Chapter 1 Jang's Sky Door

The air is heavy with moisture it is going to rain soon and that is when they will come. Choi Young has noticed that there are two guys following all the way up the left ridge and beyond, the three guys who joined a little while, others would miss their presence due to the sound of the rain, as walking on a dry summer hill road, they are the ones who can suppress footsteps as much as he can.

A four-year-old horse Ju Hong-eun, is carrying Choi Young on its back its stride with reduced vibration to avoid disturbing him as he sways half asleep with the windshield down to cover his eyes. The sound of horse's hooves approaching from behind, the stone and sticks are kicked to the side. The Lieutenant says, "There are guys who are following us". Choi Young has sensed that the those that follow are deliberate in their pursuit and not random "I know."

He answers not bothering to wake up properly as he pushes up the windshield and look behind, to check on the escorted two wagons carrying two people each and the Twenty-four Woodalchi, guard the two vassals belonging to Goryeo and Yuan. Jang-bin of Eo who notices his gaze rides next to Jang Eo-ui who situated right beside the wagon as he escorts the occupants inside the wagon, he sends a signal indicating everything is good, but he gestures toward the left ridge, it seems that Jang Eo-ui was also aware of it.

I nod my head in agreement and look ahead again. At this speed, it takes about two laps to the border town. Weighing up whether to handle it or to leave it alone. There is no need to be running out of strength in a chase through the mountains, there is no need to be mother. I tried to lower the veil again, but there were thick raindrops which have started to fall. I look up at the sky and notice that suddenly dark clouds have covered it in such a way that there is no single gap. We can see the entrance of the village through the pouring rain, and we direct the procession of people we escort to the village on the road.

Consolation a woman is dragging her child with a trooper, there is no anxiety to the child, and he cannot see anything other than the impatience to avoid the rain as they make their way to the village. Choi Young with Rohana walking next to him in the rain, notices as shadows of movement of those that have been following them, run from the far end of the road as they also enter the village. Previously Taiwan was sent to prepare Woodalchi's official troops Nijiman, captain Choi Young's liaison and the fastest foot, in an instant Taiwan, which has reached the front, reports without panting too much. "We don't have a boat."

Director Chung-Seok, who is second in the rank of Woodalchi, is surprised by the message, even he who is so cautious and serious is nervous. "What are you talking about? Why are there no boats in Pogu Village?" Taiwan clarifies "There is none. There are no boats that can float." Pretending to find an answer, he says "My..... It has to be noon tomorrow... is." Choi Yeong turned his horse and came to the front of his first carriage and looked inward to tell Rigiro inside June "I'll stay overnight and then go."

Jo Il-shin, who was hanging from a horse by the carriage, was caught by surprise, "Staying. Why it is still broad daylight here? It is not in our consideration? Why the hell!" Jo Il-shin and Lee Ja's words were not contained, from the first time we met their words reflected their attitude which was snide and mean. Choi Young states "I decided to" then waits for an answer from inside the carriage. After a while, a sullen reply came from within. I overheard Jo Il-shin talking excitedly next to me, "We should stay in an Inn." Choi Young drives his horse and moves forward, he gives instructions to Chung-Seok saying "You stay here while I will prepare it." "

One of the largest guesthouses in town was literally taken over. I was caught anyway, and if I had to fight them, I would rather go to a wider area than a narrow area, this is better. Gabjo Jojang, who was ordered to do as he pleases, sent out all the guests inside and turned to the owner after that, with the order to serve the best dishes and promptly kicking them out. Only the cook was left. Only after inspecting every nook and cranny of the empty inn. Bring the two inside, since they are precious people, I expected that there would be quite a bit of conflict, but they followed quietly outside. A long way to travel from Yanjing to here worrying about being killed and being on alert to run.

The food, inconspicuous lodging, etc. were decided according to our judgment. Clothes to wear as camouflage to hide their identity and enable us to eat without worry. The inn door opened, and the two Woudalchies enter, with the rain that flowed from the windbreaks, stepping on the water-covered floor with silk soles, the two went upstairs. Choi Young moves to just stands in the corner and watches now. It takes two or three days to get to Byeokrando by boat and two Gaegyeong by land. Lee, you just must hold on until then.

Choi-Young is making a bed by pushing a chair with my feet, but Chung-Seok his Lieutenant is coming over asking questions, one after another. "Are they the ones who stole the boat?" "Is that right?" All three chairs are at different heights, damn it. "Then they expected us to spend the night in this inn?". "You mean you did?". "I heard there is only one guest cup." He lies down on the three chairs that are connected and notice it makes his back hurts. "Did you come in here knowing that?" He gets up again and changes the order of the chairs. "Then shall we plant a flag in a wide field and wait?" he lies down again kind of better and wonder how do I defend myself? Very... hard. By closing his eyes, he closes the door to the world, and it becomes his own space, even if it has never been cleaned for a long time, it has a spider's web.

The room where there is no way to hang down, as always, two arms in the middle of the room, throw both legs up and lie down, I always wanted to lie down and breathe, if you are resting, your breath will slowly die down, die down and then stop. Would not it be that when I stop breathing, I will get up again and open the door that, then the world outside the door might not be here. Chung-Seok turns around notices the captain sleeping and shakes his head quickly to the twenty-two Woudalchi which he removes and then placed archers on the roof. After excluding those who guard the entrance to the floor, each of the two above can be guarded, not many people will remain. In case of emergency, the captain will keep two. So, leave the minimum above, the rest downstairs and outside.

The Lieutenant glances back at the Tall Woudalchi Troops, among them, the remarkably tall captain who puts his long body at risk is currently laying down on a chair and has his eyes closed, his face is more beautiful than most women, it's just that the lines are thick, but when he opens his eyes, all impressions are erased, as eyes his remain as cold as the day he first met the captain that reflects even when he was smiling, the icy eyes remain.

The Lieutenant is amazed at how fast the captain can fall into a deep sleep in an instant at anytime, anywhere, wasting no time in thinking. Compared to him, he always thinks too much himself always re-evaluating his thoughts and always comparing them to the what the captain thinks and does. To dispel his thought the Lieutenant yells to command. "Archer team, take care of the roof. Set the distance, secure the view, and I'm going to sleep all night on the spot, so prepare a pee container." Somewhere the rain stopped Archer Jindong, who oversaw the western part of the roof, at first, he is not sure of what he is seeing, so he rubbed his eyes and looked again.

The sky over the mountains to the west is clearly shimmering almost like springtime he notices a haze, like a blazing fire, somewhere, the space of dots is clearly flickering, what to think? In an instant, the shimmering began to glow red, thinking on whether to avoid fuss. The distance is too far to report with a cry is it a fire? Saito who judges that there is no smoke to rise in the air, he heard the cry of a thug next to Gap," What is it, Jersey" I turned around and saw a single line along the field extending to the north of the opening. You can see a tornado blowing in, its body is not too big, but the suction power of the whirlwind is so great and fast that it was making deep fan marks on every road it passes. "Get down!" said the watching Hongdeok as he reflexively covers his head and prostrates himself.

At the same time, a gust of wind knocks off the guest cup, tiles fly up in an instant, and the pressure and power of the vibration makes my ears go deaf. Choi Young was awake a while ago, digging and scraping, the sound came through the floor, one two······, further "Edo, is it a tornado?" Several stand up and come out at once like this make their way to the second floor. A gust of wind blew and hit the glass, the entire wooden inn is shaking, earthen vessels are falling here and there, making a loud noise. Choi Young, who had been holding on to the pole, ran up at full speed.

The King holds his table with both hands and endures the shock. Jo Il-shin is crouching in the corner of the room and putting his hands on his head the visit is sudden as the door opened and Choi Young pushed his face in and quickly looked at the King he is obliged to ask, "Are you okay?" The King answers "It's all right." Choi Young states "I will move the Queen here. It is hard for us to protect if we divide the guards into two sides. I know you two do not get along. Please understand." Jo Il-shin, who had barely come to his senses, jumped up, point his finger and said to Choi Young. "This guy, you are arrogant, nasty guy. This..."

Choi Young then shoved the dagger into Jo Il Shin's hand and physically then moves him to stand in front of the window, "Guard this window" Choi Young orders and then leaves behind Jo Il-shin, who is about to burst from outrage. The King notices that Young Choi did not look either and thought from the first time I greeted you at the courthouse, I have never once straightened myself as the King. Yet you did not see, poems that pass insensitively as if you are always dealing with things, it was a line. Don't you want to remember it all? thought the King again that if it is superior of the King's closest escort unit, the leader of which is himself like a King, I would not want to remember his face. Is it the mind of Goryeo that will be born? Back after ten years? The King is bleak about the future that he could not predict.

Jindong came to his senses when he noticed a similar-looking gust of wind was forming and it was moving here and there in an irregular curving course, but all wind gusts are one heading to the branch towards that shimmer which is still present in the sky. Before he knew it, he flinched as he was startled from behind, turning around and noticing that Choi Young was standing next to me, looking at the same point as vibration. "Since when?" he asked me. I responded "Just before. I found it right away." Choi Young then asked me "You didn't know until I came next to you?". I responded "... I didn't know." Choi Young shook his head, but his attention was already on the back of the vibration. "I will correct it." I say as a way of apologising. Choi Young stood still, looking in the direction the tornadoes were going. Jin-dong sneaks a peek at the captain, who is five years younger than himself.

After ten years as a Woodalchi, in the whirlwind of countless political strife and the constant threat to position of the King, the only thing that has survived so far is Lee's arrowhead. Strangely, Lee Ja-ja has no desire for success or riches, none whatsoever, it is the lives of his men that seemed to be his only concern. so, it is still aliveChoi Young thinks that the whirlwind is not just a whirlwind, that is is alive and that this is not good. He has observed that the whirlwind has swept through the middle of the village, but the streets of the town cannot be seen. The only thing that can be observed is that all the residents who live in the border area are at home and a hint of a wariness that makes them want to sit deep inside and avoid, which is what scares you more than a whirlwind. Looking around, all the archers who total are six people have been placed on the roof by Chief Chung-seok.

What if the enemy ambush them before they can spot them? In Choi Young's eyes, he could climb up to the roof unnoticed by the archers, there are too many gaps to be seen, he wants to take everyone down, but then he raises head for a moment, closes his eyes and his thoughts are that he might lose a few today this realisation is accompanied with a pain familiar to him when this thought passes near her heart. It was while the sun was still left when the assassins abruptly attacked. The thunderclap that rolled in front of Woodalchi, who was guarding the entrance, hit him. It was the first sign. Fortunately, the person guarding the entrance was a spearman Dolbae. The Dolbae demonstrates the skill of using a spear like a bat and hits a thunderbolt that is fired,to aim it back to where it came from. But east and west the windows of which a few of them, which broke and shattered all over them, devastated the first floor of the property.

At the same time, the back door was opened, and the assassins rushed in, however, the superiors, led by Chungseok, have already come to the second floor. Le who was guarding the front of the stairs and forming a barrier must alert someone. Key has been training every day has thoughts running through his head. Who should I protect now? Where should I stop to protect him? Whether there is something I have missed or could have done? It is hard to believe that this the limit of his ability and is the moment which will determine whether his life ends. The front door is breached and there is a rain of arrows. The back is pushed in. It becomes apparent that there is a problem as the archers on the roof are not retaliating. The group of archers on the roof, are with Jindong and were fighting with more than twice the number of assassins. Initially, the enemies appeared from the south right. Deoksu, who is said to have the best archery skills in Woodalchi, has one arrow for each assassin and when all where defeated.

Reinforcements attacked again from the east and west, it was so many and so fast, in the absence of removing all the assassins, they reached the inn downstairs and threw a thunderbolt into it. Hongdeok, who was guarding the north, was momentarily taken aback by the sound, slashing at the assassins rushed up, there was no time to shoot arrows instead deciding to draw their swords in unison confronted them, but their skills were not normal. Although being an archer he had the ability to easily overcome, but Jin-dong spoke to himself 'I'm getting stabbed with a great sword.' Missing his waist and avoiding it, I make eye contact with my attacker and chased after him. Manwondo for him to fulfill his prestige decides that the gap with the enemy must be filled. He digs into the gap and stabs his sword, he feels the confrontation from the second bastard coming to poke at him, he avoids this by rolling like a ball to the floor without a hitch as the floor is a sloped like the tile roof.

He barely catches his breath after rolling three or four laps, adrenalin is high another dodge of the sword from the dog which was mostly successful apart from half of his left ear that could not escape. Instead of screaming, he slashes at his enemy with his sword aiming at the enemy's shin, he fells a dull feeling which means he has made contact and gives it strength to penetrate it and then draw it out. The enemy runs screaming and tumbles down the roof now leaving him the only one. Upstairs, in the King's room, Choi Young is listening what is happening around him. Downstairs the bay was blown up, the back door was pierced, and the front door was pierced, on the roof there seem to be more than a few enemies above, as I am dizzy just listening to the footsteps.

I look around the windows on either side of the roof where the enemies might be aiming...if possible. Two wudangs are each blocking the front window and there were a few more than expected, and as expected, they were skilled. Choi Young approaches the King who is sitting on the chair. The King looks at Choi Young who kneels with one knee, lowering his posture, those eyes that dance when they look at the King and states, "Even if you're scared, don't run from behind me." then he asks, "You can, if you would like?" for a moment a look of insult flashes in the Kings eyes and he responds "I won't run away." Choi Young nods and states firmly "Then we can protect you." Standing up, the King then looked at the Queen next to him, she grew up as a Yuan Dynasty Princess she is a woman in this situation, she can't help it even if she has a seizure he thought, but his Queen kept her upright posture with her firm face, she is standing, to her left is Eo's Jang Bin in front of the left window, if this is pierced, he will block it for a while.

In front of her Queen and to her right, there are two ladies-in-waiting, each holding a short sword and guarding it. The King has the basics of using a knife as are all children who have the potential to become king. Let us leave the rain to assassins for now. Choi Young-eun takes three steps right in front of the King and stands so the King is protected behind him. The place he is looking at is the door, his body is angled so that his attention can be on the door and the windows on both the left and right sides, while he waits.

All Chung Seok and the crew downstairs are pushed in through the front and back doors. The guests were tied up in front of the stairs. I thought so, but some of the assassins threw a line at the second-floor railing and quickly started climbing upstairs by rope. Taiwan is like a monkey, who climbs up the stair railing and pull out a hand knife to cut the rope, however, the moment he was about to cut the next line, the assassins were on the second floor and their number started to grow. One of the assassins who has climbed throws a thunderbolt at Taiwan, it flies over Taiwan's head and lands on the side of the stairs. Taiwan screams "Move!"

At the same time, Taiwan dodges away, but the stairs were already shot and exploded and breaks down. Meanwhile, one of the members standing behind Chung Seok falls down the stairs and is injured. The second floor was pierced. The group which chungsok on the floor downstairs is a collapsed staircase, resulting in the connection with the second floor being severed. Choi Young pulls out his seureung sword preparing for the assassins to come. Mind and heart sync together, the senses come alive, and the movement of the world slows down little by little, so that by the time the first assassin breaks through the door, their movements are seen slowly. Block, cut, twice and at the same time pushes the 1st enemy with a round kick and slashes the 3rd enemy first enemy I do not know how many there will be, so I can only use my senses which only use underground. I deal with two guys that attack at once, draw a big arc with your sword and back the two guys in front, at the same time another assassin is attempting attack from the side aimed at the King still behind Choi Young while he is dealing with the other two assassins.

Choi Young throws his body and grabs the scruff of the guy who is attempting this attack from his side by using his sword that reaches and stops right in front of the King. The King stays motionless with a white face. In the meantime, the assassin thinks he is pretty good, until the sword that Choi Yeong uses to defend the King is drawn in the reverse direction and the assassin's hand was cut off from the wrist, and the sword he was holding was gone, fall off, the streams splatter on the King's face in a straight line. The King does not move. The King's unshakable posture makes his body feel much lighter.

Choi-Young throws the one he was holding onto the enemies and cuts them off again. In an instant, assassins jumped through the windows on both sides. Deokman, who was running, dealt with the first jumper, and then the second missed the guy, steals one of the enemy's swords and head towards the window on the right, throws it so it gets stuck in the nape of the second guy's neck. What about the left? Jo Il-shin, who was near the left window, let out a grotesque scream at the scene when he entered the place. I avoided as if rolling, folding a fan. Jang Tae-hyeong, avoiding the body of the first guy who ran into the room. Jangbin who hates hurting people, he is aiming for a story from the beginning, take it to the end of the debt. The situation is so urgent, that counting the battles on both sides with senses, the qualification of which Choi Young, who was dealing them is apprehensive as to who will rush through the door.

Before he knows it, he sees movement and looks back, noticing a guy jumping out of the window it appears the movement and gestures are unusual, he dodges Deokman's attack leisurely and soon, they are running right at the King. Choi Young, who pushed away the two opponents at once, came running to protect the King. Choi Young who interrupt the attack, causes the assassin's sword to miss. Choi Young stopped in front of the King, as he stands defensively, the assassin smiles slightly as he sees Choi Young. Tension between them build and then the assassin turns around and it is the moment when out of Choi Young expectations, the assassin headed for the Queen, who had already retreated against the wall next to her.

The Queen's lady-in-waiting, who stood to stand in front of her, was cut down by her single knife and fell. In the meantime, the Queen quickly turns to her side and dodges. Choi Young-eun rushes at the King and pauses for a moment to cut another one and then he sheaths is sword which is strapped to his back. After the fight the Queen was stabbed in the back, the assassin's sword has meant to kill the Queen, who is a tenacious target, she is bleeding from the throat, but still alive. The King collapses after Choi Young kicks the assassin who he has stabbed with the sword. Almost at the same time, with Chung Seok at the head, the woodcutter climbed up from the floor below, rush into this room, one of the assassins blows a whistle. Now the assassins start running away all at once. Chung-Seok shouted a command that reverberates through the guesthouse to capture the assassins alive.

Jangbin comes running. Choi Young stood up with her Queen in his arms, she briefly sees the King. The King is watching with bloodless face, he is looking at the Queen in Choi Young's arms. The assassin was not after the King, but the Queen. Jang Bin checked the condition of Queen, who was lying on the bed. Blood gushed from the cut of the jugular vein on the right side of her neck. "Pharmacist."

At Jangbin's call, the druggist who was crouching next to him quickly went to the medicine chest and opens it. Jang Bin picks up her sleeve with his quick hands, he took the Queen's hand, stretched it out, and placed acupuncture needles on her small point, the aim is to slow the pulsation of the heart to reduce the bleeding. Hurrying up to lower the collar of the dress to expose the Queen's neck and insert a needle into her celestial body. The result is outstanding... The blood that came out is getting less and less, which means it has stopped the qi to bleed. Relief is short because Yes, he stopped the bleeding, but it was only temporary. Jang Bin turned around and saw the King, bowed to the King.

The King staggered for a moment, and he barely managed to stand. It seems that the King is very concerned about the Queen. Jangbin looks at Choi Young next to him. Only that figure, insensitive and cold as always, as he makes eye contact with Choi Youngs' enquiring gaze. Jang Bin's answers "It is difficult." Choi Young frowns at this response. Worried about whoever sees his reaction and it is an expression that seems to come across as being annoyed yet it is not. The enemies fled leaving thirteen corpses behind. I tried to capture it the survivors alive. It is said that Dawn committed suicide by biting the poison. The sacrifice on this side is not a lot. Hongdeok and Woodalchi, who guarded the roof, showed the best archery skills. The proud Deoksu died. The two Woodalchies who guarded the lower floor dead. Four died and many more were injured. The bodies of the enemies were to be piled up in the northern fields, and the Woodalchies bodies were collected separately. Choi Young writes a long poem next to each member who has become a corpse, he has spent so much time with each one of them.

The captain sits with an expressionless face that could not interpreted from the outside. Just sitting next to the crew, I nod my head sometimes as he talks to the dead, he asks the boss. "Are you talking about the Chinese?" You may be able to see the soul of the Daewon. We do not even know if he can hear the voices. So, nodding like that, I answered the request of the dead member like I would be doing if they were alive. Choi Young also carefully inspected the bodies of the dead assassins first, he follows Chung-Seok, who has been looking at him, and reports. "I didn't have anything to identify me with," he said "They each had a suicide poison in case each of them was captured, wow. No one talked during the raid, so we couldn't listen to the tone, and I don't even know where there from."

Choi Young grabs the shoulder collar of one of his corpses and pulls it down, around the shoulder a small tattoo is visible on. At first glance it is too small, like a dot, it was a tattoo worth throwing away. "Yes?" I ask. Choi Young responds "The Thriller Group of the Frontier. One tribal village is home to these killers. Hundreds of them. It is a place to that trains and grows. It's expensive, and it's not worth making a deal once." In this situation where the word to subjugate comes and goes, the Queen is none other than the Princess of King Wi of the Yuan Dynasty, such a person cannot be left to die on the street? Especially so, our Goryeo to the Yuan Dynasty, where the pods do not even have pods like this where Yuan will eat away at our Goryeo.

The King had no choice but to turn around and ask Jang Bin who was standing next to Jo Il-shin. "Are you hopeless?" Jang Bin answers "A large vein running through my neck was cut in half, hydrogen sound sutra. It slows down the flow of hydrogen ginseng vinegar and delays bleeding. I did, but it's a temporary measure." Jo Il-shin asked with a breathless sound. "If the veins are cut, you can stick them on." Jang Bin answers "I managed to lower the heart rate by half. If you touch it and the qi is disturbed, the bleeding will get out of control." Jo Il-shin panics "No. No. She must live. Unless of good faith, it is impossible." Jo Il-shin exaggeratedly pretends to grab his hair.

The King looks to the side of the door. Choi Young is sitting there, back leaning against the wall with closed eyes appears to be sleeping. From the first day we moved in, Choi Young always went with the King in the King's room. He never asked for permission, and he slept like he took it for granted. He opened the door and came in and sat down beside the entrance, his sword on his thigh and fell asleep. The King's Hawk. Jo Il-shin found the name was rather unsettling. "How about having another subordinate, not the captain, stand in line?" He asked. However, Choi Young bluntly answered, "I will." Even if I close my eyes like I am sleeping like that, I've never fallen asleep. The King knows that.

The King turns in his bed and hears Choi Young's breathing stopped and he confirmed that there was nothing wrong, he states what must be said. So even now, the King asks Choi Young, who closed his eyes and states "he says that when she dies, our country dies. Captain of Woodalchi. Do you think so too?" Choi Young opened his eyes as if there was nothing, he could do about it and answered. "God is nothing, so I don't know anything about politics." Choi Young continues "As soon as he became King, he looked like he was going to ruin the country.

Truly amazing. It's a king." Choi Young has something against him. I expected Park to say something, but Jo Il-shin screamed shout and interrupt "There is! Your Highness is faithful. It is right around here. God...I know." Choi Young raises his sword and stands up. "Where is it? Tell his men to bring it." Jo Il-shin continues "It's in heaven. I know the door to that sky is." Choi Young is dumbfounded and looks back at Jo Il Shin. The King thinks this is ridiculous, he sees Jo Il-shin. Only Cho Il-shin has a triumphant face. "It's very close. Not far."

The Queen was lying on a bed in a dark room like a picture. Jangbin Lee is relying on kerosene lights during his visits to monitor the Queen. Choi Young peeked into her room and went to a place a little further away. He stands back and waits for the King who cannot decide and thinks ruefully, isn't a King a being who only needs to make decisions? think. 'The King stands at the door and refuses to go in. Beside him Jo Il-shin is persistent and constantly arguing. "Who is Jang Eo-do? He is the best doctor in Goryeo. It says something when such a good doctor cannot save her, doesn't it? So, what is left? It must rain in the sky. I heard that Hwa-ta entered in the past. It is to pray with intelligence in front of the gate."

The King then asks sarcastically. "If I pray to the sky, will it save me?" Jo Il-shin continues his argument "It is important to be empty, Your Highness has come. It must be reported. He prayed to heaven with all his heart. How sad to see from the side, there was no mate to do. He never stopped praying. He prayed for three days and three nights. It is to make the horse enter the circle." Jo Il-shin finishes his proposal with "Let us alleviate Yuan's anger with that, shall we? I stand for your consideration, Majesty." The King is silent for a moment. Choi Young looks back at the King. The King sighed as he looked into the sky, and finally gave an order. "Go get ready, Jo Il-shin sprints away. "It's embarrassing."

The King says to Choi Young leaned against the wall, who then go to ask Jang bin. "Is it possible to move the Queen?" Jangbin responds "It is impossible" which Choi Young reports to the King and then says. "We welcome the wise and wise king, and the blessings of all the people Goa. I thought. is it different?" The King is speechless at Choi Young's blunt reply and just look at Choi Young and waits for and explanation and then he asks helplessly "Should I do more? Do you hate me? Am I? From the beginning... you hated me even before we met, right?" At the King's question, Choi Young laughs "Your Highness, if I answer Yes, then God must die. But the King does not give up." The King persists "Why do you hate me? I'm your King." Choi Young-eun sighs and exhales. "Answer what's in your heart. Would you listen to the eomyeong?" Choi Young sees the King again.

The King looked directly at Choi Young his eyes are not crooked, he has never encountered such sincere eyes as Choi Young's eyes, it moves his heart a little. Choi Young corrects his posture, stands and states "The former King was 14, a young age. If you can't do it, the circle has dethroned him." The King acknowledges what has been said with "I know." Choi Young continues "Your Highness is twenty, not fourteen, twenty, but still young, I think. Moreover, His Highness bet on Yuan at the age of ten and you grew up in The Yuan Dynasty. Its influence must have been watered deep in the bones to be in your position. To think that we should entrust this country to such a person, our Goryeo. I also think that the people of Ryo are unlucky. Lee Sang-Ip is." I thought that this would make him angry, but the King was silent. Choi Young at the King and noticed his hand gripped the hem of his robe. Recognising that the King who was so restrained, Choi Young's eyes became soft.

The King asks in a hushed voice "Everyone thinks so, right? People of Goryeo." Choi Young responds "Because you are already the fifth King in ten years, the people, they won't be very interested." In front of Choi Young, who is taller than 6 feet tall, the short King reaches his chin. The King raises his head and looks at it as if he were looking down, then proudly nodded his head in thanks "Thank you for the words in your heart." Then he turns around and walks away. Choi Young abruptly calls, while watching the King walk away, "Majesty." The King stops and looks back. "So, I don't particularly hate it." After looking at Choi Young for a moment, the King smiled slightly. Choi Young does summon a smile to give me. Yeah, he is a King who he only needs to serve for a few more days anyway. It would be okay to endure those days with a smile on his face.

The number of people left in the inn with the Queen was 12. I decided to take remaining 6 with him and Jang Chung-Seok. What are you preparing for? While waiting for Jo Il-shin, Choi Young ponders his thoughts. On the journey of the last 20 days, I have not met a single group of pirates that have been moving. The leader of which Choi Young kept a close eye on and kept track of their movements as much as he could but lost track of their movements when they crossed the border. Just before passing this four month came out. It came out that the leader lost four of her own children and that there was a small number of Moga priests that were bought and sent. First of all, the Yuan Dynasty is not, had he tried to kill her Queen in the circle, he would have done so before departure.

The wealth of this group is enough to buy dozens of Mohists. It must have been much more than water, so it wasn't even about money, in the end, there is only one answer. This is Deokseong Buwongun Ki-Cheol. Why? What made this King? I heard that Ki-Cheol's sister is Empress Ki, but ah, so she's not the King. Was she a Queen that spoiled the new King wouldn't you want to make it smoother? The King who lost the Princess of Yuan before he entered the palace, he'll be desperate to preserve his life somehow, and then he'll show up and protect it. Are you planning to take the King under your guidance naturally? Childish. It is a plan, It is simple and bold.

Only those who don't mind being caught can decorate it. That has to be it. Choi Young looked up toward the second floor where there is a fuss like the Queen is dead I should have dropped it, then they have achieved their intended purpose. Did you know that I would have walked away? I smile bitterly, This is shallow water, he always hesitates in his thoughts, misses the time, the taste is bitter. Choi Young calls out to Joo Joo with a hand gesture. Third of the Udalchi Troop order. With only the swordsmanship minus the internal power, he can compete with Choi Young and at thirty-five, he is the owner of a worthy skill.

Uncharacteristically praising the commentator who came running into reach "Only two-person surveillance on the roof. Avoid sacrificing by telling them to evade within the conditions put half of it in, and the rest wait in the corridor on the second floor. Stairs are cut off, so it will take them a while to come up to the place, have Su wait at the entrance on the second floor." Joo Joo says "Yes, I understand." Choi Young then orders "You're next to the Queen bed. Even if you must leave, you're close. Don't let it happen." Joo Joo responds "Yes." I am still uneasy about something so Choi Young warns "They'll use thunderbolts or other tricks like before." Choi Young hesitates "So what? "asks Joo Joos. Choi Young says, "Take care of yourself." Joo Joo answers coolly "Yes." then as reassurance says, "I will hold out until you come." I was going to say something, but Chung-seok called "I'm ready." Jo Il-shin is standing at the entrance with a face flushed with excitement.

Who will be the one who will go to heaven? I hold back a sigh it is for this reason to defend that the small force must be divided into two. Unhappy, Choi Young turns away from Jo Il-shin. Choi Young prefers to move without any light as the fear of being targeted was smaller. Unfortunately, it happened to be a full moon, not to mention on a clear cold day where the moonshines through, illuminating the world clearly in black and white. The place where Jo Il-sin led the party was the place where the gusts of wind gathered. Choi Young's heart became heavier, as they got closer, it was there. The gusts of wind that swarmed earlier were aiming for this place.

Carefully examining the land illuminated by the moonlight it was clear that it did, as we entered the mountain road, the wind traces were deeper than knee height. It became a path for us to follow the few traces gathered by digging the ground and they gather around the place called Heavenly Gate and stopped. Where did the gathered winds go? Heaven's Gate is something like a long gap in the centre of a rock wall. The length seemed to be slightly higher than Choi Young's height, and in the dark, so we cannot tell how deep it is.

It seems that something like a bell shrine was built nearby but the attack of the wind knocked the incense sticks off the stone altars and they roll around here and there as they are scattered. Jo Il-shin disrespects the members of Woodalchi and his Courtier, he orders the altar moved and, in its place, spread silk on it, and place the incense burner, he lights incense and trembles in Busan. The wind is still there. Choi Young stays vigilant and looks around. The wind in the area starts to stir like a wriggling. Originally, it is the wind that will move from one place to another. Are you standing still here? What did Choi Young hear? Was it the wind leaning in? He tries to hear or detect the presence of people who maybe hidden in the dark, but it is only the sound of the wind which is getting stronger.

The King grabbed the fluttering hem of his clothes and stood with a frown on his face, next to him, Jo Il-shin is talking "Speaking of the Heavenly Gate, a thousand years ago, Hua Tuo went that way. The very door that is said to have gone to Heaven will come, he is in the sky. Xu Hua Tuo raised many disciples, and once in three hundred years. It is also said that he sends the disciple down through the Heavenly Gate one by one." The King seeking more information asks "You mean to pray through that gap? Jo Il-shin answers "It's not just a gap. The sky gate leading to the sky is coming."

The King was about to walk toward the altar with a displeased face, but Choi Young blocks his approach from the front and commands sharply. "PROTECT". Six Woodalchi quickly surround the King and prepare to defend their King. Chung-seok takes one side of the King, and Choi Yeong takes the front. A place where everyone looks in amazement, in a place called Cheonhyeol, the light shines, it is leaking from somewhere. It is not that it is leaking, rather, it is being formed by itself on the spot.

The light gradually grows darker and illuminates the surroundings as if the light is being directed, it seems to be rising. Jo Il Shin is making a strange chuckling, next to the King, between the Captain is Cho Il-shin, who had dug in, shouts like a scream. "Heavenly Gate. Your Highness." The silk cloth laid on the altar is caught in the wind in an instant, then it is sucked into the centre of the light. "The Gates of Heaven have opened. I can meet for you, your Majesty····" Choi Young was dumb founded and looks back at Jo Il Shin, then the King next to him.

Looking at the appearance of the King is staring at the light as if possessed. Jo Il Shin is screaming madly. "Command me to go. Go and be a disciple of Hwa-ta or order Hwa-ta to brought to your Majesty. Hurry, before the gates of heaven close." Choong-Seok, who was next to him, was agitated and pushed Jo Il-shin away, saying "Someone you know so well is coming." Jo Il-shin clings to Chung-Seok to keep from being pushed out and makes noise while holding on. "We can save the Queen. Your Highness. Heavenly Councillor, faithfulness, is over there, please go. Please bring it." Choi Young's gaze meets that of the King who just turned around. Choi Young can read the earnest heart from the King who hesitates and opens his mouth. "I can't believe all of that, but..." Choi Young speaks to the King who is unable to finish his words "Give me your order." the King answers "I'll have to find out." Choi Young states "I will go." The King nods in agreement. Choong-Seok takes a step closer to Choi Young, who readily turns around. "Leader. It's a fish name."

Throwing away his words, Cheonhyeol, Choi Young steps towards the light. Taiwan approaches from the side this intrusion is detected by Choi Young who stretches out one arm to stop him and stares hard in Taiwan direction who has in tears in his eyes ceases his approach. Choi Young is strangely enjoying himself as he walked towards the centre of the light. Heavy with anticipation is that really a door to a place other than here? Would the Ramen be good? Thinking that would be great, Choi Young enters the light, it was when he stepped into the centre of the light that his body began to be sucked in at a breakneck speed that knocks him out of breath. Being stuck, Choi Young uses his spirit and tries to keep his centre, but at some point, he went with it, and he let himself go. The full light is so intense that he closes his eyes think of his father. The movement, like this strong suction that continues endlessly, which makes him want to leave but cannot. Feeling that he is on the verge of suffocating because he cannot hold his breath anymore, ends up vomiting.