Final hours

September 09 3020

Kuro arrived at Keru's property...

It's been abandoned for the past 1000 years.

And yet it didn't show any aging.

Keru's property is in a remote location and far away from civilization.

Since it's been a thousand yeard since someone lived here, the forest around it grew larger and larger, that it cannot be seen from the satellight above. Making it such a perfect hiding location.

The road that leads to the property is replaced by a thick forest, making it impossible to cross.

Suprisingly all technologies from the year 2012 is still suprisingly working.

This is will be automatically called an ancient technology, that if you sell one of this tech to market, collectors and historian will surely come to buy it.

Kuro is really exhausted when he arrived at the place where all things began.

Kuro immediately head to the underground bunker of the property and there, he hid all the important stuff he carried all the way from hid apartment.

Light Novels, Manga, Anime figures, You name it.

And he sealed it completly shut.

That relieves the worry he had in his mind, so for now he can finally show sigh of relief.

"For now"

He only has 2 hours left to live and he's really exhausted and hungry.

Fortunately, there are some MRA's or "Meal Ready to Eat" hidden at the underground bunker, making him to last more up to 50 minutes.

Sleeping will only delay the time he has left, so it's not a good option to sleep at all. He might not wake up anymore.

"I wonder why love is keeping me alive..."

What's going to happen to me when the time is up?

Will i get instantly killed? Slowly fade away?

I can't go to civilazation right now since i don't know what to do, and the goverment is probably looking for me.

I can't contact someone either since i'll get tracked all the way here.

I wonder what is the situation of shiro right now.

Is he safe? that worries me a lot...

Or is she that scared of me now...

"Ugh... this sucks..."

Kuro stumbled and fell again unto his knees, since the wound from the leg that have been "sealed" not "healed" started to make pain again. And kuro started questioning himself.

"Why was i attacked anyway?"

The entity that attacked me was strong...

For the past 1 thousand years, i haven't attacked by someone. And since i haven't attacked by someone, my combat skills right now really sucks since i haven't moved this muscles to extremes lately.

And what's with the HUD that appeared in-front of my eyes?

I'm not a robot right?
