
After our conversation I was introduced to all of the members of the Shell family all of them were really friendly towards me and I was also surprised to see how much mana they possessed.


"now its already time for breakfast, why don't you have breakfast with us?" asked lin as she gestured me to follow her.


"ofcourse i would love to" I said as I was already excited to eat some good food. After sitting down at my seat all of us prayed for the food and began to eat.


"cain, today liya will be going to her first dungeon for actual experience and I know you have already completed a dungeon on your own" said criston making everyone in the room silent.


I can understand their surprise it was obviously surprising that a rookie that just awakened was able to complete a dungeon on his own, even experienced hunters need other hunters to be able to complete dungeons.


Why you ask? It is obvious it is because there are various traps and various situations where only strength dosent help. That is why when going in a dungeon it is necessary toh have atleast 5 hunters.


Sensors to locate the enemies, tanks to distract the enemies, mages to attack the enemies from a far, healers to heal and a leader to lead the whole party.


But to be able to complete it alone is extremely surprising.


"CAIN YOU COMPLETED A DUNGEON ALONE?" shouted liya as she was extremely surprised by the words that came out of her father's mouth.


"yes, I was lucky" I said trying to make the achievement look smaller, I wasn't used to this much attention.


"even if you were lucky, it is still impressive" said lin and liya's brother agreed to the fact.


"hahaha so because of that I would like you to go in the dungeon with her, of course you won't be the only one I will send some experienced hunters from our family to make sure you both are safe" said criston as he gestured a maid and she opened the door.


5 hunters came in and immediately bowed towards lin and criston, all of them were strong looking they were atleast b ranker.


"these hunters will be making sure you will be safe" said criston, all of the five hunters bowed towards us and shouted "we will keep you safe young masters"


"I look forward to that" I said as I stood up and bowed to them as a sign of respect [A/N-when I say bowing it doesn't mean completely on the floor i mean the small bow we do to greet someone]


"all of these are members of the family so you don't have to worry about anything" said lin as she stood up and clapped.


As soon as she clapped maids appeared with various equipments they were all top grade equipments, "you both can choose any of these equipment for the dungeon" said criston.


"they are all great equipments but can i use my own?" I asked making sure it didn't sound like I didn't like the equipment.


"is there any problem in the equipment?" asked lin


"no none at all its just that I also have a armor making skill and weapon making skill and I want to level it up by making my own" I replied.


"Ohh then you can use your own we have no problem at all" lin assured me and I just went and grabbed my back pack. I had already packed my armor and weapons while coming here.


"Can we see your creations?" asked criston.


"of course" I said as I opened my bag to show my armor and bow and arrows.


"Wow so the arrow that are going all around the market were your creation" said criston as he had his arms on his chin.


"you keep in giving us surprises" said lin as she chuckled.


As they finished examining my equipment they led us to the dungeon and we parted ways.


We set foot inside of the dungeon and were immediately surprised to see the gate behind us turn red.


Red means A rank gate, "What this just turned into an A rank dungeon" said one of the hunters.






Lin calmed him down by putting her hand on his shoulder and immediately said "assemble all our mages we are going to be breaking through the gate"


Immediately all of the managers present there started making calls to the other members of the family.




"don't worry mom and dad will help us" said liya with complete confidence she had trust in her mom and dad.


"yes you are right I shouldn't have panicked my apologies" apologised the hunter.


"we just need to wait here and soon master will help us" said the party leader.


But suddenly we could sense a lot of magic coming from one door, the magic kept on coming closer and closer and closer until it suddenly stopped.


"Wah-what was that magic?" I asked "was I the only one that felt that?" I asked.


"everyone felt that, I am not sure what that was" said the hunter leader.


"Maybe it was just a hallucination" said one of the hunters but suddenly the door broke open and a horde of skeletons immediately rushed towards us.


"EVERYONE FORMATION A" shouted the party leader and all five of the hunters formed a v shape in front of us and started killing the skeletons.


Their teamwork was marvelous the leader was a tank and was attacking the skeletons, while the two next to him were swordsman and killed all of the skeletons rushing towards the leader.


While the 2 in the back were using buff spells on the team and were also using various spells to attack and debuff the skeletons.


A skeleton was about to jump on the leader and the two swordsmen were already fighting other skeletons, the number was just too great.


But as the skeleton was about to hit the leader an arrow flew through its skull instantly killing it.


The team looked back for a second to see cain reading his arrows for anotger shot, he again shot but this time with two arrow that he was directing with mana.


This was helping the team a lot, it was taking a lot of load off the swordsmen and was also giving the mates enough time to cast more spells.


Cain started to move forwards slowly as he kept shooting the skeletons, he had to play it safe because the amount of skeletons were close to a 1000 but cain only had around 70 arrows.


Cain immediately called on shade, the dark wolf appeared out of his shadow.


'papa' said shade as he started absorbing the dark energy from the skeletons and started growing.


"A DARK WOLF?" liya shouted as she was beyond surprised, but cain didn't have time to say anything to her.


'I need your help shade we are going to break through the horde of skeleton and kill the head' cain said in his mind and shade understood that because of the soul contract between them.


"LET'S GOO" shouted cain as he rushed towards the skeletons "ROARRRRRRR" shade roared and immediately followed behind him.


Cain and shade started to kill and absorb the skeletons, the team of hunter were only able to stand there they were barely able to breath looking at the great fight going on in front of them.


No this couldn't even be called a fight it is a straight up massacre. Shade just destroyed the skeletons with his paws or with his tail, he would occasionally devour the skeletons by just eating them.


While cain used his bow skillfully in short range combat he was shooting arrows from dead range and was skillfully dodging the attacks coming from all directions.


He was using telekinesis to move his body in such a way that most of the skeletons attacks were being dodged by a hair.


Suddenly shade retreated a little cain had ordered him to back up a bit.


"why is the wolf backing up" asked liya


And immediately cain did a back flip and used his arm to jump once more from a skeletons arm and took a deepbreath in.


"WHAT IS HE DOING HE WILL DIE" shouted the leader but suddenly a huge ice spike tornado appeared and started devouring the skeletons.




"...... Is this really just a rookie's power" said the party leader as sweat dropped from his forehead.


All of the skeletons were destroyed by that attack slowly the tornado faded away and cain dropped down in his knees, he was breathing extremely exhausted.


"CAIN ARE YOU OKAY" liya asked worriedly "I am fine just exhausted" replied cain.


Cain them moved his arm up "now rest don't do anything or you will hurt yourself" said the party leader but suddenly there was a wierd smoke coming from the bones that was bieng absorbed by cain.


After absorbing all of cains exhaustion was gone and he just stood up like nothing happened and said "it's coming"