Boss monster

After all of the team members showed the materials they had gathered they all sat down in a circle and took out every useful thing from their inventory and started to come up with a strategy. it was necessary to have a strategy planned because even though there were 4 A-ranked hunters there was still no guarantee that the boss monster would be defeated. Dungeons are the most unpredictable element in the nature, that's why even the strongest hunters prepare as much as possible before going into a dungeon.


Dungeons can lead to ice cold mountains or melting hot desserts or even areas filled with toxic gas, no one can ever be fully prepared before entering the dungeons or the boss monsters room. that's why the more the preparation the better it is for the fight. all of the members took out their items and it was as follows.



low healing potions x 10

mid healing potions x 6

high healing potions x 2

explosion (basic fire magic) scroll x 1

heal (basic healing magic) scroll x 1

food pills x 8


scan (high level scouting magic) scroll x 1

teleport (mid level spatial magic) scroll x 1

mid healing potions x 4

scream stone (distracting stone) x 5

camp x 1


wand of healing (high level healing magic item) x 1

food pills x 4

stamina regen pills x 6

low mana potions x 7


stealth (mid sneaking skill) scroll x 1

throwing daggers x 3

berserk (limit breaking skill) scroll x 1

pain numbing pills x 3

wind blade (high wind magic) scroll x 1


low mana crystals x 500 (he had actually collected a 1000 but he kept the rest hidden)

mid mana crystals x 56 (again the same half is hidden)

high mana crystals x 100 (still the same)

mid healing potions x 14

exploding potions x 10


Team leader - I didn't think you would be able to collect this much of mana stones. I am really impressed!!!!


Team healer - yeah! how did you manage to collect this much!!! (twinkling stars) now we can make a lot of money from this!!


Emilia - Normally we would barely collect 100 crystals that too adding all of the low mid and high crystals together..... just how did you manage to harvest these many.


Team attacker - she is right I have never in my life seen these many crystals together!!


Cain - Come on guys a magician never reveals his secrets........Anyways I have a plan in mind and these materials work flawlessly with it.


team leader - what is it?


Cain - It is like this w................. so are we ready?


Team leader - That's a perfect plan of course we are ready!!


Cain - good now lets go to the cave and defeat that bastard


Everyone - yeah!!!


As soon as they discussed their plan the team headed towards the cave where the ogre king was in deep slumber, they reached the cave relatively quickly since it was pretty close and they slowly entered the cave. the walls had torches which were lit making the cave even scarier but all of them had been to different dungeons that's why none of them lost their calmness and calmly walked deeper and deeper into the cave.


Soon they entered the main part of the cave it was a circular dome with a huge hole in the middle and small pieces of land which surrounded the hole, the team looked over to Emilia who was using her skill to detect monsters around her and she pointed down into the whole, signaling that the monster was inside of the hole.


the Team leader slowly went ahead to look into the hole where the boss monster should be and with each step he took all the others sweated with worry the were constantly trying to swallow with their dry throats and holding the weapon tightly the whole team was nervous even cain who was always cold and didn't show emotions was sweating they all felt the massive magic power coming from that monster.


The team leader looked down for a few seconds and looked around inside of the hole, he then exhaled a sigh of relief and looked back at the team and said with a slow voice 'he is sleeping' as soon as he said that everyone in the team relaxed and let out their breath which they were holding for long but then suddenly.


Suddenly a face appeared behind the Team leader with its tongue out leaking with spit, the team immediately shouted 'CAPTAIN!!!!' and the team leader looked behind to see the giant monsters fist slowly moving towards him cutting through air and it seemed like the time slowed down for him. tears started to form in his eyes as he started to think 'So this is how i die?...' the tears fell down from his eyes as he thought 'I wanted to meet my family once......sorry my wife and my kids'.


But then suddenly the fist was blocked by an ice was none other than cain who had created an ice wall in order to save the team leader.


Cain - Emilia use your scroll and take captain to the higher part of the cave, Jason (team attacker) come with me we need to distract this bastard and jean (team healer) support us with buffs and heals from behind!! Everyone move! move! move! quickly we do not have time.


Everyone - Roger that!


Everyone was broken out of their trace by Cain's orders and they immediately remembered that the fight isn't over, Jason and Cain dashed towards the ogre who had his hand frozen because of Cain's ice wall. the ogre recognized Cain as the one who was behind that attack and punched towards him at extremely fast speed that Cain couldn't even react to but Jason immediately appeared in front of him and stopped the attack with his blade.


Jean immediately casted several buffs on both Jason and Cain which increased their strength stamina and agility. Cain used this chance to jump onto the ogre's hand and he started to run towards its head while Jason used the buffs to overpower the ogre hand and push it away, This gave Cain momentum as he jumped in the air.


Cain - Jean!!! Cast buffs on my sword!!!


Cain shouted towards jean who didn't understand the reason behind it but still did it because she knew Cain was the only hope left in this battle, before jean buffed Cain's sword Cain had used his skill to apply onto his sword but with Jean's buffs the enchantment became and with the newly powered enchanted sword Cain did some flips in the air to reposition himself and stabbed the giant's eyes and a huge explosion took place.


But that wasn't all Cain used his explosive potions to increase the level of explosion, the explosion was massive it nearly made the whole cave fall but immediately as soon as he landed Cain made a lot of icicles at the top of the cave right above the giant ogre and told Jason to fire his wind blade onto the fire to increase the damage again. he then released the icicles from the top and made them pierce the giant's head but it managed to prevent itself from dying by sacrificing his hands instead.