
I went home. For various reasons I was very happy, to the point I could not stop thinking about Skyler.

I went to sleep after cleaning myself up. After a while I felt someone caress my hair.

"Hey wake up big boy", said a voice

"huh?" I kept my eyes closed.

"c'mon…" the voice whispered, moving the hand that was caressing my hair downwards.

It grabbed my face and made me look its way all the while hugging my face to its chest. I opened my eyes lightly to see who it was.


It was Skyler, looking right at me under the moonlight, his eyes shining bright as the stars themselves. His hug felt so nice and warm.

"Alex" he said smiling caressing my hair. I couldn't reply to him.

"I'm sorry" he said

What is he sorry about? Is he sorry about the day we fought?

His hand slowly went from my head to my lower half.

"w..wait" I said in a low tone.

He looked me in the eye and kissed me, his tongue exploring my mouth and his hand slipping further down my body.

"wa..wait Skyler" I said catching my breath. He slipped his hand inside my trousers, giving me all sorts of feelings in the lower half of my body all the while his tongue went wild inside my mouth.

I did not want to push him away. It felt so good.


He then placed one of his leg on my body, rubbing his lower self on me. His face looked so erotic.

Under the moon light, this tiny room which felt so quiet and lonely on my normal days alone, was filled with our little moans.

I looked at him, the same time he looked at me.


his eyes turned red, while his voice changed.

what is happening to him?

"not you" he said in a low voice

what is he saying all of a sudden?

His whole body was on top of me now. His hand reached my neck.

"Stay away from me you low breed" he said with the same tone.

Is he repeating all the things he said to me before? but of all the times we were together why now and what is happening to his voice!

He was saying all sorts of weird stuff but the thing he said in the end made my body shiver.

"I'll jump off this cliff" he said with his voice turning deeper, his eyes were red as blood.

I woke up with a gasp.

"*HUFF**HUFF* what…what was that" I looked at the time. It was 5 in the morning. My heart felt like it was about to explode. I couldn't calm down not even a bit.

I had to look for him!

In a hurry I grabbed my coat and ran towards the bus stop to get to the cliff, not stopping to even catch my breath. I knew Skyler would not be there but still I wanted to go.

Why am I getting so worried? why do I want to see him so badly?

All the thoughts came in my mind, but my legs wouldn't stop moving.

I finally got to the bus and reached the cliff.

Of course, Skyler wasn't there. What was I expecting? I walked and sat on the edge of the cliff looking at the sun rising from the sea.

I missed him. Even though I just met him 7 hours ago, I missed him.

I looked at the sun rising up ,my heart as heavy as ever.

"Alex…?" a familiar voice called out to me. I turned around in a hurry, knowing whose voice it was.


I stood up and ran towards Skyler and hugged him.

He looked confused. Even I, myself, was confused.

"Are you ok?" he said with a worried tone.

Am I ok though?

Why am I so happy seeing him right now? Why did my heart feel heavy? Why did I miss him so much? Why did I had that dream about him and why did I felt so bummed out about the fact that Skyler didn't have a good time with me before? Why did I always think he was beautiful?

All the questions I ever had, they all made sense now.

I liked Skyler.


Realizing what I was doing I let go of him in a hurry.

"uhh umm sorry" I apologized and stood straight.

"Its alright … but what are you doing here so early".

I could not just tell him I had a wet dream about him during which he said he's jumping of the same cliff and that made me panic.

"Ugh umm I was just out for some fresh air "I made up an excuse hoping he would fall for it.

"Oh good! The sunrise looks beautiful from here" he said not investigating anymore.

He walked past me and sat down on the edge of the cliff.

"Let's watch it together" he said looking at me while passing a smile.

I felt a warm feeling rise within me. I sat next to him.

He brought some tea with him. We shared it while looking at the pretty sunrise.

The cold air and the beautiful scenery, the sound of the sea, the flowers along with the grass; everything was just perfect.

"So, what are you doing here so early" I asked Skyler

"Just wanted to see the sunrise. My parents always came here on Saturday's, to watch the sunrise since it was the only day off for my dad."

"Oh is that so"

"Yep...I used to hate waking up early you know, but now it's different"

He had a sad smile on his face.

"Your mom and dad would be so happy looking at you right now don't you think", I said hoping this statement would make him feel better

"I don't know much about my mom but I hope my dad is for sure though", He said frowning a little

Bad move. Must change the subject. Hurry!

"What a coincidence though. We were supposed to meetup later today anyway!" I said trying to change the subject

"Hmm we sure did"

Ugh awkward.

"So did the blond guy message you?", as much as I hated the topic, this was the only thing that came to my mind.

"Oh yeah he did … I think you will be able to meet him real soon too"

"Me..?", I asked him confused.

"Yep you" he said sipping his tea.

Weird why would I want to see him. Even if I see him, I will probably want to kill him.

But of course, Skyler don't know that. He probably sees me as his only friend and wants me to meet him.

"well, uhm sure"

He looked at me smiling and then went quiet again. This time this quietness was not that awkward.

The heavy feeling came back rushing to my heart.

Should I just tell him I like him? No…no way, now's not the time.

Suddenly Skyler got up.

"Well we already met today so no need to meet up in the afternoon too right"

His statement made a feeling of disappointment fill me up. But I couldn't help but agree with him. I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.

"yeah" I replied.

"Ok then see you on Monday Alex" he said while brushing the dust off his clothes.

"huh you're going so soon?" I asked getting up.

"Well I promised my aunt to help her do something" he said while walking away

"uhh umm Skyler!" I called out to him unconsciously.

He looked back at me.

Why did I call him out? What am I supposed to say now!!!

"umm…see you later" I said waving my hand smiling at him.

He looked at me with a surprised expression but changed it quickly into a smile.

"Surely" he said smiling and then he went on his way.

I felt so happy for some reason. Maybe I do have a chance with him!

This thought made me as happy as ever.