I gave a lot of thought towards this and I'm not satisfied with the initial direction I was taking with this story. what was originally a fun little activity that I made up on the fly I grew highly invested in and was disatisfied in how I started, leaving me lost in my current place now.

That being said, shortly I will rewrite/reboot what I initially created but name it under the same title.

and to anywho who is reading this now thank you very much! noticing how many people took time to read my story is what made me so invested in this story in the first place!! and I'm restarting it cause I feel you guys deserve my best and for me to put my all onto my writing!! so don't worry your time won't go unappreciated!!

thank you to everyone who's been there for me and will continue to be there! :)

p.s (not an ad but) I'm also an artist on @yogicanon on Instagram, add me there if you'd like where I'll start posting artwork on "The beast of Harlem", and interact with you guys! I think it will be fun and in looking forward to it! thank you for taking the time to read this now.

sincerely, Terrance