Taking Out

We booked a taxi.

All the while we were in the ride, the driver could not get his eyes off Skyler. I mean yeah, he did look hot af but like c'mon. Even if u see him as a girl there is a dude present right next to him.

We went to a movie theatre. Skyler insisted on paying for the taxi drive, so he paid, while I was glaring at the driver.

Skyler took in everything in the theatre like he was a little child who just came to the theatre for the first time.

"You look like a child." I spoke.

"Well, you need to shush up" he looked at me with a frown.

"Well haven't you ditched your aunt and sneak out, like ever?"

"Why would I ever want to ditch her…this is the first time I'm doing something like this"

The heck…he's too innocent.

I bought the tickets. There was still sometime for the movie to start so I went to the food court to get some drinks.

When I came back Skyler had a huge crowd around him. A huge crowd of dudes to be exact.

What kind of thirsty society do we live in.

I felt a little heavy as I saw him.

He was smiling and gave a chit to one of the boys in the group.

Maybe he gave him his number.

"What am I getting so angry for" I murmured to myself

I slowly walked towards Skyler. The guy who Skyler just gave his number to, was tall and blond and was dressed in an attractive way.

He looked at my direction and gave me a little smirk and then went by his way.

"You look like you're enjoying yourself" I said to Skyler, looking at the other side.

"Well yeah a hot guy just asked me for my number"

My heart still felt heavy for various reasons.

"Does he even know you're a guy" I said quietly to myself.

"Yeah! I told him that before he asked for my number"


I don't have any right to feel jealous but still this feeling just won't leave my body.

We were quiet until it was time for the movie. We went inside …I chose a scary thriller movie thinking maybe it would make Skyler scared.

Throughout the movie I was the one getting scared.

I held Skyler's hand tighter as the movie climaxed while he just had a steady face. He looked somehow bored and unbothered from all the blood and slashing in the movie.

Man, at this point I was just embarrassing myself in front of him.

I tried closing my eyes during some parts but the voices got through me.

I was embarrassed but I just could not leave the movie. Holding Skyler's hand was better than nothing.

My face was red not only from the embarrassment dwelling within me, but also because I was holding Skyler's hand, but Skyler looked as unbothered as ever.

Finally, the movie ended.

"It was a great movie" Skyler said while yawning a little.

"y..y…yep!" I said . I knew my face looked awful at this point.

"Haha now do you-"

"Lets go eat something now!" I said cutting Skyler mid sentenced.

"Umm sure I guess" he said. I don't know what expression he was putting on this time since I couldn't even face him.

I took Skyler to a nearby restaurant. We sat down and gave our orders. Skyler did not order much for himself.

Many boys in the restaurant, even the ones accompanied by their girl partners, were looking towards our table.it was obvious they were looking at Skyler. I looked at them, glaring, when I felt something on my hand.

Skyler was holding my hand.

"H..huh!" I felt a blush rise within my face, colouring my cheeks, when I looked straight at him. He looked so beautiful under the candlelight …he had a little smirk-like-smile over his face.

My heart started to race like crazy.

Calm down Alex calm down!

"You know you're actually really handsome", Skyler said, "Those girls have been staring at you for a while now", he said while caressing my skin.

"Look who's talking", I said flushed, "everyone is starring at you…a guy even asked for your number".

"mhmm y'know this is my first time ever going out on a date with a boy..I always go with my aunt whenever we feel like eating out "he said in a low voice.

" oh is that-"

I was in a mid-sentence when he took off his shoe and rubbed his bare foot with the little expose part of my feet.

"Stop! What are you doing" I whispered to him.

He didn't show any signs of stopping as his feet made its way up my leg little by little. My heart was about to explode.

"Alex?" I heard a women's voice call out to me from behind me, I turned around and it was Alissa

I quickly pushed his foot down and pulled my hand away from Skyler to look at Alissa.

I Thanked God that Alissa still looked attractive to me.

"Alissa! Fancy meeting you here huh", I said

She looked at me then looked at Skyler

Confused she asked "Are you on a date? I'm so sorry am I disturbing you?"

"ye-" Skyler tried to say something but I cut him off.

"NO! Not at all" I said flustered "this is actually my…umm cousin"

Skyler looked at me then turned his face the other way.

"What are you doing here though? Are you alone?" I asked Alissa.

"Oh I'm actually with my brother"

Skyler opened his mouth to say something again,"Well great now if-"

"You guys should join us!" anddd I cut Skyler off again.

He looked at me, shooting lasers from his eyes.

Sorry Skyler I just can't stay alone with you right now or else I might explode.

"Umm I don't wanna bother you guys" Alissa said concerned.

"Nahh you won't. Y'know the more the better"

"well if you say so …" Alissa went to get her brother.

Skyler looked bothered by this, but he didn't say a word to me.

Alissa brought her brother.

Her brother was a fun guy, very talkative and handsome. He looked interested in Skyler and tried to talk to him, but Skyler just gave him short answers, trying to avoid him.

The same type of answers he gave me on our way home on my very first day here.

Alissa and I talked a lot too. Alissa looked beautiful, the black dress she was wearing added to her beauty and the way she had done her hair was extraordinary.

I hoped she wasn't noticing me staring at her, positive, her brother did though.

"You can stop staring at her buddy"

I looked at him a little flush.

"N..no not at all sir!" I said.

Alissa chuckled and looked at me.

My eyes peeked at Skyler…he just looked out the window.

"Anyways it's kind of rare seeing brothers and sisters eating out together. Is there a special event?" I asked trying to change the topic.

"Nah Alissa just got back from a blind date our mom set her up on …she was just bummed about the date so I decided to treat her, though she does look more cheerful after meeting you guys here. Am I not right?" Alissa's brother said while pushing her in a playful way indicating something.

Though I immediately knew what he was indicating . I chuckled lightly.

"Ugh stop it", she said while blushing.

All of a sudden Skyler got up from his chair.

"Need to use the rest room" he said with a smile on his face

"Uhh okay" I said confused.

"If you'll excuse me"

He walked out.

"Your cousin is really beautiful", Alissa's brother said as he watched Skyler walk away from our table.

"Yeah she really is" I said, my eyes still on Skyler …after a while I realized what I said.

Alissa was looking at me with a confused expression.


Gosh did I just say Skyler was beautiful out loud? what is wrong with me! It came out naturally! Why would it even come out naturally tf? he is a guy!!

"Haha not gonna lie she really is beautiful" Alissa said while smiling, I looked at Alissa's face while she was laughing. Her smile really attracted me. It was truly beautiful.

I was happy that I still found girls attractive.

After a while Skyler got back, he still didn't talk much. We ate our dinner and paid our bills.

We all walked out the hotel. Alissa and her brother brought their car and offered us a lift home, but Skyler looked like he didn't really wanted to go so I politely declined.

"You looked like you had fun today", Skyler said as the car drove away.

"Umm sorry you probably didn't" I said with a little guilt inside me.

He didn't reply

We took a cab and went to the cliff since Skyler's clothes were still there. The car ride was quiet.

Great Alex I guess you really did fuck up this time. He might be hating me now.

I got off to go with him, but he stopped me there and turned around to look at me.

"I had fun today Alex", he said with a smile.

At that moment I had an urge to hug him I don't know why. Still, I controlled myself.

He was probably faking that smile too.

"Well then I'll be going" I said

Just when I was about to step in the car

"Let's meet tomorrow too" he said

We don't meet on Saturdays so this really surprised me, I felt joy filling my body

He doesn't hate me!

With a surprised and excited expression, I looked at him "Y-YES!"

He chuckled "See ya".

He went on his way

I got back in the cab and went home …my heart was racing like crazy …like super crazy all the way back home.