The Paper Chit

I got home safely, and the day went by.

The next day, the sky was clearer and brighter than the day before, it could have been considered a very bright and happy day by most, but not me.

I hardly slept the night before. With the little energy I had in me, I got up, washed myself and left for my class.

Man I wish I could skip today (mainly because I didn't wanted see that idiot's face again) , but I have to go anyway.

The pleasant weather didn't help lift my mood much either.

I entered college, made my way to the class and sat down on my usual spot by the window. There was still time left for the class to start.

I gazed at the clouds and the beautiful sky, just maybe this could help light my mood up.

After a while Skyler entered the classroom, along with many other students. He looked rough like always, if not more.

He then started to make his way up to the same row as mine.

Normally he sat as far away from me as possible, maybe because of what happened the first day we met or maybe he just didn't like me.

He proceeded to move closer and closer to me. I tried to ignore the fact that he was headed towards me, I wanted to show him that his existence doesn't matter to me, but the more he got closer it was harder to act that way.

I looked out of the window trying to act like I didn't notice him coming my way.

Finally, when he reached my desk he just slid a piece of paper towards me and then went about his pace.

Not even once did he even looked my way, as if he was trying to show the world that he doesn't know or care about me either.

He made his way to the last seat and sat there silently.

I took the little chit he gave me, it said: 'Follow me once college is over. Act like you don't know me'

Simple words and to the point sentences… that little chit was just a tiny piece of paper with ink on it, now the decision was mine.

Should I go with him? Why would he want me to follow him out of the blue? Did he want to apologize to me? Or continue the fight? Will going with a rude bastard like him even be worth it? Why does he want me to act like I don't know him?

So many questions popped up in my head.

Why is he suddenly asking me to follow him, he just said that he don't want anything to do with a "lowly" like me yesterday.

While I was processing all this, the professor entered the class and started his lecture.

We had some time on our hands after class, the girls asked me if I could accompany them to the cafeteria. I refused as I hardly had the appetite to eat a grape.

I stayed on my seat and started using my phone to pass sometime. An article caught my attention which read:

Killing Spree: Another case of the serial killer has been reported, a student of X university has been found dead on the river side.

His body was found in a cylinder full of cement. Some high school students, who were skipping class the following day, found the cylinder near the river bank.

One of the girls, named Lia, noticed some hair strands sticking out the cylinder and thought it must be from some dead animal.

Curious the high schoolers tried breaking the tube. A horrifying sight awaited them. As they broke the cement they, found a head of the boy from badly injured and detached from the body.

The high schoolers ran in fear and called for help. When the help arrived, they found the rest of the body in the end of the cylinder.

The body's arm was broken as usual and was found in a very disturbing position. The next panel would be disturbing for some viewers as the body is shown.

Oh my God. How brutal…. How can someone be this heartless! I can't believe it …this is so horrifying.

Article: police found the boy's ID card in his pocket and his face will be displayed in the next panel


Wait I know this face …I've seen it somewhere before! In a hurry I went to my recently deleted photos

There!!! It's the guy with that mole!!

Thank God it hasn't been more than 24 hours or else the pic would have been permanently deleted.

I was shocked, disturbed and weirded out.

Was he the reason why Skyler was so angry? Or did Skyler… no no no no it can't be, he was his boyfriend! They were making out like it was their last day on Earth.

I convinced myself that it had nothing to do with Skyler.

I convinced myself that it was just a coincidence, and that Skyler was acting ruder than he is normally the other day because he was just upset because he couldn't contact his boyfriend.

Yeah, that's it. But I still wanted to know what was going inside his head, this incident must have influenced Skyler too.

I had a little pity for Skyler but the fact that he also scares me remained constant.

Get a hold of yourself Alex you're getting all worked up for nothing. I kept telling this to myself.

I turned my phone off and put my phone in my pocket. When I put my hand in my pocket, I felt the chit that Skyler gave me.

Should I go with him today…?

It scared me that he asked me to go with him and I was double minded whether I should go or not.

I thought about it for the rest of the lessons, I could not concentrate on the what the professor taught so I didn't get to learn much.

Anyway ,after being double minded for the whole day I made up my mind.