5. Searching The King

Rava is now on a pirate ship after being tasked to fight them by Garp. He kick a pirate's wee wee when the guy try to capture him. Now all the pirates got alerted and close their legs, but their captain order them to attack Rava.

Rava grin happily, he has become someone that enjoy battle. His rivalry with Shanks make him want to be stronger and he start to enjoy battle. However, he is not someone that like to kill his enemies, even if they're pirates.

His personality also start to change to be more like Garp, as he often join Garp's mission. Tsuru try to stop it by forbid him from joining Garp's missions. However Rava is a teen, and he has become rather mischievous. He would often slip out to join Garp's missions because Garp always have interesting missions, like now.

"GET HIM!"-Pirate Captain


Rava hold his staff with 2 hands, and get ready. The pirates rush at Rava, and attack him with their melee weapons. Rava hit a sword from the side with his staff, then he thrust his staff at the guy.

Rava then hit the attacking pirates' wrists, and make them lose hold on their weapons. Then Rava hit their head one by one while spinning his staff. He also kick & punch some guys that try to attack him from behind. He keep defeating the pirates, and make the captain frustated.


"B-but he's very strong, captain."-Pirate E


Some pirates take out their guns and shoot at Rava. Rava run to the side to avoid being shot. He see some barrels on his way, so he hit them and fling them to the shooter.

The barrels disturb the shooters, so Rava get close to them. He start to attack them as fast as he could. The other pirates come to help their comrades and attack Rava.

"Staff Combo: Family Destroyer!"-Rava

Rava spin his staff and rush at the pirates that come to attack him. He run at a low position and start to strike with his staff. However, he hit the pirates on their crotch, make them defeated instantly. This move is truly, a family destroyer.

"Wha-what a despicable move, are you really a justice enforcement?"-Pirate Captain

"There's no descpicable move in a war, there's only winner & loser. That's what Kuzan said."-Rava


Rava has defeated more than half of them, about 80+. Now the remaining crew attack Rava, even the captain. Rava judge the situation and plan his next move.

The pirates start to shoot at Rava, so he run and jump around to avoid the bullets. Rava then hide behind the main mast and see a sail rope clinging. He have an idea, then he grab the rope and take a breath.

"Let's fly!"-Rava

Rava run while holding the rope, then he start to fly with it. Rava fly around the mast and pass by the pirates. He attack the surprised pirates with his kick while he pass by them.

He fly for a lap, then he stop & turn back for another lap. The pirates now try to duck and avoid the kick, but Rava jump down. He start to attack them while they got fooled by the previous attack.

Rava start to attack them with his staff, punch, kick, and even headbutt. He hit them from below, above, sides, on every open parts. He got hits, cuts, or shots, but didn't get injured on vital parts. It hurts, but he didn't back down and attack harder. Then finally, he defeat all the subordinates, and now there's only the captain left.

"Wh-what is this? A-all my 150 subordinates are..."-The captain have a horrified look

"Don't worry, you'll join them soon."-Rava


"You must've forget something, this is Grandline, the sea of strongest. Your 30 million bounty is just a decoration here. Now you can surrender, or fight and get defeated."-Rava

The pirate captain choose to attack Rava with his cutlass. Rava hit the cutlass from the side with his staff. Then swing the other end of his staff and hit the captain's jaw, knocking him out instantly.

"Mission complete."-Rava

"Well done, kid."-Garp suddenly jump down from the rear deck.

"I'm still not good enough. I still get many injuries after fighting a crew with low bounty."-Rava

"Number is a power too, and fighting 150 experienced pirates on their ship is not an easy thing. Fighting one enemy and many enemies need different approach. So far you've never fight many people like this, so it is a good experience."-Garp

"Hmm, you're right, i need to be very careful of my surrounding in a fight like this. I need to focus on many people instead of one like usual. If i'm too focused on one person, i can get stabbed from behind."-Rava

"Good, you understand the basic of it."-Garp


"Yeah, if you get very strong, then number won't be a problem again. You can just destroy everything at once."-Garp grin

Rava is confused, and suddenly Garp punch the mast and break it.

"If you're strong enough, you can just break defeat them all at once. If you're tough enough, you won't need to worry about bullets. If you're fast enough, you'll be able to avoid everything."-Garp grin

"Ooh, that's amazing. Maybe i'll be able to do it if you teach me that haki thing."-Rava

"No, you're not ready yet."-Garp walk back to the marine ship that have come closer

"Come on, it's better if i train it early right?"-Rava chase Garp

"No."-Garp didn't change his answer

"Then at least teach me Rokushiki."-Rava try to negotiate

"You need permission from WG."-Garp jump to the marine ship

"Tch, stingy."-Rava

The marines capture all the pirates and tied them all. They put the pirates in battleship's jails, and their valuables are taken. These valuables might be some stolen items, and the Marines will keep them for the owners to take.

Garp's crew send the pirates to the nearest Marine base before resuming their mission. Their priority is to find Roger, but more importantly, Garp didn't want to take care of official things. Rava have seen the other officers taking care of those papers, and he don't want to do it when he become a Marine.

"Old Garp, what should i do to avoid those paperworks?"-Rava

"Find an assistant that can help you taking care of it, or just leave it until they don't give you paperworks."-Garp

"Ooh, alright i'll find a good assistant."-Rava

Their search mission end without any result again. They can't even find the remnants of Roger's crew to get information. The ex-crew must be layed down after they got disbanded.

~1 Year Later~

For one year, the Marine didn't succeed in their attempt to capture Roger. However, one day everything change. Roger surrender himself to the Marine, and it shock the Marine & WG. The higher ups even make a meeting in Fleet Admiral's office.

"What happen? He's not someone that will surrender no matter what situation he is in."-Garp

"No one know for sure, but this is the best result that we can get right now."-Kong

"That's right, we don't know when we'll find him if he didn't surender now."-Zephyr

"This is a good thing, but we can't reveal that he surrender himself. We need to hide this and publish that we have captured him. The Marine's prestige will drop if people know we can't capture Roger."-Tsuru

".....You're right, we need to look strong so people will feel safe."-Sengoku

"Hmph, even if i don't really like it, but it's the best choice."-Garp grumble

They agree to publish it like this to the world to save the Marine's prestige. Furthermore, people need a feeling of safety in this chaotic world. Marine is their source of safety from many dangers out there, so they need to appear strong.

The Marine also hope that Roger's execution will make the pirates lose their morale. It might not create a permanent effect, but it will lower piracy acticity for some years.

Roger's execution will be hold in 2 weeks time. They need to make some preparation, and it will only be published a week before the execution. The execution will be hold on Loguetown in East Blue, Roger's hometown.

Meanwhile, Rava is training in his house's backyard. He know that Roger will be executed and didn't really feel something for it. Roger is a pirate, so he know his outcome is death if he got captured, and now he surrender himself even when he know it.

Rava know that every action, every choice, everything have consequences, and being a pirate or marine have death as one of the consequences. Everyone that choose to become pirate or marine must be ready for it. Rava himself has been ready for it, as his mom always told him this, and he still want to be a marine.

'As long as there's evil, justice will be needed. I am thankful to my mom for saving me when i'm just a baby.'-Rava

Since Rava know his past and then join Marine's missions, he has seen many things in the world. There are many unfortunate people and many babies that are not as lucky as him. He's lucky that Tsuru found him and save him, but other babies or kids might get killed before being saved.

Rava didn't want what happen to him happen to other babies or kids. The best way to help them is by becoming a marine. Marine have everything he need to achieve this.

Marine is a world wide organization, so he'll have access to many things. Informations, money, power, comrades, tools, and many more. There are many advantages that can't be achieved if he work alone.

"To get everything i need from the Marine, i need to get the high position, at least Vice Admiral like my mom. But what did Old Garp mean when he say that being an Admiral is the same as serving the worst scums?"-Rava

"It means just like that, Admirals directly serve the worst scums."-Garp

Garp come with Tsuru & Gion after their meeting finished.

"Mom, aunt, you're back, and Old Garp is coming too. So, who are these worst scums? Is it the World Goverment?"-Rava

"Well, you're not fully wrong, but that's also not fully true. You are 14 y.o now, so i guess this is the time for you to know the truth about this world."-Tsuru

"The truth about this world?"-Rava tilt his head

"Are you sure about this Tsuru-chan?"-Garp

"I am, he can join Marine entrance exam next year. So before he become a real marine, i want to show him the truth. I don't want him to be a Marine just because he want to make me happy. Even if it make me sad, i want him to live his life for himself."-Tsuru

"Uuh, i don't really understand, but what will we do?"-Rava

"We will go to Sabaody, a place that i forbid you to go before."-Tsuru

Rava got happy & excited now. He have heard many things about Sabaody, and people say it is a beautiful place, so he is very curious. However his mom forbid him to go there, so he never go there.

They go to Sabaody soon after that, and they wear cloaks to hide their identity. When he see the island, Rava got stunned. This place is very beautiful with those bubbles, amusement park, and happy people.

'Just what could go wrong in a place like this?'-Rava

Then they go to the deeper part of Sabaody. This place is very contrast with what he saw before. Many criminals are roaming around, and this place looks lawless. Then they arrive at a building, and what he see make Rava shocked.

"What the hell is this?"-Rava widen his eyes and his body is shaking