3. Edd War

The battle between Garp's Marine crew against Roger Pirate Crew have ended. The pirates have escape after some hours of battle. There are some casualties on both crews, but it's the risk of their profession.

Rava also fell asleep after fighting Shanks. Their fight ended as a draw, with no one holding the advantage in the end. Rava wake up after some hours, and an excitement arise in his heart.

Rava feel a strong sense of rivality with the red hair kid. Similar to Rava, Shanks also start to see Rava as his rival. They never fight someone their age that they can't defeat before.

The marines sail back to Marineford and the doctors treat the injured ones. Rava also go back to his house after some medical checks. His mom & Gion have waited inside and they're relief when they see him.

"I'm home."-Rava

""Welcome back.""-Tsuru & Gion

"How is it? Did you find what you search?"-Tsuru

"Yeah, that red hair kid named Shanks is very strong even though he's not a devil fruit user, just like me. The red nose kid also have an interesting devil fruit, but he's rather stupid."-Rava

"Devil fruit is not something that make you strong. It give unique power, but only you can make yourself strong."-Tsuru

"I know, old Garp become that strong without devil fruit after all."-Rava

"You know, if you want, i can get a devil fruit for you. As a Vice Admiral, i have many contribution, and getting a devil fruit is easy. So, do you want to have any devil fruit?"-Tsuru


"Are you sure Ra-chan? Your mom won't ask you again if you refuse you know."-Gion

"I don't want to have any devil fruit, i want to be strong with my own power. Devil fruit is interesting, but i don't want to rely on other source of power. My body & weapon is enough for me."-Rava

"Alright then. Don't regret your choice today young man."-Tsuru

"I won't."-Rava

Rava like devil fruit and he is curious about their mysterious power. However, he didn't want to have that power. He want to reach the top with his own power, a power of human's body.

Since that day, Rava train harder, so he won't left behind by Shanks. He also often join the officers that close with him when they have a mission to hunt pirates. A battle is still the best way to grow stronger and gain experience.

He mostly join his mom, Garp, Sengoku, Kuzan, Saul, & Borsalino. He like to join Borsalino, and annoy the slow talker. Borsalino often complain about Rava's mischieves to Tsuru, like now when he complain in Tsuru's office.

"Tsuru-san, please teach Rava to be a good boy."-Borsalino seem tired

"What do you mean by that? My son is a good boy."-Tsuru

"Come on, he always try to hit me with his staff everytime i relaxed on my ship. He always said that he might awaken his haki that way, but he just want to disturb my relaxing time."-Borsalino

"Maybe you shouldn't relaxing on a mission."-Kong suddenly enter the room

"!? Well well well, isn't this Fleet Admiral Kong. I assume you have a business with Tsuru-san, so i'll excuse myself."-Borsalino retreat

and suddenly disappear using his light power. He didn't want to get scolded by the Fleet Admiral, so he retreat.

"Sigh, the kid really like to join mission that might need to fight with pirates isn't he?"-Kong

"Yeah, he know that battle can make him stronger. Altough he start to be like Garp, and that's worrying."-Tsuru sigh

"That's certainly a worrying thing, we might have another troublemaker in the future."-Kong sweatdrop

"So why did a Fleet Admiral come here himself?"-Tsuru

"It's about the kid. Do you want to enroll him to the academy or let him be an apprentice like this?"-Kong

"I'm not deciding anything, Rava will decide what he will do himself. Why'd you ask?"-Tsuru

"The CP want to recruit the kid."-Kong

*BRAK* Tsuru slam the table

"I WON'T GIVE MY SON TO THEM, NEVER."-Tsuru is angry

"I know, that's why i ask you about this. The CP realized the kid's potential, and asked me about him. The kid is already a formal marine apprentice, so i won't give him to goverment. But you know those 5 old dudes, so go talk with Garp, Sengoku and the others to help if those 5 make a move."-Kong

"Alright, they won't get my son, he won't be a brainwashed soldier like those agents."-Tsuru

Kong leave the room, and Tsuru also leave after that. She go to meet Garp, Sengoku, Zephyr, Kuzan, Saul, & Borsalino. She tell them the situation and they're very surprised.

The 6 of them have the same answer after Tsuru ask them. They agree to not let WG take Rava to be an agent. They've become fond of Rava, even Borsalino that keep getting annoyed by him. Zephyr didn't really know Rava, but he don't want to let a good Marine seed get taken by WG.

With 2 Admirals & 5 Vice Admirals support, Kong can refuse WG's proposal easily. WG can't risk to anger 7 of the strongest powers in Marine after all. Beside, the WG is not adamant to get Rava.

~On Mary Geois~

"So we can't get Tsuru's adopted son to be a CP cadet."-Elder 1

"What a waste, he has showed such a great potential in his young age."-Elder 2

"It's fine, we can search many other candidates around the world. Just one kid is not really a problem."-Elder 3

"The Marine also need a good talent for the future. Now we have Sakazuki, Kuzan, & Borsalino. The kid can fill the next generation after them."-Elder 4

"That's right, the Marine is our face to the world, so they need to be strong."-Elder 5

The Five Elder agree to not pursue this matter any longer. They start to discuss the biggest threat right now, Roger Pirate, who have shown an unusual and worrying behaviour lately.

~Back on Marineford~

Rava is training his staff handling right now. He have a spar with his aunt Gion that use her katana. She is very skillful using her weapon and Rava can't land a hit even once on her.

"Come on Fel-chan, use your weapon range advantage."-Gion


Rava thrust his staff at Gion, and she avoid to the side. But suddenly Rava slide forward without moving his staff. Rava grab the other end of his staff and swing it at Gion, surprising her.

That is a good tactic & can surprise the opponent. However, it will not work against someone that much faster than him. Gion block the staff with her katana, then she hit Rava's head with another hand.


"That's a good surprise attack, but you are not fast enough to do it. Your attack also become weaker because you're hurrying your movement. It will be more efficient if you just slide while attacking with your staff, no need to change the grip location."-Gion

"But that didn't look cool, this one is very cool."-Rava rub his bump head

"So you do it because it look cool."-Gion sweatdrop

Gion train with Rava until the sky become dark before they rest. Rava always train until dawn everyday except when he join missions. Altough he still train on the ship when going on mission, but he didn't do full training and just basic training.

~1 year later~

Time flies, and it's already 1 year since the battle with Roger Pirates. Rava had join many missions involving pirates in the last year. He also fought with Shanks once in a while when the Marine chase Roger Pirate, mostly Garp's crew.

Their fight interest both sides, and both Marines & Pirates even start to make it a competition. They even put bets on who will win between the 2 kids. So far, both Rava & Shanks have 2 wins each, and 3 draw.

Today, Rava get ready as he might fight with Shanks again. The Marine received an information that Roger & Shiki got in contact and it can lead to a war. The Marine can't let this oportunity go, as they can capture them when they're weakened by the war.

The ones who will go are the high ranking officers fleet like Sengoku, Tsuru, Kuzan, Borsalino, Saul & Sakazuki's fleet. Rava will join his mom's ship after getting permission from her & the Fleet Admiral. However, there is someone that join even when he didn't get permission.

"Garp-san, you turned down the Admiral promotion again. You're so cool."-Kuzan

"A promotion will just reduce my freedom to do what i like."-Garp

"Old Garp, are you allowed to join this mission?"-Rava

"No, that's why your mom need to give me a ride."-Garp

"Don't wanna, you always destroy the ship you use."-Tsuru

"Don't say that, i need to bring down Roger myself."-Garp

"How if you swim there?"-Rava


is stunned

"Rav, that's a good idea, maybe i'll tie him and pull him with the ship."-Tsuru

"Huh? D-don't mind it, i'll board on Sengoku's ship"-Garp

Garp get on Sengoku's ship, much to the Admiral's annoyance. The fleet sail immediately and go to New World at fast speed. They cross Mary Geoise to enter the New World.

Before arriving on Mary Geoise, Tsuru put a blindfold & ear plugs on Rava. She said that he is not allowed to see the secret passage before becoming a real Marine. Rava didn't question anything, as he know there are secrets that he shouldn't know before become a real marine.

Tsuru ask Saul to carry Rava, and he do it fast. Tsuru and the other officers didn't want to show the cruelty on Mary Geoise to Rava just yet. He is still just an 11 y.o boy, so seeing the slaves in this place might traumatized him.

They arrive on the ship and finally take off Rava's blindfold & ear plugs. They continue their way to the location where Roger & Shiki make contact. However a big hurricane happen on the location, and they can't find Roger & Shiki.

"Damn, we're too late."-Garp

"The hurricane must've disturb the war. There are many broken ships here, must be from Shiki's fleet. Roger must've escaped using the hurricane, then Shiki also leave the place."-Tsuru

"What should we do, Sengoku-san?"-Borsalino

"There's nothing we can do, let's go back."-Sengoku grit his teeth

The marines go back empty handed, but there's nothing they can do. This event is known as Edd War, with no winner, but Shiki suffer a big loss. Rava also got frustated because he can't fight and defeat Shanks today.

Time flies again, and it's been 1 year after the Edd War. Rava have the chance to fought with Shanks again this year. They fought 4 times, and Rava won 2 times, draw 1 time, and lost 1 time. Now he have 1 higher winning score than Shanks.

Rava also join many missions like usual and keep training. But he didn't just join missions to fight pirates, he also join other normal missions. Sometime he join a supply sending mission, or tag along at an inspection on a Marine base, or some other missions that didn't need him to fight.

It's boring, but it's also a marine duty to do those things. However, Rava also get some benefits from it. He can see the world more than when he just fight pirates and train to get stronger.

He can enjoy these missions and stay relax when doing it. He keep getting amazed everytime he go to a new place. The world is filled with many things that he never know before.

"So this is the amazing world that Shanks always talked about when we fight. No wonder he keep calling me a caged bird. What i have seen is just a very small part of the world."-Rava

"When you get older and get a high position, you'll be able to roam around the world freely."-Garp

"Really? Then i'll get high position and roam around the world. I'll Conquer the world, RAHAHAHAHA"-Rava laugh maniacally, so Garp hit his head


"You sound like a pirate."-Garp

"I'm just joking, but it's true that i want to see the world, so i won't let rules bind me, i will be a free Marine."-Rava smile