chap 5: La Familia

[[Bruno: Atypical lovable goofball with a heart so big it counter balances his horrible book smarts]]

6:00 PM

Kio opens the door to to his apartment as he's met with a hug.

"Glad you're safe chico." The women said in a latina accent.

The apartment smelled of cooking Caribbean food and echoed with latin music. The small living room was decked with old records and and a record player, a hung up puertorican flag. Bruno's family was wild about their culture and they made sure everyone was aware of their patriotism.

"Im fine, I'm fine." Kio said. "I just lost track of time Mrs Sanchez I promise." Kio pleaded cause Mrs Sanchez had a habit of being loving one minute and lecturing and scolding the next. Walking on eggshells is the common theme of this house.

"Come on Val you're smothering the boy." A man called out on the couch, same brown skin complexion as Bruno, an exact replica in the face but everywhere else was lacking. For one the man was bigger around the waist and chubby, and rather than wearing trendy clothes he wore the same brown business suit with elbow patches like it was going out of style. He also wore glasses that gave him a jolly Santa vibe to him. "I'm sure he has a perfect reason why he's been gone. right Kio?"

Kio never really knew how to answer that, or what answer they were expecting.

"Lost track of time Mr Sanchez, that's all." Kio tried to play off in a cool voice. "Is something burning?"

"Dios Mios" the mom jumped as she turned to head toward the kitchen.

"Hey kid, what's up with your arm?" Mr Sanchez said as he looked to Kio's tattered sleeve with hints of blood. "This looks bad. what happened?"

Kio moved to cover his arm before Mr Sanchez got a hold of it for closer inspection.

"I just ripped it trying to climb a fence. no big deal Mr Sanchez".

Mr Sanchez gave a slight smile. "I keep telling you Kio you can call me Luis. Any way, you need to stop hoping fences, walking is just fine."

"Shortcuts are faster though." Kio responded.

"Short cuts can also be dangerous."

"Let the kid be Luis, if he's fine he's fine. I remember you were a daredevil at his age." Mrs Sanchez spoke out.

Luis laughed. "I guess you're right. but these two instances are completely unrelated."

"I remember you trying parkour to impress a certain girl." said Mrs Sanchez

"And it worked didn't it Valerie" Luis goes to Valerie and hugs her from behind. swaying her subtly side to side.

"Hey hey I'm cooking." Valerie. "Kio, can you go get Bruno? he should be on the fire escape like usual."

"got it!" Kio said as he made his way to Bruno's room.

The room held two beds but Bruno claimed the whole area. the two sides contrasted each other as one was covered with car figurines, sneakers and magazines. While the other had posters of popular artists from years ago and stuffed animals that always laid on the bed. That side of the room was always clean as well, that really showed the contrast to Bruno's messy style. When Kio entered the room there was on that side, always clean and untouched. but it also left a layer of dust upon it and a picture frame on the nightstand that forever stood face down. Kio saw it only once and still remember what he saw, a nice happy family of four. This family. Bruno, Luis, Valerie but he never knew who the fourth person was, as he never felt the right to ask.

Kio made his way to the window of the room and opened the unlocked window. Climbing outside onto the fire escape he saw feet dangling from the roof above and climbed his way up slowly. A short fest he could complete in seconds he slowed down to keep appearances as he made it to the top.

"Hey Bruno!" Kio called out. "Valerie asked me to get you."

Though Bruno always had the trendiest and most expensive clothes he usually earned with his own money he used an old ipod with headphons on his head whenever he was home.

Kio slowly made his way to Bruno, as he slowly listened in to what was playing on the ipod. Songs that were from the early 2000s.

"Bruno" Kio said as he placed his hand on Bruno's shoulder who took off his headphones in surprise.

"Dude, warning next time!" Bruno said as he looked to Kio in shock. "I almost went karate kid on you."