
"Scared you're gonna be next?" Someone sat next to me

"Oh it's just that I-" Guess who sat next to me? None other than the shorty himself huh

"YOU?? Why the hell are you sitting next to me?"

"As far as I know you don't own the bus and as you can see with those buttons attached to your face , there is no seat left for me to sit"

Wow rude.. rude.. RUDE! Enough I should at least say something in return!! "Ok listen here you-"

"Just so you know I have no intentions of talking to you what so ever so just shut up till you get to your point"

*SNAP* Ok enough.

I grabbed his shoulder forcefully to make him look my way.

"EXCUSE ME!!?? Who the hell do you think you are acting all rude?? You really think you can just say whatever the fuck u want to say to my face and I will just listen??"

His expression didn't change they felt just as dead as usual, his cold eyes gave shivers down my spine and for a moment I felt like it was hard to breathe

Did... did I go overboard? ... gosh I feel bad now I never act like this with anyone.

After about 10 seconds of silence his expression changed. He rolled his eyes.

"Ok" he said.

In a rush, I let go of his shoulders and the air around me felt heavier for some reason, it felt like instead of me giving him a warning he was the one threatening me with a knife in his hand

"R... right you better take this as a warning". I replied.


The rest of the bus ride was a complete silence, an awkward silence to be exact.

I was still angry and disappointed and wanted to yell at him as much as I pleased but I couldn't, each second on the bus ride made it very hard for me to get by.

After a while he picked out a notebook from his bag and started to draw a smiley face again, maybe that was his way to pass the time.

I noticed every time he drew a face he would add a specific feature to it, sometimes it would be a mole, sometimes it would be a scar, the shape of lips or nose , eye shape or teeth.

He at least drew 10 picture in the span of 15 minutes .

What a weird guy.

After sometime, I got off the bus because my stop was here, the air felt lighter once I got off the bus.

I went to my apartment, took a shower which helped me clear out my mind a little,


I did some homework the professors gave us and after an hour or so I went to bed to get some rest, but I couldn't sleep. And all I could do was to think about random stuff.

The weather here is so cold, Makes me think about my days in the orphanage. We were all home-schooled and lived like a family.

Everyone was taught to be kind and caring towards one another. Makes me realize how they never let us get a taste of what the real world is like. Life is lonesome and the people are so mean in the real world.

Everything in this room makes me feel so alone, I wonder what Louis, Lucas and the rest of the orphanage are doing. ...

I wonder what that... guy is doing, he was really pretty for a dude, what a waste of a pretty face man what a waste, though I wonder what made me so scared of him on the bus. Whatever it has nothing to do with me.

The next morning, I went to my classes as usual.

On my free class some girls offered me to give me a tour around the campus, I had nothing better to do anyway so I went with them.

The college was huge, it had a different building for each department, the grounds were huge enough for a wedding to be held, the cafeteria was big enough to fit in half the college in its lobby.

The girls asked me if I wanted to go get something to eat with them, I politely declined the offer and told them I will be at the garden if they want to catch up later.

It was the start of Spring and the garden felt so peaceful, the flowers were blooming, the birds were chirping , the grass was lush green, The weather was perfectly warm with a touch of cold breeze making the trees dance, and the sight of a guy making out with another guy between the small space in the buildings... wait...



I tried to ignore the fact that 2 dudes were literally eating each other's tongues out in the open, but God damn it was hard to ignore.

Is this some kind of a city thing?? No this is plane indecency doing something like this in public.

Ugh never mind I should just get up and leave.

I was about to leave when I noticed something, the guy making out with the other guy was that same rude guy from the bus, man I get it he does have a face to attract both the genders but making out in public though..? I cannot just ignore this perfect opportunity.

I took out my phone and snapped a picture of them. I looked at the dude he was making out with he had a very noticeable mole on his left cheek.

He isn't even that handsome why would he – I thought about this as I turned around.

*nghhhh* WHAT THE FUCKKKKK are they fucking now??

My sight naturally followed them, thank God they both had their pants on.

I was feeling the second-hand embarrassment for them so I just rushed out of the garden and looked for the girls.

"Alex!! Over here" one of the girls called out "I bought some food for you as well thought you might be hungry"

"Oh that's very sweet of you uhh"

"Umm it's Alissa"

"Yeah Alissa"

"Want to go to the garden to eat? I heard it's very refreshing over there"

"Su-" wait no we cant she'll see them. "wait on a second thought let's just go to the cafeteria"

"Sure I guess."

Alissa was very friendly and pretty, her long, dark pretty hair and tan skin really stood out, maybe just maybe she could be the source to my love life, a little excitement, in this place. She was also very easy to talk to.

We talked for a long time, she almost made me forget about everything, she told me that she takes the same bus as me and that we should go home together when we have the same schedule.

After about 30 minutes of talking, someone entered the cafeteria, it was that rude guy, he was alone, I tried to ignore him but it was hard. Alissa followed my sight. "Oh, you know sky?"

"Huh who?"

"That guy who just walked in, his name is Skyler but people just call him sky, we used to go on the same bus back in high school"

"oh right ... I don't particularly know him just talked to him once that's it"

"He gives a little chilly vibes so I never actually talked to him either"

Believe me you shouldn't "Is that so?"

"You should stay away from him too Alex, I think he's bad news"

He is, Alissa, he is. "Ha-ha will do so" Not going to lie something inside me wanted to know more about him.

The day went by and my last class ends.

A week went by peacefully and by now I had gotten used to my life in college.

Until Skyler came in my life again