3: Paranormal encounters

[[[Gore Warning]]]

[[Kio; you're slightly not average 17 year old boy. vessel and home to a System he calls guardian. Ability: Werewolf.]]

"You sick or something?" The teen asked.

Kio froze up as he stared at the two. They both seemed so normal. So why did Kio's head feel like it's going to expose.

"It's him." Guardian said. "Don't let down your guard." But Kio was hesitant.

Kio was confused. one of the two reeked like hell but the other seemed unphased. Was this ability unique to Kio's ability or what? Out of his 8 months here he this smell has never been potent enough to identify. So what's changed.

The tall boy sucked his teeth and wrapped his arm around the girl before walking away. "Alright then weirdo." But at that moment the blood lust grew.

Kio knew. The bloodlust was radiating from that man, and the girl was but a victim. He's never met Paranormals but he knew just what they were capable of looking at himself.

"Hey!" Kio called out to the teen. "Who are you?"

Then teen didn't turn but Kio could here the girl whisper something to him.

"Drake who is he? Do you no him?" She asked. Drake nodded his head.

"It's nothing babe." he said. let's just ignore him.

"Hey!" Kio called louder, the smell of bloodlust grew heavier. The girl couldn't notice but Kio did. Drake's hand began to change, morph and move underneath his long sleeved arm. His Instincts knew danger was on the horizon.

"Keep it down." Guardian said. "We don't need to attract more."

Guardians words faded as the woman turned and spoke up. "Hey get lost you bum!" the woman shouted at Kio. She started to march towards Kio before she stopped to her hair being pulled. Drake grasping the locks of her hair held her in place, turned so perfectly in the dark his face was shielded in shadows.

Kio senses Drake's bloodlust was off the charts, oozing out from a leak to a full on outburst.

"Drake?" the girl called out. "Drake that hurts." Drake pulls onto her hair keeping her in place, he then yanks her hair grasping the back of her head in his hand.

"Run!" Kio could muster before a blood curdling thud sounded as Drake slammed the poor girls head into the brick building wall beside them.

The woman's body fell with at thud as her face was crushed and her skull dented.

Drake's voice became gurgly and broken as the words emerged from his mouth.

"Pi ty. I've been working on her for days." Drake looked up to Kio his eyes black with glowing red pupils. "I like to play with my prey before I Feast."

"Paranormal!" Guardian shouted. "Attack now!" In instinct and for defense Kio's body began to morph, hair grew around his body and his muscles and spine began to grow as his posture worsens

As guardian gives out the warning Drake pulled up his sleeves revealing a stictched arm, who's stictched start to move at the scenes almost like they were alive.

In a flash the string shot towards Kio who shielded it as it wrapped around his forearm. Kio holds it in place for mere second before he screams in pain, his arm gets more and more wrapped around the string, losing blood to his fingers as it's hold tightens.

"WereBeast huh?" Drake laughed. "As if your smell didn't give it away you wore a sweater to match."

"And what the hell are you supposed to be? Frankensteins unmentioned cousin?" Kio remarked.

"He's a zombie class. Resistant to pain and a strong appetite. weak in nature and usually relies on deception for hunting-" Guardian answered.

"That was sarcasm Guardian." Kio shouted. "But thanks for the heads up." Kio pulled on the string forcing Drake's arm to fly off.

Drake shouts in frustration holding where his arm once stood.

"End him" Guardian demanded.

"I got some questions for you." Kio said to a hurt Drake.

"I ain't telling you shit!" Drake responded.

"Kio! now's not the time! get rid of the enemy!" Guardian said.

"You got a voice in your head too?" Kio shouted over guardian.

Drake lipped his lips as he responded. "I rid myself of that bastard a long time ago."

"Rid? rid how?" Kio questioned. "Who are you? What are we?".

"Paranormal enough!" guardian shouted.

Drake sneered as he stared into Kio's eyes with a deceptive smile. "Like I said. I ain't telling you shit." Drake out reached his arm as he whistled. lightning bolts began storming down on top of him his body breaking away as if he was being cremated at the spot before the lightning disperses back into the sky.

Kio ran to the spot of the strike and looked at the empty sky and scorch marks on the ground.

"Can zombies do that to?" Kio asked.

"no." answered guardian. that was the result of a raiju.

Kio turned to view the scene. The unattached arm and the body of that poor girl sitting in the alleyway.

"I was too late." Kio said.

"The woman wasn't our objective paranormal."

"What exactly is our objective?" Kio asked.

"Our objective escaped. we failed."

Kio looked to the body of the girl and bent down to her side. As he heard slight breathing and kip can be seen calming down. His ears perked as he heard a group of officers being pointed towards the alley by bystanders overhearing the shouts. Kio steps away from the body as he put up his hood and climbed the fire escape away from the gruesome scene.