Making armor for shade



I was being discharged today if I was a normal human it would have atleast taken me a few months to heal but luckily I am not, anyway enough of the self praise right now I have to go and check up on my new house.


I think my family should have already packed everything now we just need to move in, I made my dad own the property because I didn't want to deal with the paper or I am just too lazy.


As I was about to open the door it opened automatically and Alex came in we both crashed into each other, "Ahhh when did you become so strong" Alex said because only she fell down I didn't even move a little.


I just gave her my hand and said "maybe you are just weak hehe hehe" I teased her "I am not weak, I am super strong!!!" she started releasing steam from her ears.


"ohhh you can turn into a steam train wow I didn't think you were this talented" I said making a genuine shocked face this pissed her even more "I will punch you" she said and started to attack me.


But I just let it hit me and raised my head and said "ohhh did a mosquito bite me" "you bastard" she was getting more and more annoyed after a while of trying to annoy me she sat on the bed and puffed her cheeks.


"hump I won't talk to you" again there was steam coming from her "Ohh you sure, well I had a bunch of candies but I guess I will just eat it" I said.


"wait wait big bro I was just joking you are the best brother" she said and she started to act all cute "Ohh really thank you" I said with a smile that said 'I know your tricks brat' "so where are the candies" "Ohh that was a lie" I said as I laughed at her.


"You seriously thought I was going to give you candies hahahaha that's hilarious" I laughed "don't bully her now" big sis said as she entered along with mom and dad "wahhh big sis cain was bullying me" she started fake crying.


"see cain now you made her cry" big sis said as she patted her "hahaha that's good news" I said as I mocked Alex even more "hump I won't ever talk to you" Alex said and she stopped crying.


While this was happening mom and dad were just laughing, but they were also in for a surprise all of them were expecting a flat but only I knew that it was a mansion.


I wanted to see their reaction and record it I was ready with a camera, HWA had sent a driver for us and they picked us up and took us to the house.


"Wow what a huge mansion maybe one day we will stay in such a mansion" mom said she had always wanted to stay in a mansion, she always talked about mansions.


"yes one day indeed" dad said as he also looked at the mansion and let out a sigh but i just smiled and said "maybe that one day is today" I was already recording they all had a surprised face or more like their souls had left their body.


The driver went inside the huge gate and all of them were even more shocked, at this point mom couldn't hole back her tears even big sis was tearing up.


"A-are you serious?" mom asked she couldn't believe it, of course she was shocked she just went from a small house to a huge mansion, "of course this is all ours" I said and put my hand on her shoulder.


We exited the vehicle and Alex everyone was tearing up even I had small tears but I was holding it inside, I could understand their feelings they had been struggling all this time but now I will make sure that everyone of them will have every facilities that exist.


I will make sure no one has to work again, now we started to walk towards the house none of them said anything each and every one was too shocked to say anything.


Dad was looking at me when he was right beside the door I nodded to him and he nodded back, he opened the door to see a bunch of maids and a butler "welcome home" everyone bowed.


"Huh they provided us with maids too?" I was surprised to see them "yes we are going to be taking care of everything, if anyone needs any help they can ask any maid or me" the butler said he was probably the head.


"well I guess that is good" I said and I asked "can you show us around the house?" "of course young master" the butler said and everyone started to to follow the butler and the maids.


The mansion was huge there were 7 total bedrooms and each had a personal bathroom and there was a huge kitchen on the ground floor where all ths maids will cook, there was also a huge terrace the view from there was priceless.


Then they led us down to the basement where there was my forge, it was perfect for me it had all ths equipments I needed "WOAHHH THIS IS THE BEST!!" I couldn't hold my excitment.


"wow I didn't know he liked forging this much" mom said and dad followed with "yea he wasn't excited when we saw the rooms but he is definitely excited now".


"he is still a kid" big sis said and everyone chuckled but i wasn't paying attention I was looking at all the equipment.


"inventory" I said and I removed all of the bones I had obtained from the dungeon "let's see what should I make hmm Ohh yea i can make an armor for shade" I said I was already in my own world.


"I guess he forgot that we are there" one of the maid said and again everyone laughed. "come out shade" I said and from the shadow arrises shade the huge wolf it was way more terrifying than before bacuse of his fangs and his eyes.


"what is that monster!!!!" said Alex as she was shocked by the sheer size of the wolf, all of the maids and butler kept their gaurds up. But rather than what they were expecting the wolf just hugged cain.


"hey buddy you excited" "owooooooooooo" shade howled I started petting it and said "you have grown a lot" shade also started moving her head as if understanding me.


"ahem" dad coughed, I looked over too see mom and big sis staring poisoned daggers at me "what happend mom" I asked her I didn't understand the situation.


"WhAt HaPpEnEd ? You have such a huge wolf and you didn't even tell me!! " mom shouted "did you know how scared we were when the wolf came out I thought he was going to attack you" big sis said.


"Ahh him sorry sorry let me introduce him this is shade my companion" I said and shade also nodded and started to lick me.


"anyways now I am going to make him some armor you guys should leave or you might get hurt" I said but one of the maids said "umm can I watch?" "me too" and like that everyone just started watching me.


I started to check the size of shade and started on the work I removed my t-shirt and showed off my scars and perfect body, there were a lot of scars on me but there were non on my back.


I started to make the armor and moved like a perfect master I used telekinesis to perfectly connect anything it was really handy, as I was hammering the armor and adding a little bit of the final touches I thought 'I should probably learn about the modern technology and start to modify it in my equipments'


Using modern technology would be a lot more useful and quicker, after finishing I started to put it on shade and Ohh boy did he look badass he was looking like a pure monster except he was licking me every second.


I finished and everyone started clapping and I just thanked them and I took shade out to the yard and let him lose. He loved it this was his best time he was jumping around and I also rode him and it was the best experience.


[*the bond between host and shade has leveled up*]