Victory Feast

Nero and the rest were eating in the hall.

Nero was sitting in front of the dining table, and Emilia and Sophia were seated on each side.

Asteria was serving food and filling the glasses with wine as soon as they got empty.

When she came to Nero to fill the glass, he grabbed her hand and said, "Come. Sit with us."

"I… will eat once you all finish eating."

Nero glanced at Emilia and grabbed her hand, pulling her on his lap. Then, he turned to Asteria and pointed his gaze at the chair Emilia was sitting before— which was now empty, and said, "Sit."

Asteria quietly nodded and sat on the chair.

Nero passed an empty plate to her, then served her some food and filled the glass with the wine.

Asteria reluctantly grabbed a fork and hesitantly ate a bite. She slowly chewed and gulped down, then glanced at Nero from the corner of her eyes— only to find Nero staring back at her.