Gaining new skills

2 days have passed since we have moved into this new House I have tried making various weapons like swords spears etc in the forge and it was extremely fun, I have also trained with my ice style and dark style.


Right now I need to start learning how to use swords, I have gotten pretty good with the bow but now I need a close range weapon till now I have been using my ice for close range but if I could Learn the sword I could fight even if my mana is depleted.


I have also asked the HWA's manager to provide me with some enchantment skills, if I could combine my weapon making skill with enchantment skill I could make extremely powerful weapon.


Right now I was in the yard with a wooden sword and was practicing my form, I had bought a basic sword training book from the store.


It's most useful function is that if we don't do it properly the system will correct us, with that I was perfecting my form. I can't directly learn sword style because foundation is also extremely necessary.


Tommorow the entrance exam will be held for the academy, I won't have to participate because criston told me that he would recommend me to the academy and that means I have a gauranteed pass for the best class.


But nevertheless I will still go to the exam to see what level the other students are and see how far behind I am, because I have just awakened while some of the students coming from hunter based families have been awakened from a young age.


This will show me how hard I have to work to become the strongest, the academy also provides the students with the best information about magic and everything this will help me find some clues about the huge monster that I had encountered that day.


The door bell rang, I immediately knew that it was probably the manager was here I started to travel through my shadow I still had to get used to this type of maneuvering if I was able to Master this technique, then it could be transformed into a deadly weapon.


I appeared Infront of the door and surprised one of the maids, I apologised to her i guess i have to be careful. I. Opened the door and saw the manager.


Cain - sorry, I made you come all the way here.


Manager - don't worry about it, it is actually my pleasure.


Cain - please come in let's sit in the hall.


Manager - sure let's go.


Both of them went to the hall and Sat down.


Cain - were you able to get the skills.


Manager - ofcourse don't under estimate the reach of the HWA.


Cain - hehe that's great.


Manager - we were able to obtain 3 skills the first is ENCHANTER with this you are able to enchant a particular item but the enchantment is random, the 2nd is ENCHANTMENT, with this you are only able to enchant a weapon you have created yourself for a short period but you are able to choose the enchantment this skill will be extremely powerful because if you level it up you can probably apply flexibility to a sword for a short period of time or apply poison and use it for a surprise attack.


Cain - wow!! The second skill will be extremely powerful in battles, what is the third skill?


Manager - it is different from the other 2 skills it is called ENCHANTING DOMAIN rather than enchanting an item you can enchant an area. It is an extremely powerful skill but all three of these skills are extremely hard to master.


Cain - so that is why these powerful skills are still not being used by someone.


Manager - correct if you are able to master it you will probably be able to become an A rank blacksmith.


Cain - that makes me excited.


Manager - haha you truly are one of a kind.


Cain - what do you mean?


Manager - normal people will go for the easy way, they will master easier skills but as a result they get weaker skills. But you are taking the harder skills to master that itself is a thing that commends respect.


Cain - thank you for the praise.


Manager - now you should start training and i will leave i have some work to do.


Cain - Ohh sure thank you for the skills.


Manager - no problem now see you later kiddo.


Cain - yup bye.


Manager left the house and I went back to my yard, I sat in a lotus position and started to look at the skill books.


[*skill book : Enchanter : allows host to enchant an item but the effect is random*]


[*skill book : Enchantment : Allows host to enchant an item that host has crafted for a short period*]


[*skill book : Enchanting domain : allows host to create a small space where you can enchant any surface present in the space*]


Cain - system learn all of the skills.


[*host has learnt skills Enchantment, Enchanter and Enchanting domain*]


Enchanter - lvl 0

Allows host to enchant an item but the effect is random, increase level to increase the chances of good enchantment.


Enchantment - lvl 0

Allows host to enchant an item that host has crafted for a short period, increase lvl to increase the time.


Enchanting domain - lvl 0

allows host to create a small space where you can enchant any surface present in the space, increase lvl to increase the space that host can enchant.


Cain - Well let's try to enchant the wooden sword.


I took the sword and closed my eyes, I started concentrating on the wooden sword....... "Enchanter" I shouted and suddenly a message popped up.


[*host has used enchanter on a "wooden sword" - critical damage lvl 0.5 has been applied to the sword*]


Cain - critical damage?!?!? My luck must be great to have such a great enchantment on my first try, but it's a shame that it is only 0.5 lvl maybe if I lvl up the skill I might be able to increase the level too.


Cain - appraise the item.


[*appraise has been activated on the "wooden sword"

Wooden sword - F rank weapon

Dmg - 3

Enchantment - critical damage lvl 0.5 - there is a 3% chance that the weapon will deal a critical strike on the target which increases the damage by 20%*]


Cain - if I had used this On a sword even if it is just 0.5 lvl I could easily sell it for a good price. Hmm this is really useful.


I started to attack the dummy, I kept on slashing and slashing and slashing and slashing and I finally on my 34th slash did it use the critical damage.


It really is only 3% but that's okay if I just level up my skill I will be able to make it stronger.
