The Woman

A week went by, and everything was peaceful, I realized that Skyler was alone all the time.

At one point I felt bad for him because, he looked lonely but I also felt like he liked to be alone, so I just let it slide.

One cloudy day, on my way to college, it started raining really hard it looked like a thunderstorm was approaching really soon.

Still I didn't wanted to skip college and decided to go anyways.

I entered the college premises but immediately noticed the lack of people. I went to my class but their seemed to be no one there, not even the professors.

After a while someone entered the room and made their way to the back of the class. It was Skyler. 10 minutes passed, no one other than the two of us showed up.

Why is no one here! This is so awkward.

I took out my phone to see if there was anything going on in the class group and guess what? The class was cancelled because of the rain.

Great just great I'm stuck here with no one other than Skyler, man I even managed to forget my umbrella at home ,I can't go back to my apartment until it stops raining.

While I was sulking the entire time, Skyler was drawing the same drawing he usually makes.

In the end I couldn't stand the silence anymore.

"Um you do know that the class is cancelled right?"

He looked straight at me

"Unlike you I wasn't stupid enough to not check my phone before leaving for class"

yep rude as always, but still, he knows that there is no class, why is he here.

"Yeah but you were still dumb enough to come to class though" I replied.

"I have my reasons and, as far as I know, it should have nothing to do with you".

He does have a point, why am I even talking to him.

I looked outside at the stormy weather, the clouds were just as dark as the atmosphere in the class. It didn't looked like it was going to stop raining anytime soon.

It was just the two of us in the class, maybe it was the rain that made the air in the class colder than usual or the dark atmosphere that surrounded us.

An hour went by and there were still no signs of the thunder calming. After a while Skyler got up, pulled out his umbrella and left the class.

As much as I hated the idea of asking for his help, I could not stand being alone in this class room, it seemed to me asking for his help was the only way out.

I grabbed my stuff and ran after him, luckily, he wasn't far.

"Hey listen Skyler!!"

Of course, he's ignoring me.

I ran as fast as I could and grabbed him by his bag.

"Hey listen man, I'm really sorry but could you please--"

"Let go of me" Skyler said cutting my sentence.

He turned around with the most horrifying expression a man could ever put on, an expression so cold that it could have made even the bravest shiver.

I know I should have just left him alone at that time, but I had no other option, I thought he was probably going to the same bus stop as me, and the rain was so cold, cold enough to give me a fever which I could not afford at the time. I cannot skip college, no one is even living with me to take care of me if I get ill, I just had to bury my self-respect.

Plus I was used to him being mean and so I thought this was his usual behaviour.

"Listen man I'm sorry but".

"Are you deaf? I said let go of me".

He looked angry, annoyed but more than that…scared?

"Bro are you okay?"

"I said let go!"

He pulled himself off as hard as he could.

"I know guys like you, always trying to touch and harass someone they think is weaker than them, you grabbed me in the bus too, what do you want! Can't you just stay the fuck away from me!?"

He peeked on the road outside the campus, there was a car with black tinted windows standing there.

He had said many rude things to me, I couldn't care much or less about them, but this time it felt like he was just trying to get rid of me …in the harshest way possible.

At that time, I couldn't think about his expressions or anything all I could think about were the extremely harsh words he just said to me. Which made me snap at him in return.


"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I WANNA HELP A LOWLY SHIT LIKE YOU?" he replied while his tone was going high too.


The atmosphere was as dark as ever, the weather, the thunderstorm and the rain didn't make anything any better.

He looked at the car again.

"You know what back off ask for someone else's help"

He turned around and started to move towards the car, the window of the car was so dark that I couldn't even see who was sitting on the driving seat.

I was still furious though.

"You think you're so special? I bet even you make your parents regret having a child like you ! who are you calling me low while you yourself indulge in sexual acts in public!!" I said to Skyler as he was heading forward.

He froze and turned around. His expressions which were angry just a moment ago changed into something that resembled pure fear.

I was so furious. I got my phone out and opened the picture I took of him and that mole guy kissing. He looked at the picture and then looked at the car again, his expression turning more blue.

"Put the phone down" he said as he looked towards me again.



I put the phone down, Skyler then stepped closer to me "where did you find this?"

"Do I owe you an answer?"

"Delete it right now."

Just look at this guy trying to order me around. Who does he think he is ?

"and what if I don't"

He looked me dead in the eyes and grabbed my shoulder as hard as he could, he was holding my shoulder so hard that it felt like it was going to break anytime soon.

Though He looked thin but he was very strong. He snatched the phone from my hand and deleted the picture.

"ow ow ow let go off me you psycho!"

After deleting the photo, he looked at the car again without a change of expression.

He was acting weirder than usual. He turned around to go to his car. While he was leaving, he mumbled

"Stupid bastard"

After saying that he went straight to the car. The window rolled down as he approached.

There was a woman who looked like she could be in her late 30's or early 40's, wearing a suit, in the driving seat.

The car and her whole get up shouted the fact that she was wealthy. Her silky brown hair looked exactly like Skyler's, but her face was different, maybe she was his mom?

Skyler went and sat on the passenger seat, the women greeted Skyler with a smile and then looked at me with the most horrifying eye, even more horrifying than Skyler's, yet a smile was still on her face. After about two seconds of that expression, she immediately changed her expression into a warm one and then Skyler closed the door.

Huh what was that?

I felt like I imagined the whole thing.

By then the rain had stopped, the clouds were still there, and it was pretty obvious it will start pouring again. But I had the opportunity to run to the bus stop before the rain could make me stop in my day again.

Man, it would have been fine even if I didn't approach Skyler. Why was he even scared he should have been embarrassed and doesn't he know I can just restore the pic from my recently deleted? God he's so weird makes me so nervous.