4. Pirate King Emergence

Rava has found a dream, to be a free marine & roam around the world. To get that, he know he need high position & great power. Garp can do as he like because he is very strong, so the Marine need him & tolerate his behaviours. Even if Garp often refuse tasks and do what he want, the Marine can't let him go.

Rava train even harder since that day, and he keep joining missions. He start to join mission that go around the world. He have went to all 4 blues, altough haven't had the chance to explore them.

His adventure cause him to have less chance to fight Shanks, but he didn't mind it. When he fight Shanks, he brag about his adventure. Shanks have more adventure than him, and brag about it too. Rava got mad & their fight become a childish brawl that ended in a draw.

"Damn you, just wait for it Shanks! I will have a greater adventure than you."-Rava

"Don't be stupid! I'm a pirate, so i'll have more adventure than you."-Shanks

Rava & Shanks keep arguing even with their swollen face. The pirates & marines are sweatdropping at them. They all think that in the end, both of them are just kids.

Later that year, a surprising news come from Roger Pirates. They faced off with White Beard Pirates and battle for 3 days & nights. The Marine got this news late, and can't interfere in it.

After the battle with White Beard Pirates, Roger Pirates have a new member. He is Kozuki Oden, a famous member of White Beard Pirate. Well, he is a ship captain there and have high bounty, but now he join Roger Pirates.

This news is bad for Marine, as it mean that Roger Pirates have become stronger. But it's also make the Marine realize that Roger is planning something big. Since then, Marine's effort to chase Roger has increase significantly.

Because of that, Rava have more chance to fight with Shanks again. They've shown incredible growth that surprise many people. Their strength & skills also have surpassed most adults.

"Give it up Shanks! I've won 24 times, and you just won 23 times. This will be my 25th win."-Rava

"Don't change the result, the one with 24 winning is me!"-Shanks

"A Marine didn't lie, it's you pirates that always lie."-Rava

"....Fair point."-Shanks

Rava swing his staff from above to Shanks, and Shanks jump backwards. Rava's staff stuck on the floor because of the impact, and Shanks rush to attack. Rava then jump forward using his staff as a pole stick and avoid the sword.

His jump caused the staff to get free from the floor. Shanks then get into a stance and swing his sword down diagonally. Rava also take a low stance and swipe his staff from below diagonally.

They use all their power on this attack and bet on it to win. Their weapon clashed and create a loud sound. They stay in stalemate for a moment, before a cracking sound is heard. Their staff & sword break where it meet with each other.

"Damn, it has been used for too many times, maybe it's time to have a new weapon."-Rava

"NOOO, i've just get this sword at the new year. Damn, the quality must be bad."-Shanks

"Heeh, so it's a new sword, my staff is still the same with the one is use on our first battle. It seem to be my win isn't it, Shanks?"-Rava smirk

"HUUHH? You're just have a better quality weapon. If i have the same quality weapon, then your staff will be the only one to break."-Shanks is mad

"There's no 'if' in a war, it's my win."-Rava snicker at Shanks


"Tch, so stubborn."-Rava

They continue their fight, and in the end, it become Rava's win.

"Damn."-Shanks fall unconscious


Rava celebrate his win, but then he also fall, he fall asleep, because he's very tired. Both Marine & Pirate take their apprentice back. They can't let both of them left defenseless like that.

"Did both of them always fight like this?"-Oden

"Yeah, they've become a rival for almost 3 years already. But now Rava has 2 more win than Shanks, so Shanks will get very frustated."-Rayleigh

"It's not a bad thing though, as Shanks will train harder now."-Gaban

Then like usual, the pirates run away from there after Rava & Shanks fight ended. They just wamt to let the 2 kids have their fight. The pirates will never fight the Marines to death as there's no profit. Well, they'll just escape if the Marines are too strong and if they'll get high casualties.

The Marine want to chase, but the pirates succeed to escape again. Garp is frustated as he failed again to capture Roger. Then they go back to the HQ.

~2 Years after Edd War~

Rava has become 13 y.o, and he still fight with Shanks many times. Hwoever, Roger Pirates have been very quiet lately. No one know what that crew might be doing as there's no news about them for some time.

But then one day, a very shocking news come. Roger Pirates have done what no one can do for centuries. They've conquer Grandline by finding & reaching the last island which no one know the location.

Roger Pirates as the one who find it gave the island a name, Laugh Tale. No one know how Roger find it, but this make his crew as the best pirate crew. With that event, Roger then deemed as the best pirate, and people call him, Pirate King.

The Marine didn't like this at all, as this make people think that Marine is weak. They start to hunt Roger Pirates right after the news spread. Rava didn't care about the worry of Marine though. He's just jealous of Shanks that have saw the last island that no one have seen before.

~On Tsuru's ship~

Tsuru also tasked to find Roger's crew whereabout. Well, all high rank officers are searching the pirate crew. Of course Tsuru take Rava to join her, she can't let him go with Garp again.

"Sigh, i also want to see the Laugh Tale. An island that haven't been discovered for centuries. Just what kind of things that i'll find there?"-Rava sit on the railing

"You can try to find that island yourself in the future. But the best way to find it is by become a pirate, as you'll have more time to do it. And you know that i won't let you become a pirate."-Tsuru

"I-i know, i'll try to find it and still become a marine. I still want to help people, and the best way to do it is become a marine."-Rava

"That's good, not all pirates are evil, and not all marines are good. However, Marine is needed by people, and pirates give fear to people. Even if some pirates didn't kill civilians, but they still make people scared of them. It is enough reason for us to stop them."-Tsuru

"I know, you've said it many times. 'We must have princips, and even as a marine we must have our own view of justice', right?"-Rava

"That's right, always follow your justice in your work as a marine. If you deem that the Marine's justice is wrong, then do what you think is right."-Tsuru

"Okay~. I've never ask this, but what's your justice mom?"-Rava

"My justice is 'Clean Justice', because i believe that even bad person's evil heart can be cleaned."-Tsuru

"Isn't that just using your power?"-Rava sweatdrop

"It is, but the important thing is what we believe."-Tsuru

"Hmm, justice huh?"-Rava ponder of his own justice

"You don't need to decide now, think of it when you have seen many things in the world."-Tsuru


They continue their search for Roger Pirates and didn't succeed. The marines keep trying to search Roger, but never succeed. Then a shocking news arrived, Roger disbanded his crew.

"No wonder we can't find them at all, they've been disbanded. Just what make Roger disband his crew after he get what every pirate want?"-Tsuru

"What every pirate want?"-Rava tilt his head

"Fame, power, and wealth. 3 things that every pirate search, and Roger get all of it, more than anyone in the world. It can be said that he is the man who get everything he want."-Tsuru

"Fame, power, and wealth? Are those things really interesting that it make many people become pirates?"-Rava didn't really understand it as he never really think about it

"Well, people have different thing that they desire. Those 3 things are what pirates want in common. But there are individuals wish that others might not know. Everyone have their own desire after all."-Tsuru

"Ooh, then i want to see the world and won't let anyone stop me."-Rava cross his hands

"Then you need to be the strongest."-Gion

"Eeehh? Don't wanna."-Rava displeased

"Huh? No one will be able to stop you if you become the strongest."-Gion

"No, that's troublesome. Many people will come to challenge the strongest, so it will be troublesome."-Rava

"Hmm, you're right, people often challenge the strongest title, like what happen with the strongest swordsman."-Gion

"Right? The strongest title just create more trouble than benefit, and a title is a useless thing."-Rava shake his head

"Fufufu, you know, sometime what you didn't want to be, is what you'll become in the end."-Tsuru

"Rahahaha, there's no way that will happen that easily. The strongest title is not something that someone can get easily like a snack."-Rava

Rava just laugh, then Tsuru & Gion also laugh. They know that Tsuru just joking, so the laugh it off. They just didn't know, that none of them is the author of this story ;)

Anyway, since Roger became the Pirate King, the Marine keep searching his location. Even if he disband his crew, he is still the most wanted person now. The WG & Marine use everything they have to capture Roger as fast as they could.

With Roger deemed as the Pirate King, Marine will lose it's power in people's eyes, and many more people will become pirate to be like Roger. This will be bad for Marine reputation, and more importantly, civilians will not feel safe.

Contrast to Marine that become franctic over Roger, Rava is didpirited. Roger pirate has been disbanded, so Shanks will not sail for some years until he's ready to sail with his own crew. Now Rava won't have any 'playmate' for some years.

Rava then made a vow to be stronger than Shanks when they meet again. Since that day, he train harder & join many pirate hunting with the officers he know. One day, Rava join Garp in his attempt to find Roger, but they meet with a pirate crew.

"Rava, show me what you got!"-Garp grin

"You want me to take them all?"-Rava


"No, but usually you want to go yourself."-Rava

"Hmph, i don't need to spend my energy on newbies like them. There are 150 mens on that galleon, take them all out!"-Garp

"Aye aye!"-Rava grin

Garp pick up Rava's back collar then throw him to the galleon ship. Rava hit the main sail and fall to the deck, head first.

"OUCH! Damn old man, should've told me first before doing it."-Rava rub his bumped head

"Who are you?"-Pirate A

"A kid? Captain, a marine kid suddenly fall on our ship, what should we do?"-Pirate B

"Heeh, he must be a chore boy, let's make him our chore boy now. Luke, you know what to do."-Pirate Captain

Luke the subordinate laugh creepily and approach Rava. He want to grab Rava's head but then Rava kick his manhood. Luke is frothing and bubbles come out from his mouth, then he faint. Every men on that ship immediately hold their crotch with a horrified expression.

"Ugh, that must be hurt."-Pirate C

"!? LUKE!"-Pirate Captain

"Damn, i'm a marine apprentice, not just a chore boy."-Rava

"DAMN, GET HIM!"-Pirate Captain

"Hehe, come!"-Rava