Ch. 6:

I stood there, holding Tomura in an iron grip. I stared into his eyes between the hand that covered his face. Fear was evident.

He had managed to stop decaying himself, but entire posture was screaming he was in pain.

"So you need all your fingers to use that quirk of yours, well then I'll make sure you can never use the quirk again." I said as I grabbed his index finger, "How does this feel?" I pulled his finger off. He screamed in pain.

My classmates were looking at me, I didn't care. I grabbed his other index finger and pulled it off. (A/N: He does still have the regular titan inheritance stuff, like how Armin suddenly liked Annie more after becoming the collosal, in this case he just simply inherited Annies or Zeke or Reiner and had no qualms about this action)

Another scream of pain wrang out of his throat, it came out raspy. "Now let's take off the hand that covers your face." He was still screaming but now he was wailing, "NO! NO! NO! DON'T DO THAT!" I ignored it and took the hand off.

"You're a mess." He started shouting, seeming to ignore the pain now, "YOU'RE DEAD! YOU'RE DEAD WHEN I TELL MASTER ABOUT YOU!" I smirked and laughed. It echoed throughout the USJ, off the dome. I suddenly stopped and squeezed tighter will bringing him closer to my eye, "Tell him if you can, you aren't getting out of this no matter what you try." He knew it was true but refused to believe it.

I hear another voice, "Put him down, Noire." I turned around, seeing about 6 heroes and Pieck. I looked at her, then at the heroes. If I got in trouble she would be sad. I sighed, "Hey heroes, his quirk requires all 5 bare fingers to make contact. I took off a finger from each hand so he is a weakling now." The heroes suddenly moved from their previous shocked states, "U-Understood! We will take him in for questioning immediately!" One of the heroes said, they were short with a purple hero outfit on.

"Oh, also he mentioned a 'master' that is supposedly very strong. Oh and the black bird thing had about 4 quirks somehow, hope that helps." The titan I was in slowly kneels down and steam emits. The heroes ran towards it thinking something happened only to see me pull myself out of it.

"Oh if you were wondering that's Noire Rose and his quirk is Titan shifting." I smirked at the little comment, "Yup, that's me alright."

I looked towards the person who said my name, it was Izuku.

"Anyways can y'all arrest the villains already. Bird boy seems to be unable of making it's own decisions without a master so it's not a threat." The heroes did a nod of approval and went to apprehend all the villains. They required Uraraka to lighten Nomu, the bastard was a good 1000 lbs at least.

Before it was time to leave and go back, I was pulled to the side, it was All Might. "Thank you for your assitance, sincerely thank you." I shook my head, "You don't get it do you?" He tilted his head in confusion, "What do you mean?" I looked him in the eyes, "I did what a hero should, I saw Aizawa getting beat and then the bird boy so I chose to help as much as I could." His smiled widened somehow, "That is the mentality of a true hero, Young Rose! Anyway I have to go, once again thank you and have a good day." I gave a simple "I will, have a good day aswell."

Well that was productive if I say so myself. I was alone today since Pieck had decided she better stay with her dad a bit since she did just go 3 days without seeing him and got attacked by villains.

I was laying in my bed, reading a book called man with 2 souls. My headphones were blaring music, "I feel like I'm Michael Jackson, Moonwalking through the Calabasas- Oh a message from Pieck." I said as my phone screen displayed a notification, 'From Pieck: Hey I was wondering if you wanna come over and meet my dad, he seems interested the man who managed to get my heart.'

I picked up the phone and started tapping away, 'I'm good with that, I'll need to get ready of course but I should be there in 30.' I saw she was typing and saw another message, 'Dress in a nice outfit like you did on our date by the way, don't dress all messy.' I smiled as I typed out, 'I am offended, did you actually think I would dress bad for a first impression with your dad?!' She started typing once again, 'Oh whatever, just get ready and head over.' I sent a simple 'Okay, see you soon.' and got ready.

I was wearing a red hoodie, black pants, and Air Jordan 1s Chicagos. Just an nice black and red outfit overall. I walked out of my apartment and headed towards Piecks address, on the way I picked up some red and white flowers. I was nervous most of the way there. I normally wouldn't care about others opinions of me but this was different. This was the girl I wanted to spend my life with, the girl I felt I could actually do that with.

In the midst of my nervousness I almost walked to far and passed the house.

I had arrived. I was very nervous, for a lack of better words. It was a small house, it looked cozy though. I took a deep breath and walked to the front door. I tapped the doorbell


I hear 2 voices and wait patiently, I was getting more and more nervous. I started tugging at the collar of my hoodie, it felt tighter than normal. Not too long after the door opened, it was Pieck.

She was wearing a nice shirt and jeans like always. I know she preferred dresses or sweatpants but didn't mind jeans since clothes were just clothes after all. "Well look at you, so nice looking." I blushed a little, "Ah and you're just so beautiful." I pulled her in for a hug and a quick kiss before I came in and closed the door behind me.

I kicked my shoes off, "Follow me, Noire." A small smile adorned my face. This was a nice little house. When you walked in there was a closet in front of you, on the left there was a stair case, and to the right there was a living room while the kitchen was in the back.

I followed Pieck to the kitchen, I saw a man at the table, he had similar features to Pieck but older and male. "Hello, Mr. Finger. I'm Noire Rose." I said as I stuck my hand out, "Pleasures all mine Noire, after all it isn't every day someone can capture Piecks heart." He said glancing at Pieck who looked a little bit embarrassed. We started talking, he was a nice man, Mr. Finger.

We had just finished dinner, "Well that was fantastic, better than any restaurant or homemade food I've ever had." I wasn't exaggerating, this food was incredible, "Could you perhaps teach me how to cook, Mr. Finger?" He gave me a smile, "I don't see why not, it would be fun. Would you want to learn too Pieck?" I looked at her waiting for an answer, "I mean it can't hurt to try can it?"

Mr. Finger looked happy, "Great! We'll have to find a time we're all free, like Saturday evenings or whatever is the most convenient for us but that could be fun!" I glanced out the window, I got here at around 6 P.M. and it was already dark out. I checked my phone, 9:30 P.M. "Ah, well would you look at the time. I've been here nearly 4 hours now. I figure I should head back." Mr. Finger nodded in understanding, "Alright then, please do come back soon to eat with us, it's nice having someone else around. Also have a good night." I stood up and stretched, "I will for sure come back, the food was delicious and you sure know how to make conversations fun. Anyway have a good night." I gave Pieck a quick hug and a kiss and her dad a quick hug, "See ya!"

I got my shoes on and headed out. 'Well that wasn't bad, was it?' I hope I didn't come off too loud or too quiet or anything. Anyway that was for a later date, for now I'll just go home and sleep


Alright y'all that's another chapter. If there are any spelling mistakes let me know so I can go back and revise them, should be a few since it's 6 A.M. that I'm writing this with no sleep. Anyways, good morning/night!