Undeniable truth

May 19 2012

The following footage is a video transcript aboard on a Unidentified flying object or UFO which crashed unto Mr. Keru Shouko's property on 19th of May, 2012.

Begin log...

The video begins on what appears to be a "Human" contained on a capsule with unknown writings engraved unto it and what appears to be a timer...

(Banging can be heard on the footage possibly caused by a human outside...)

-Warning... outside force detected...

(These words was repeated for over 30 mins until the ship's "Hatch" opened...)

-"The police are coming..."

Keru Shouko said that in a calm yet scared voice as he retrieves the capsule from the ship...

Police, military, media and a group of "Men in black" arrived at the scene...

The "Men in black" questions Keru Shouko...

Keru Shouko didn't comeback to his house for 1 week. he returned with no past memories of a UFO crashing unto his property, he was brainwashed...

Keru was shocked after seeing me at the kitchen preparing breakfast for myself...

Keru was shocked and immediately began to panic. but i stopped him and started explaining everything to him...

-Why are you here?


-"it's okay, everything is crazy right now anyway so don't be shy..."

"You humans is creating your own destructions..."

-What do you mean?

"Seeking immortality is the same as finding the button that will end the world..."

-I see...

"I've came down to earth to do one thing..."

-What is it?

"Stop humans from achieving immortality..."


"The simulation can't handle it..."

The universe is not infinite...

It has it own limit...

Deep inside, we're all composed of zeros and ones...

We're mearly a byte compared to the the size of the universe...

But our memories aren't a mearly a byte...

If people won't die, their memories will grew larger and larger. reincarnation will never happen again as the immortal humans eat all the available data and will be left with no room for dead souls to settle in, making them dissappear into oblivion...

It might also affect other alien life, making humans as a "Parasite to the universe"

-Keru stumbled to the ground as he looks into Kuro's eyes and see what the future will look like...

"Please don't be scared of me..."

"I've came down to earth to guide humans into their right paths..."

"Help me... Please..."

-Okay... i'll do my best to help you...

Since that day, Keru teaches Kuro everything he needs to know...

Up until the day Keru Shouko died...

It is painful for Kuro since he can't see when will the person who's important to him dies nor the time when that person will be reborn again or reincarnated...

Prayers to god is an excuse to avoid reality...

God is not real, nor religion and beliefs...

But us humans can be god oursleves...

If we want it.