Might get found

-Did you find him?

Not yet sir.

I'm so sorry sir for not capturing him fast enough...

-Find him as soon as possible...

Yes sir!

"They really exist huh?"

All the myths and legend are true then.

If it is, then he'll come for us.

But it's useless now.

Kuro Shinigami-kun.

In todays era, there's no corner in the world where you can hide.

Maybe that's the reason why you didn't pursue us for the past 1 thousand years.

It's because you're too weak to fight us.

Kuro Shinigami, this is not personal.

You're a threat to humanity, so we'll get rid of you.

Thank you for bursting out your power on the cementary.

We need to eliminate you.

It's for the best of all mankind.

Kuro has only 30 mins to live.

There's no other option he can think of.

He's slowly dying and the flash of life started to appear in front of his eyes.

He can no longer move.

Nor speak or reach.

All he can do now is cry.

In his head, he's counting the remaining time he have left. And said to himself.

"It was a fun life..."

"Thanks for 1000 years..."

"I wonder if my ancestors will get mad on me..."

"It's not my fault to begin with..."

"I'm all alone and i have no one to turn into..."

"I think i've failed..."

"And this death is my punishment..."

"I tried to blend in with society and do what normal humans do..."

"I've also tried to make people love me..."

"Only few we're able to..."

"Sigh... The world is such a cruel place..."

"You musn't be alone to survive..."

"I was all alone..."

"That's why i've failed..."




Kuro Shinigami's breath stopped.

His body went cold.

And the warmth of his body is no longer there.

Kuro Shinigami is dead.

Shiro from an unfamiliar place suddenly felt sad and depression.

She also started crying and her heart is beating so fast.

The people who want to kill Kuro Shinigami.

Weren't happy at all.

Yes they've succeded to kill Kuro Shinigami.

But somewhere in their heart is saying we weren't supposed to do that.

People around the world suddenly felt guilty and sadness for unknown reasons.

Why is the death of Kuro shinigami have that much effect in humanity.

Why does killing him isn't worth it?

"What now...?"

Mr. Point Zero?

Chief of Staff and General of JSDFASE or Japan's Self Defense Force Against Supernatural Entities.

"We've just found Kuro Shinigami at the late Keru Shouko's property..."

Nickname "World's Ends" Retired Former General and Chief of Staff of JSDFASE.

He's showing zero life signs and responses sir!

-I think...

I've made a mistake...


What is it?

"Keru Shouko's Secured file have been finally Decrypted sir!!!"

How did that happen? We've been decrypting that thing for the past 1 thousand years, why now?

"We still don't know the reason sir!!!"

Let me see...

After looking at the data, Point Zero got shocked into himself.

I'm sorry Keru Shouko...

I've made a wrong decision...

Goddammit, bring me the staff who operates the sensors, they're the one who sends us that warning sign! Ground them until further notice!

"Yes sir!!!"

Point Zero shaked as he looks on the title of Keru Shouko's Secured File titled.

"Profile of Keru Shinigami A.K.A..."

The last remaining "Fallen Angel"