Chapter 4: Raiju

[[Raiju: is a legendary creature from Japanese mythology.]]

A bolt of lightning clashes with the surface of an abandoned trainyard, as the sun is now covered by spiraling clouds dark and clouds that brought heavy rain.

From the bolt Drake clumbsily walks out hardly one foot in front of the other, discombobulated. As a hooded figure stood before him, cloaked in large loose black clothing hiding their shape and their features.

"Warning next time will ya?" Drake said sarcastically as the rain fell upon him. "You know, I may be dead but hurling is still an issue." Drake then began walking closer to the figure before the cloak figure spoke.

"Stop." said the figure as Drake froze in place. The figures voice heavenly distorted beneath their cloak mixed in with the rain that grew heavier with every passing second. "You had one job." the voice continued. "And you couldn't even handle that right Paranormal."

Drake gave a small smirk. "What? not my fault some brat decided to play hero. At anything I'm just as annoyed, honestly it's really-" Drake's voice stopped as a lightning formed similar to a hand forced itself around his neck, suspending him midair.

"Your job was to avoid contact with any other paranormal." the figure called. "I should kill you right here for being so reckless."

Drake grunted gripping his neck with the last arm he has to attempt to free himself, a stictched effort for survival.

"And contact with a Werewolf no less." the figure continued.

Drake speaks soft strained words under his breath barely being heard within the rain. "Ma'am it. wasn't my fault. Just came from nowhere. I didn't even sense him." The lightnings grip tightened around Drake before finally releasing him, falling to his knees as the oxygen slowly flows back into his brain.

The figure holds out her arm as an eagle of lightning perches itself upon it. "The last thing I need is to look for another Paranormal." The figure said. "Come. we have work to do" the figure walked deeper into the trainyard as Drake followed reluctantly behind.

Stumbling in Drake has one thought running through his kind. "That bitch."