2. Marine vs Pirates

Nothing really change in Rava's relationship with his family after Tsuru show him his parent's graves. Rava still consider Tsuru as his mom, as it's what she always has been for him. For him, a family is not just about blood.

It's been a few weeks since he went to his parents' graves. Now Rava is training his body on an empty training field. He did some basic physical training using some weights. He just use the necessary weights, because if he put too much, it will hinder his growth.

"Kid, are you free?"-Garp suddenly come

"Can't you see that i'm training?"-Rava

"I can see that, what i mean is that if you don't have any other schedule."-Garp

"I think i'm free after this, why?"-Rava

"Do you want to go with me? I'm tasked to chase Roger Pirate, we've found his trace. There're 2 kids your age on his ship, so maybe you'll get interested."-Garp

"!? 2 kids my age on Roger's ship? They must be strong to get picked by Roger as the crew apprentices, i'm in."-Rava got excited

"Alright, we'll leave in 3 hours, tell your mom about this."-Garp leave while waving his hand

Rava immediately run off from the training ground. He go home and search his mom, but she's not there. Gion say she's in her office, so he run there as fast as he can, this is a rare oportunity.

*Brak* Rava enter Tsuru's office

"MOM, ARE YOU HERE? *pant pant*"-Rava

"I'm here, what's the hurry?"-Tsuru

"Old Garp tell me that he want to chase Roger Pirate, and he say that there are kids my age there. I want to join him and try to fight those kids. Can you let me go?"-Rava say excitedly

"Old Garp? HAHAHAHA."-Sengoku say while eating his crackers

"Oh, Senile Buddha, you're here."-Rava say innocently

"Wha- *cough cough* Se-senile what?"-Sengoku almost got choked on his crackers

"Senile Buddha."-Rava repeat it

"Ugh, why'd you call me like that?"-Sengoku feel an arrow pierce his heart

"Aunt Gion tell me that this is your nick name. Old Garp, Senile Buddha, Mad Instructor (Z), and Wild Ape (Kong)."-Rava

Sengoku is dumbfounded, while Tsuru just sigh.

"Did you really want to go?"-Tsuru

"Yeah, they might be a big figure like Roger in the future. I'm in the same gemeration as them, so i will eventually clash with them. Maybe we can be rival like Old Garp & Roger."-Rava

"Hmm, fine, but put your safety as priority!"-Tsuru

"Alright, bye mom."-Rava

Rava go back to his home to pack his things and wear his apprentice uniform. He tell Gion about his plan, and she try to stop him, but it's futile. Rava go to the port and find Garp's ship easily. It is the most eyecatching ship afterall, as it have a big dog head figure.

Rava enter the ship, and the marines greet him happily. Rava has join them many times before, so they're not surprised anymore if he suddenly go with them. He even have his own bed in the crew's lodging room, like he is the part of this ship's crew already.

Rava put his things and then go back to the main deck. Garp come after some time with his right hand man, Bogard. There's another vice admirals that join too, Kuzan & Borsalino. The crew also have finished their preparation, so they sail immediately.

"Where are we going?"-Rava

"I don't know."-Garp grin

"Huh?"-Rava is dumbfounded

"We're going to the sea around Water 7. Our men have spotted Roger Pirates buying supplies & fix their ship on Water 7."-Bogard

"Weren't they in New World? Why'd they suddenly go to Paradise?"-Rava

"We don't have any information about their motive. However, there's no Marine base in Paradise that can fight Roger Pirates, so we're tasked to chase them."-Bogard

"Tasked? You guys didn't go without asking like usual right?"-Rava

"The Fleet Admiral decide to let us go this time."-Bogard

"He must be tired to stop you from doing what you want."-Borsalino

"Hmph, that old Ape should do this every time i ask him."-Garp insert his finger in his nosetril

"He is the Fleet Admiral, so he should be the one who ask you to do something."-Kuzan sweatdrop

They continue their way to Water 7, and it only take 1 day. They use a special way, the Tarai Current to reach Enies Lobby first. Water 7 is close to Enies Lobby, and the Tarai Current cut a lot of sailing time, so they can arrive in a day.

On their way there, Rava is helping the crew with chores. Even if he's a Vice Admiral's son, he is still an apprentice, so he need to do the chores. He help the crew to prepare the ship's cannons and other weapons. The weapons need to be in good condition for their battle with one of the best Pirate Crew right now.

They arrive on Water 7 at evening, and they're late. Roger Pirates have already left the island this noon. The marine agents that found Roger has sent a tracking team, and Garp's crew follow the track.

Garp's crew follow the tracking team direction. They sail as fast as they can, to avoid Roger Pirates realize they're being tracked. They finally find Roger's crew the next day right at the morning while Rava is mopping the floor.

"You look great, Garp."-Roger

"I will look greater after i capture you."-Garp

"You two looks like senile geezers to me."-Rava


"OOUCH!"-Rava scream

Garp hit Rava's head with his 'Fist of Love'. Rava get a big bump on his head & rolling on the floor.

"Who's that kid?"-Buggy

"I don't know, it's the first time i see him on Garp's ship. Must be a new apprentice or something."-Shanks

"Shanks, Buggy, be careful! He's not an easy opponent for you guys."-Rayleigh

"Don't worry Rayleigh-san, we've fought many strong opponent too."-Shanks

After their small greeting, Garp & Roger order their crew to attack. Both crews start to shoot their cannons toward each other. Both crews also defend the incoming cannon balls to avoid damages.

Rava get on the railing and defend the ship from cannon balls too. He mostly redirect them and not hit them hard, because it can explode. He still can't take a cannon ball explosion like Garp after all. However, he didn't use his metal staff, but a mop stick instead.

Garp himself is throwing many cannon balls with his hands right now. However, he just focusing on throwing them at Roger. It will be better if he aim it on Roger's ship, but he keep shooting at Roger.

"Old Garp always target Roger isn't he?"-Rava

"It's because he need to make Roger busy, or it will be our ship that got destroyed."-Kuzan

"Well, you might be right. Still, damn these canon balls are very heavy & their cannons' shooting power are high."-Rava

While Garp is attacking Roger with Cannon balls, Borsalino is attacking Rayleigh with his light beams. Kuzan take over the command of the marines, while Gaban command the pirates.



Suddenly Rava's mop stick break, surprising him.


"So you didn't realize it?"-Kuzan sweatdrop at Rava

Rava immediately run off to take his metal staff.

"I-is that guy really a strong opponent like what Rayleigh-san said?"-Buggy


Both of them have sweatdrop while looking at Rava that has come back with his black metal staff and panting.

"*pant pant* Shit, i'm careless. *pant* I was cleaning the floor and hold the mop for too long that i mistook it as my staff. *pant*"-Rava

"BAHAHAHA, KID, DO YOU WANT TO CLEAN THE CANNON BALLS? BAHAHAHA"-Garp laugh while throwing the cannon balls


They continue their naval battle, but it just stay on a stalemate. But then, the ships get close to each other. The pirates immediately jump on the Marine ship and attack.

Garp immediately face off with Roger, Borsalino with Rayleigh, and Kuzan with Gaban. Both crews also start to fight with each other. For Rava, he go to fight the red hair kid & red nose kid.

"Name's Rava, nice to meet you."-Rava

"So polite, i'm Shanks."-Shanks

"I'm Buggy."-Buggy

"Let's play!"-Rava grin

Rava hold one end of his staff and swing it on them. Shanks defend the staff with his cutlass, and Buggy back off. Buggy then throw a knife at Rava, so he jump to the side and avoid the knife.

Shanks use this chance to attack Rava, but Rava can defend with his staff bottom side. Rava hold the center of his staff and slam the upper side on Shanks' shoulder. Rava didn't stop as he jump past Shanks then swing his staff on Buggy. However, Buggy's body suddenly separated into 2 and he avoid the attack.

"Devil fruit user?"-Rava is surprised

"Damn, Split Split Cannon!"-Buggy

Buggy suddenly detached his left hand that hold a knife at his wrist. He shoot his hand at Rava's head at a close distance. Rava reflexively tilt his head to the side, but the knife still graze his cheek.

"Damn, that's close."-Rava

"You're distracted!"-Shanks

"And you shouldn't shout at a sneak attack."-Rava

Shanks strike Rava from behind, but Rava can block with his staff. Shanks literally just say his intention to attack Rava earlier. Buggy use this chance to attack Rava too, so Rava back off.

Rava wipe the blood from his wounded cheek. He spin his staff on his right hand, then he spin it with both hand. With the staff spinning in front of him, Rava rush to Shanks & Buggy, and they also rush at Rava.

Rava suddenly stop spinning his staff and held it on the bottom & center. Rava then get into a low horse stance and take a breath. He hold his staff horizontally to the back, then he swing it horizontally with full power toward both pirates.

"Grand Swipe!"-Rava


Shanks take the defense again with his sword. However, this attack is very different from before. Rava use all his power on this attack, and his strength is abnormal. Shanks got pushed and hit Buggy, then both of them fling away.

"You've found a great seed aren't you, Garp?"-Roger grin

"Surely, and your red seed also didn't seem too bad. This will be troublesome for the future."-Garp grin too

Garp cover his hand with black hardened haki, then punch at Roger. Roger also cover his cutlass with haki then strike at Garp. Their clash create a big shockwave that generate strong wind across the sea.

"Wow, that's a very strong clash, but i will reach that level eventually."-Rava

"Sorry but, i will reach it first, as my captain is the strongest."-Shanks

Rava look at Shanks that stand up & approach him again. Shanks have some bruises from Rava's attack, but he still can fight. Buggy on the other hand, hit his head on a wall, and got unconscious.

"The strongest? There's always another sky above the sky. A man, never say that he is the strongest, because he will never reach higher level after that."-Rava

"There's no higher level above the highest."-Shanks


Rava & Shanks rush at each other and continue their fight. Both crew fight for hours, and there's no winner till now. Roger finally decide to escape, as there's no profit by fighting the marines to death. Marines don't have treasures like pirate crews, so there's really no profit.

Rava & Shanks are still fighting with their remaining energy. They have many wounds & bruises, but they didn't back down. Their pride are very high that they don't want to lose from the other.

Rayleigh suddenly come and pick up Shanks to escape. Rava can't chase them at all, and just stay there, panting tiredly. The Marines devide not to pursue the pirates, as their soldiers are tired & injured. The pirates escaped, then Rava fall asleep because he's too tired.