Infinite loop

The world is composed of matter.

Matter is composed of atoms.

Atons is composed of quarks.

Quarks is composed of quantum materials.

Quantum materials is composed of ones and zeros.

Alternate and Parallel timelines are all true.

We're like living in matrix where all things will happen and supposed to happen.

We can't stop it cause we're only humans.

Doing it is like Mapping and Exploring the outer edge of the observable universe.

With only you walking all alone in the vast emptiness of space.

Being alive is the same as being reincarnated.

All human's have their own past lives, we just don't remember it.

You could be Hitler on your past life, or the first man to walk on moon... maybe the first inventor of nuclear weapons.

Or the guy who stopped WW3 by making a wise decision not to fight back and wait.

We'll never know... 06/16/3020 8:01pm

*You have a mail!

He immediately grabbed his phone and showed a sigh of relief 2 hours before two of Mr. Akihiko's daughters death.

-Year 5678? that's pretty long time...

At least Mr. Akihiko and his two beloved daughter will live a much much longer lives compared to today.

-Today is not "it"

Even though i'm relieved that that's their future once reincarnated.

I'm never going to be able to be "Okay" tonight.

It hurts...

A someone's death is my only chance of survival!? don't give me that sh*t!

I can see now what will happen next.

Voices there, voices here, voices everywhere.

Thank god i'm still sane.

Oh there's no god anyway.

Nor Heaven, nor Hell.

Once you die, you'll be in the middle.

In an dark environment with only one light source visible and a chair.

There... you'll see all things you've done fron the moment you we're born, up until the moment yoh died.

It's like a "Achievement book".

It also includes your Good and Worst time of your life.

It is the final recap to all things you've done in this life as you move on and get reincarnated again.

and the process continues, until the last star on the universe dies... 06/16/3020 10:01pm

Kuro closed is eyes...

And tilts his head to the side...

And said...

Name: Sora

Time of Death: 10:04pm

Cause of Death: Head trauma caused by a car accident

Name: Umi

Time of Death: 10:07pm

Cause of Death: Internal Bleeding as a result of Umi protecting his sister Sora...

See you again, Sora and Umi...

I will miss the two of you.