

After having our food at night we went to sleep, but the team leader also activated a certain magic device. It was a monster detector, if any monsters enters its vicinity it will immediately alarm us and wake us up


It was an extremely useful tool but it was also very expensive, i also showed them the amount of crystals I had collected but I didn't show all of it I only showed them 50% of my crystals. I was planning on using the rest of the crystals for making special enchanted weapons and sell them.


I need more resources to get stronger and the best way to get resources is money. As we slept through the night and woke up the next morning the team was surprised that no orges attacked us but only I knew that all the orges have been dealt with and just the orge king is left.


The team scouter again scanned the whole dungeon with her skill and it revealed that only one monster was left.


Team leader - that's probably the boss monster.


Team attacker - I think we should prepare before attacking it directly.


Cain - I agree, he is still in one place even though his army is dead that could only mean two things first - its stuck inside of the place and second - he's confident that he can take all of us alone.


Team attacker - or both.


Cain - yeah it could be both Too, we have to prepare accordingly.


Team scouter - I can roughly tell that it is inside of a cave and that cave is massive with only one entrance.


Team leader - that just means it is so big that it can't exit that massive cave.


Cain - everyone spread out and emilia(team scouter) keep an eye on the bosses position if it moves shoot an emergency flare in the air. There is a possibility that the boss monster could be small and we were wrong. We need to be ready for everything.


Team healer - he is right we need to be extra careful since it is a boss monster.


Cain - everyone gather any kinds of poison, harmful plants or any kinds of weapons that could be useful.


Team leader - yes now DISPERSE!!


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<3rd person pov>>>>>>>>>>>>

the team leader shouted and everyone jumped off into different directions, cain immediately went to the place of battle. He wanted to make the orge generals into his soldiers they could be really useful.


He went ahead towards the corpses of the orge generals, but he couldn't make them into his soldiers that's when he remembered that he didn't kill them the teams attacker killed them.


Cain cut the orge generals head off due to anger but he still had to remain calm if he lost his calmness now it will only make his thoughts even more clouded.


He started to take deep breathes to forcefully calm himself down. There was no point in getting angry he couldn't do anything about it. He instead started to gather all of their weapons.


They were good weapons... Well above average weapons they could be useful for his soldiers, he started to make the orges that he killed into his soldiers and gave them swords.


Some had shields they were going to be (tankers) some had axes they were going to be (barbarians) some had swords they were going to be (attackers) and he also purchased some bows from the system store and gave them to some and they were called (archers)


In total now he had a huge army of 30 orges 10 goblins and 10 wolves, the goblins would ride the wolves and they were called (wolf riders)


He then bought a scroll from the system which amplyfies the senses of the user for the whole day.


He then started to search for any poisonous plants or herbs in the vicinity and soon he found the .


[BLACK ROSE - an extremely poisonous plant which has poison in its smell, once inhaled it will kill the organism in mere 10 seconds but it depends on the strength of the organism. If the organism is extremely powerful it will still be able to paralyze it for 5 seconds]


Normally nobody would dare to gather it since it was extremely hard to gather it without inhaling the poison, but cain had a certain ability with which he could grab it from far away...... Telekinesis.


He just unrooted the black roses and put them in a bag from far away and then stored them into his inventory, he was about to search more but he noticed a blue flare which was fired into the air.


[Blue flare - gathering signal]

[Red flare - emergency signal]

[green flare - resources found]


He recognised it as a gathering signal and immediately headed to the gathering place. He soon reached there and he was the last one and that's to be expected they all were A rankers and b rankers which means they were more than 100 levels ahead of him.


That's why even a healer could reach the gathering point before cain.


Team leader - what have you all gathered?


Healer - I have gathered


[ivory vines - a little poisonous but if used properly it can create a chance to strike as it can paralyze anyone for a micro second]


Team leader - that's good! We will be able to use it.


Emilia - I gathered the


[black creeper - a black coloured creeper found on the trees it has a unique ability to explode when mana is passed through it]


Team leader - Perfect it can be used along with


Team attacker - I gathered some


[sapphire Rock - a special type of rock which is red coloured it ignited when it is thrown with great force]


Team leader - good they will be very useful!


Cain - I gathered some of the black roses that I found.


Team leader -......... What?




Cain - Calm down everyone I just used my ability to gather it.


Team leader - I see well that's good I won't ask anything about your ability since i know every hunter has his secrets.


Cain - that makes it easier.


Team healer - anyways how are you going to use it?


Cain - that's pretty simple I am just going to throw the bag and ignite it. The ignition will force all the smell out and also cause some damage and because of the smell he will be paralysed and that's the chance to attack.


Team leader - that's a good plan, we can increase the rate of ignition with and
