Olympus Palace

Back in the Olympus palace.

Sophia and Emilia were standing on the balcony, staring at the starry sky and waiting for Nero to return.

Sophia was in her angel form, and she looked so imposing under the full moon that no words could describe her beauty.

"What do you think?" Emilia glanced at Sophia and asked, "Do you think he will come back before the sunrise?"

"He said it was a personal matter, so he will most likely enjoy torturing that S rank before giving him a painful death. So yeah, he might not come until the sunrise," Sophia replied.

Emilia didn't say anything and stayed silent, as if she was thinking of something serious.

Sophia noticed it and asked, "What's wrong? Your face looks like you are thinking of something stupid."

"I was just wondering. Like, Nero never forgives his enemies, but he used to forgive them before, right?"

"Some, yeah. But what are you trying to say?"