Hey y'all, quick A/N here, check out my Akame Ga Kill ff. I'm gonna focus on that one more since it only has 3 chapters but already has 10x as much views and 80 more collections. I also enjoy writing that one more)

We had just gotten to class, Pieck was walking funny but no one seemed to notice as she was good at hiding it. I zoned out until they brought up the U.S.J. for rescue training. "We will be going to U.S.J. the bus leaves soon. Bring your hero costumes as well." The wall did the thing and the suitcases came out. Everyone went to grab theirs.


Once everyone got their uniforms, "Come on everyone, we will be leaving now." I was first out and got in the bus first, taking a seat near the back. Pieck hopped in next to me and whispered, "My back hurts, you should be more gentle."


I chuckled a little bit, and then stifled a laugh, "I'll try, but shouldn't your soreness be all gone already?" She shook her head, "I still feel sore but we can talk about this later."


Multiple people starting filling the bus up, eventually every seat was taken and they started talking about quirks, "If we are going by most flashy, then probably Bakugo, Todoroki, or Noire." The class agreed with this statement, "Hey Midoriya, your quirk reminds me of All Mights." Midoriya quickly became a stuttering mess, trying his hardest to disprove that theory. He used excuses such as All Mights quirk doesn't hurt him blah blah.


"We're almost there, once we get inside go to the locker rooms and change to hero uniforms."

Everyone started to get prepared as we came to a halt. "Follow me." Aizawa told us, there was a large dome, it said U.S.J. on the front and a large staircase leading up to the front door. "Come on Pieck, we should hurry up." I said as I grabbed her hand and we started walking out of the bus, hero costumes in hand. "I have a bad feeling about this, something is going to go wrong." She said, I felt it too, "Yea, it seems as though we might get into a fight, let's together and use the excuse our powers compliment each others the best."


Pieck nodded as we reached the top of the staircase. Inside there were 2 locker rooms on opposite sides, "I'll see you in a bit." I then walked into the locker room and changed, I had one of the simpler outfits so it didn't take long. I headed out and saw Aizawa conversing with an astronaut looking person. I got to the other flight of steps on the inside of the building this time going down into the training grounds.


"I renovated my costume, figured it would be an extra safety measure." a voice behind me said, it was Piecks'

I turned around and saw a padded hero costume, "Bullet proof vest, that's good, padded pants, and boots. Safer than your last one that's for sure. It looks kinda like mine actually." She nodded her head, "That's what I modeled it after, yours is very good at absorbing damage if I assume correctly."


I smirk, "Yup, that's basically my hero outfit. Oh here comes the last of us." the last one was laser stomach boy since he had a whole suit of armour. "Okay, listen up. Today we will be doing disaster and rescue training, this is Thirteen, she specializes in stuff like this." I look behind him, a purple fog with people coming out, "Is that a part of training?" I saw a few students activate their quirks, ready to fight, "No, those are actual villains. Ilda get out of here and alert the others. I can hold off the small fries."


As Ilda was nearing the door, a purple fog wearing a suit appeared, "I'm afraid you can't leave. Now if you'll excuse me, my name is Kurogiri of the league of villains." It said, it had the voice of a male and a male bartender suit it went for a bow and Bakugo rushed it, trying to blow it up and in turn it moved it's body. "Don't attack it head on, we need to focus on all the villains down there." As soon as I was about to help, the fog started to spread, I grabbed onto Pieck as us and Mina got teleported to a building area.


"That bastard teleported us, what the hell is going on!" I yelled, multiple dudes walked out in front of us, "We'll beat your ass kid!" a weird guy says as he charges me, "You're an easy fight." dissapoingment apparent in my voice. I dodged out of the way, "Too easy." I kicked his knee, making him fall. I proceeded to kick his head only hard enough to knock him out.


A girl charged at me next, before I could attack, Pieck had already thrown the first punch. "Thanks for that, anyways I'll end this quick." I stood still, sounds stopped bouncing around, light stopped where it was, time was a mere illusion at this present moment. "Series 1 Form 5: Flash Step Neutralization." I vanished from my spot as multiple bodies fell to the floor uncouncious. "I'm gonna go help Aizawa, can you protect yourselves? If not then I'll stay back." I lnew they wouldn't get hurt but I was still concerned.


"We'll be fine , I haven't slacked at training you know." I smirked, "I'll be back in a second." I see Aizawa in the middle, fighting dozens of villains. "I'm helping." I lifted my thumb to my mouth, quickly biting it. A orange lightning came through the roof of the USJ. All the students knew what this meant.


A giant red tower of flesh and armour appeared from the young mans spot. I got into position and charged the black thing that was attack Aizawa. I picked it up and started uh unleashing punches on it. Every punch it just got absorbed like shock absorption quirk. But it was regenerating and many other things, 'How is this possible? More than 1 quirk?' I quickly ruined it shock resistance and slammed my palm on it.


It was still alive, on my finger. It started to punch and kick, whatever it could. I crystallized all around it's body to stop it from attacking, "You bastard! Give me back Nomu!" a kid with blue hair said, he also attacked Aizawa.


I picked him up, wrapped around his whole body was 1 hand. He screamed in pain as his hand made contact with his leg which quickly stayed to turn into ash. "WHO ARE YOU! YOU MONSTER!" The blue hair yelled, "I am the man who defeated you. I am also the man who beat your nomu." I said, my titan eyes peering into his eyes.


I lowered my head, and whispered in his ear, "I should kill you but my teacher wouldn't like that." His eyes widened in fear, fear had hit him point blank. He knew I was serious, that he would be exterminated.
