Chapter 2 Sky World under the Sky

It was such an unexpected reaction to a situation where Choi Young had held his breath until he could not anymore, to stop from inhaling the smoke that seemed to float and silently permeated the Heavenly world that the disciples of Hwa-ta were from. Choi Young was trying to determine how to fulfil his mission to find one to take back. While thinking about it, Choi Young did not try to move while he observes his surroundings. Looking at the sky he notices that there is also a full moon here, land and rain that is the same, yet the similarity stops when he observes that this full moon casts a much dimmer on the ground and that there are a few stars missing in the Sky World. Could it be that most of the stars are below because it is close to Heaven? Okay. So, how many can you not see above this?

Choi Young uses the differences as evidence that this place is unlike the place in the other world where he breathed and endured. He believes where he has emerged standing is a different world and considers whether to stay and not to go back. It is just passing thought that makes him wonder what would happen if he stayed in this different place? Would he belong here in the Sky World? He felt that he did not belong on earth. Choi Young looks back at the Heavenly Gate and is reminded that the King, the Woodalchi and the injured Queen are waiting for him to bring back the Heavenly Healer. He is worried that if the enemy attacks, from the rear while he is here that they may not survive.

After standing up, Choi Young raises his heavy body his thoughts are refocused on the mission. The first step is a basic one and that is to make sure to check how secure the escape route is. He checks the place where he had entered from earlier, he observes that it is huge and hidden. The smoke that silently permeates the Heavenly world is faint and hardly detectable the further he gets from the opening that he had come through, with determination he thinks of the disciple of Hwa-ta. You just must find one and take it back, that is the mission.

Suddenly a strong light hits Choi Young, his instinct kicks in and rolls his body to dodge the potential attack and remains vigilant when he comes to stop mid roll to crouch low to the ground. Choi Young sees another flash and reacts by jumping to hide behind the tree next to him. He holds his breath to see where the source of the light is coming from. Choi Young notices a pair of people, one is a young man, and the other is a woman, both seem to be wearing clothes that fit their strangely shaped bodies.

The woman seems to be holding and looking through a small square object in her hand, she seems to be focused on the area I was standing. "Did you see? Did you see?" she says lowering the small square object. "What?" asks the man. "Over there...." the woman says pointing towards the Choi Young who is hiding from her. "I saw someone move in front of me" she goes on to explain and then says to the man "I saw it, look at this, look at what I took." the woman is showing the man the small square object. The man asks, "What did you film?" and then brushes her off with "There is nothing there". Choi Young is in conflict for a while as he is trying to decide what to do. In his head he is thinking that they are heavenly people, is that why I can understand what they are saying and concludes that they should understand what he says, so decides to ask politely about the Heavenly Healer.

Choi Young's heart is beating fast, he takes a deep breath and emerges from behind the tree where he was hiding, one of his hands is holding the sword at his waist and his appearance shows evidence of a just fought a bloody battle as has come through his gate carried by the wind, covered in blood, his eyes gleamed beneath his tousled hair. Choi who appeared takes the man and women by surprise, who gape at what they think is a spirit.

The woman reacts first she smiles and bows with hands together to give her li, "Wow!" the man exclaims. "That is cool." Choi Young who has not let his guard down reacts by stepping forward defensively as the woman makes a movement in his direction with the object in her hand, at the same time there is a flash of lightning and a loud bang of thunder. Choi Young ducks to hide first behind the tree and then quickly runs at a speed at which he would normally use to dodge arrows in battle, crouches to take cover behind a structure. The couple, who had been trying to locate Choi Young had been searching for him for a while, ended up being disappointed and left the place.

Choi Young noticed that there was a fire which is burning at the base of huge Buddha statue which was made of white stone sitting on a pedestal. He can feel energy pulsating in front of that statue almost that is waiting expectantly. It must be the door that he entered Heaven through as the distorted air appears to bubble and boil brilliantly on the ground, he can sense the energy radiating from the Buddha statue, which is different from the vortex of rising light. Didn't he man and woman see this energy earlier?

Puzzled, Choi Young turns around, pauses, his breathing slows, he stands slowly as he has lost feeling in his legs from crouching as he looks around, he realises that he is on a Hill. Below he can see that there is a spectacular view of dark sky, huge structures made of light stretching and climbing towards the sky and he also can hear a noise that he cannot identify, what is that? One.... Two... Choi Young unknowingly turns toward the direction of the noise he is hearing and walks to investigate, struggling with the competing sights and sounds her tries to keep his bearings and looks around to be notice that he is drawing the attention of people around him. Even though he is trying to be careful, his heart continues to tremble what is that thing?

The closer you get to the unknown noises the sound from them grows. What the hell is making those noises? Choi Young encounters tall fence which separates the place he is in from the area filled with tremendous noise. His way has been blocked, thinking that walls a usually made with stone, this material must be felt first. Choi Young decides to firmly touch the wall, when he suddenly feels a surge of power that travel through his body unexpectedly slightly and quickly, taking him by surprise and results in him falling over the wall and was about to sit down.

Instead, he quickly throws his body forwards to ended up standing back up away from the wall. His eyes already opened in shock are widened at what he can see through the fence as what can be described as a strange monster. Carriages made of iron ran from all sides with a tremendous roar, it looked like they were rushing, they were in front of Choi Young running very fast on the left and right. Choi Young moves speechlessly staring at these carriages, noticing in the window of the transparent carriages are sky people, they seem to be riding, he thinks in carriages.

Something came running with a louder sound and it is too much for him for a moment and he decides to jump in front of one of the carriages to contain it momentarily. It was a horse made of burning iron. Only with iron. Do all these horses have two wheels instead of legs? Choi Young unknowingly adjusts to seeing the motor bikes as horses because of the similarity in how the rider sits and just like that he calms down and enables him to see more of what is in front of him. He recognises that where he is standing is on top of a road that runs forever in front and behind him, that it is a wider, longer and broader than any road he has ever experienced.

Not only that travelling on this road are innumerable types of wagons and horses all different in size and type, each one emits their own light from what seems to be the front to illuminate the horizon. In all of them people and human-like creatures seem to sit, stand or ride depending on what they use to travel. Soaring into the up high into sky beyond that wide road there are structures are lined up, each structure emits light as well from numerous square holes the number of which seems to be countless.

Where is he? This way seems to be far away from finding a disciple of Hwa-ta. Choi Young looks back. and notices that unlike this side of the fence the other side is silent. He can see the Buddha Statue and wonders if within its precincts reside monks, thinking if you are a monk in the sky world your power must be higher than that of monks on earth. Choi Young can identify the people passing through the precincts as monks from the clothes and hairstyles they wear, which are like that on earth. In the precincts of the Buddha Statue as bright as daylight with luminaries the monks can be seen either moving, he sees monks walking to the light from the darkness and from the light to the dark.

Choi Young decides to walk towards the Buddha Statue to look for a suitable monk to approach. Eventually, an elderly monk stands out, so he follows him carefully. The monk is holding a small object in his hand, that object seems to give off a strong light like the previous one he encountered it also does not seem to do any harm. Choi Young guesses that it is probably a supposed to emit light to identify who the monk encounters. The old monk is talking about something to that small object, just like Choi Young sometimes talks to his horse, Ju-Hong. At a spot where there were few people around, Choi Young steps in front of the old monk, put his hands together, bowing from the waist to show his respect and silently requesting an audience.

The old monk responds reflexively by put his hands together and bows his head in acknowledgement, his eyes widen in surprise when they register what he sees in front of him as he looks up, down and back up at Choi Young who speaks "Monk." He waits for a response but there is none, so he goes on to introduce himself, "My name is Choi Young from the earthly world." the Monk seems confused as asks in clarification. "Earthly world?" Choi Young goes on to say "I know, I have come to a place that I shouldn't have dared to come, but please help me. Shio." As he is speaking, Choi Young is closely examining the old man's expression. The monk, Seung suddenly looks around wanting to ask for help, only just now noticing he is isolated and there is no one around to notice this unusual encounter.

Seung tries to hide that he is worried and suppresses the urge to run screaming, to respond with a calm innocent face "How can I help you?" Choi Young responds "I'm looking for God." The monk seeking understanding asks "Faith?" Choi Young then goes on to say, "I heard that Hwa-Ta's disciples live here." The monk then repeats "Hwa-ta?" then with understanding says "Ah, a doctor?" Choi Young responds "Yes, the healer." The monk the says "Even though they are doctors, they all have different majors. Internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, dentistry... where is the problem?" At the old monk's kind question, Choi Young quickly remembered the Queen's injury and with his finger draws a vertical line from the side of his neck to his face and answers "This part."

The old monk nodded as if he understood and says, "That way… ah, plastic surgery." realising this may seem vague to this strange person he asks "Do you know where you are? There are many plastic surgeons. This is Gangnam." Choi Young answers "I'm not looking for just a doctor. I am looking for one I can trust..." The monk says with understanding "Looks like you're looking for someone famous." the old monk smiles brightly, nods his head in recognition. "Ah, I saw the banner earlier. Plastic surgery at COEX. I heard there is a meeting, but if you go there, there will be many famous doctors there." When Choi Young struggles with unfamiliar words, " Nose...?" Seung smiles and tries one more time tell him by slowly and clearly pronouncing the word "COEX." Choi Young then asks, "May I ask which way it is?"

The monk who was afraid that someone with blood on his face and body would ask, calmly stretches out his hands and gives directions clearly and steadily "If you go this way, you will see it. It is so big" Seeing the direction the old monk pointed at, Choi Young was momentarily perplexed. Only a little as it is the very direction he had retreated from before as if he were fleeing. Being honest with old monk Choi Young say "I was there a while ago. But how can I go there? will you?" Noseung looks at Choi Young blankly before giving him an answer. "Just go?" realisation hits him with a bamboo stick "Ah....I just... just go. I see..." he bows his head deeply. "Thank you for teaching me." Choi Young willingly turns around and starts to head in that direction but hears the old monk's voice speaking from behind. He looks back and notices that the old monk appears to be talking to the small object again.

Thinking that the old monk is talking to himself, refocuses his attention back to his mission. The monk can be heard saying "They must be filming hidden cameras in our precincts. If you are filming a drama, I should have known. You did you even know? Hello." another voice responds, "Why are you calling me now?" The lights floating in the air all over the place made a crackling which is an uneasy sound, spitting out and chewing to sense the passing of an earthly being. Choi Young is concerned, but does not slow his steps, he has reached the fence again. Preparing himself Choi Young tightens his shoelaces, girdle, adjust his scabbard and once more upbraids and unties his hair to re-braid and ties it up again thinking so the only way to go is that I just go. It is not that he was afraid of death, he does not know why, since the age of sixteen year he is prepared to die in any way and for anyone, have you seen it? ever? now? or since?

All he knew was that he did not want to die standing still. I dare you Choi Young is thinking as he checks his knife unsheathing it and sheathing it again, thinking that if he has to he can turn his breath into a Danjeon and apply electricity. After taking this into consideration he jumps over the fence with a much lighter heart regardless that there is still roar of iron wagons rushing and pushed like a flood of water that will not go away. Things Choi Young did not notice before are visible like a large painting is floating and moving on the sky like it is taking pride and place being hung on a wall. Choi Young even smiles and encourages himself loudly saying "Just go." Charging ahead he begins to cross the wide avenue iron horses from all sides, cars roar coming to a halt, screaming and cursing can be heard. However, Choi Young does not slow down and walks determinedly with one hand on his sword in case someone attacks first, as he does not intend to attack first. Walking one step at a time he has crossed the road.

The new road has taken over and this one is looking weird now as it is a flooded with people wearing the same type of clothes and they are looking at individual objects that are being deliberately lit up. Some people have noticed Choi Young, as the glance, point fingers at him, look away and talk among themselves. Sky people seem notice that he is different to them, so tries hard not make eye contact with anyone. By using all his senses to catch the feelings the others that are around him, he can catch the waves of surprise, and smiles. Choi Young does not sense any hostility or fear from anyone, which makes him wonder if the Sky people are familiar with fighting. From the corner of his eye, he cannot see any weapons, it makes him realise that he could not stay here long as he was the only one carrying a long sword as well as being covered in blood.

Choi Young looks around in all directions remembering what the old monk told him and trying to find traces of faithfulness. Spotting a huge poster right in front between the unfamiliar letters written on the poster are letters he can read that say 'school' and 'doctor' and in big letters 'COME IN" this is also on the front entrance of the building next door. This structure soared into the sky and people were coming in and out of it has a sign that reads:

The 30th International Society of Plastic Surgery.

The 10th Korean Society of Plastic Surgeons.

After checking the letters on the poster erected on the wall Choi Young goes in the direction of the entrance. Unfortunately for Choi Young next to the conference hall was a medical device exhibition hall. To enter, you must have a pass prepared in advance, or you had to pay 7,000 won to buy a ticket at the booth next to the exhibition hall. At the entrance, a female employee checks the pass or ticket of people prior to letting them in. So as Choi Young walks towards the entrance it stirs attention of the people standing in line to purchase a ticket from the booth and to gain entry after the purchase a there and causes a commotion.

The female employee is caught by surprise and reacts with "Oh!", as Choi Young is about to pass. Embarrassed the female employee says, "I need a ticket." Choi Young hesitates, unable to understand what she said. A man approaches her with an annoyed face and asks, with hostility "What is it? ". Choi Young senses it, the man looks him up and down laughs. The female employee decides to let him inside, but the man, grabs Choi Young by the arm and pulls and says "Hey, hey". Choi Young grabs the man by the wrist, detaches his arm from the man's grip while propelling the body of the man in the opposite direction into the crowd of people waiting to get in to cause a distraction while he slips through the entrance.

Choi Young observes a lot of people in weird clothes and all sorts of various smell that they give off make him choke. He is constantly reminding himself that he is in Heaven and that the loud sounds and unknown smells are part of Heaven. Most of the people that turned to Choi Young are smiling and he senses no fear from them, it is evidence that the existence of laughter is for Heaven and is the opposite to earth where fear exists, it a reality that he meekly accepts. Choi Young the recognises writing that reads like poetry on a letter that is pasted on the front of a door. 'Reunion, reunion, rebirth', Jang Bin had cut off the veins in Queen's neck, and he had to redo it, he said he did. it then continued with 'Then suture. Then play. Plastic surgery - a history of incision, suturing and regeneration.

Choi Young opens the door, in an instant, a sonorous voice rushes in "Let's proceed." was that at my 12 o'clock. Are there soldiers guarding the sky? They must be a bit like me. Will there be signals? By now someone would have notified the sky soldiers of my presence. The sonorous voice continues "The origin of wrinkle removal surgery, which was mainly used in the 1970's 'was subcutaneous lift', this is a commonly referred to as facelift. It is an operation to remove the excess skin by making an incision from the scalp part above the ear to the front of the ear and pulling the skin separated from the lower layer, it is tightened and then cut".

Entering Choi Young closes the door behind him and walks carefully he notices that there are dozens of people sitting in a big room and looking at the front at one place. He looks to see what holds their attention and notices that filling the front of is another moving picture and in it someone is being treated for an injury. A person with a cut to one side of the face, the cut part is like that of the Queen. Choi Young stops, attention on what is happening on the screen when his gaze is caught on a woman standing in front of a moving painting. Hold up. Was this sonorous voice coming from the woman? Is that moving picture the work of the woman? According to the hand gestures of the artist, the painting comes alive and moves to another painting, and then the voice stops and the picture fades, now only the woman's eyes remain.

The presentation is brought to an unexpected halt, people look at each other and around to detect the reason for the interruption they then notice that the woman's focus is on the back of the room. The woman whose focus on Choi Young, looks straight at him with clear, yet puzzled eyes, she notices when Choi Young has become aware that she and the others in the room has noticed him when his stance changes when he meets her eyes, and he stops breathing. An unsettling feeling takes him by surprise and freezes him in place, unable to react as he normally would, even when the heavenly soldiers came and pulled him out, Choi Young offers no resistance, as he tries to retain eye contact with her as long as possible, until he is dragged out of the room and the door is closed, cutting the eye contact he has maintained with the woman, Choi Young finally is able to breathe properly, he guesses that reason is that the woman is his target. He tries to recall where he has experienced these similar reactions where he is unable to breathe in his memories. One instance in particular take place was, he eighteen? It was at night, along the ridge of the Taebaek Mountains when Choi Young is alone. It was an instance where, there was an important message to convey and in one night, he had to reach the beach in Gangneung, he forgets what that the urgent reason was.

What he does recall while walking on the dark road only lit by the crescent moon, he notices a figure of a tiger, as he stares at it blankly the whole world fades away leaving him and the tiger's eyes ten paces away which remained only to fill the world. Even when Choi Young was out of breath, he endured by thinking that as long as he didn't move the tiger would not attack, so he remains as still as a tree and waits, the tiger is first to move by turning her body and walking away. Is this situation the same as the tiger was crossing his path on the ridge? He tries to assess how it is like then? and decides, "It's not. It's different."

The soldiers of Heaven take Choi Young into a room, much smaller than before. The room was full of desks, chairs, and unknown objects, sitting on the chair the soldiers point to, Choi Young-eun, he keeps thinking that it felt more like what he felt in the yard the day he first met his master. He was thirteen, it was late at night and there was no moon that day. His father had sent a slave to bring him to Sarangchae across the dark yard. For some unknown reason, when they arrived, Choi Young was stopped in the dark, by some unseen presence and he did not proceed to go on. Choi Young stood at the door, holding his breath and staring at Sarangchaes' burial ground where the light leaks out, he does not know how long he stood there or how it happened, but the door opened and the master looked at Choi Young, as if he already knew that he was standing there.

Choi Young stays frozen, in the dark, staring at teacher's eyes revealed in the lamplight. "Was this situation being similar to that day that he met his master?" The nagging thought that at that time like this that it had not been decided that he would seek to be mentored or accepted by his teacher is troublesome, so Choi Young raises his head and shakes it off, thinking "I'll have time to think more about what this feeling is later. However, if the woman of importance whether be a member of parliament or if she is the target. Don't I need to meet her properly, to find out?" he decides "Right. This feeling has never been wrong." After deciding his attention is back to what is happening around him. The man Choi Young had met at the entrance earlier had a polite but annoyed look on his face. First, it seems that interest has to be dealt with. Choi Young knows that the man does not even know martial arts and is at a loss as to how to deal with the man.

Meanwhile Eun-soo's seminar presentation which was prepared with great effort is messed up because of an intruder and it ended prematurely. Eun-soo go to the bathroom talking to her friend on her cell phone complaining "Oh, I don't know, it was really bad luck, there was extra or something jumping into the presentation room and messing around with it? Shouldn't you be doing this presentation today? Why am I doing it?" while complaining she finds a bottle of water places it on the bathroom counter, she the continues to find an aspirin bottle opens it and take out two pills, puts the lid back on the aspirin bottle, while putting it on the bathroom counter and then proceeds to pick up the water bottle and open the lid, puts the pills in her mouth, takes a mouthful of water and swallows it. Continuing to complain "

My head has been splitting since the morning. Tangyi only spins around with his baby boy pupils and with that small inspiration, Dr Oak makes me do it. What can I do? Nothing, apart from bear it all for now. You wait and see, in the next three years, I will be in Gangnam too. I am going to open my own hospital under my name. Why not invest in a hospital? Yes? Hey, this girl married into a rich house, so are you going to? You want to spend some money?"

Danny hangs up the phone saying that her friends are making a fuss saying it is time to go to the gym. Eun-soos' temples are still throbbing with a headache, she is waiting for the aspirin to take affect hoping that it will not lead to a migraine, if a migraine begins and it gets worse, Eun-soo will end up it can last two or three days, sitting on the floor holding on to the toilet bowl vomiting. No matter how careful she is, it can happen as it has happened before once every couple of months. She has done every test she can think of, but there is nothing in her brain or blood. No problem found.

The senior in charge of the examination said calmly. "Work out. And make love." Eun-soo gazes intently at her own face in the bathroom mirror, thinking how because of the red hair dyed impulsively in Nanju, the colour of the face is wrong, it is paler, because of the headache that shouldn't start. Eun-soo suddenly remembered the intruder from earlier, particularly those eyes and wearing that ridiculous outfit. Putting aside those ridiculous clothes she remembers his eyes more closely and that tousled hair, thinking how exactly it is those eyes, that is rare. The thought of those very deep eyes that penetrated past her face acts like a drill that triggers her headache, intensifying her pain. In the past the faintest light or the slightest sound is like hitting her brain with a hammer.

Now it just the recollection of those eyes that is the reason for the pain intensifying. Eun-soo feels like they can see inside her, she shakes her head to clear these thoughts and then wonders "What movie is filming around here?" Looking at the costume that the extra was wearing, it seems like a historical drama, Did the extra get lost and wander into the seminar room? Even if you wander in a crowd and reasons that world and this world are completely different places, she turns on the cold water to cool her hands and then puts the cold wet hands on the back of her neck and face, to then massage the head and pressing the temples willing the headache to go away, as there is so much to do.

Eun-soo leaves the bathroom and walks along a hallway leading out of the area of the bathrooms, she notices a wall-mounted T.V. was visible on the way to the medical equipment exhibition hall it was broadcasting the NEWS from Vision. Eun-soo stops for a moment to watch a live broadcast of the Sun where sunspot explosions are taking place while a voice reports "Currently, a level 4 alert has been issued for sunspot eruptions. According to the Radio Research Institute, as of 6:00 p.m., the damage situation is minimal. Although not previously reported, some domestic aircraft were affected by space storms and have been redirected to avoid the popular Arctic route." Eun-soo's heart jumped when she notices the vision shown during this broadcast it. Since I was young, she was only interested in the stars in the sky and was always tempted to go into astronomy. Eun-soo even in college, made a pilgrimage to the observatory with the astronomy students a couple of times, to see the Stars in the sky through a telescope. Whilst she was watching, she felt like she was in a daze and wanted to escape through that distant view and go to the punishment in one breath., it seemed possible, of course it was a hobby, because there was no future with it and no way to make money from it.

Back in the Security Room the Security guard approached the desk where he had made Choi Young sit at and proceeded to interrogate "Which company did you advertise from?" However, Choi Young is more interested in what is on the wall behind man demanding answers from him. It seems to have innumerable small transparent windows, each of which shows the appearance of a room as if it leads to room and each transparent window shows a different room, and they are all placed on the wall to make a circle. The Security Guard is still harassing Choi Young "Hey, where do you belong? Do you have a pass?"

Choi Young still focused on the small transparent windows and his attention is caught on one as he has noticed that it shows the woman from before. He sees her walking looking at the stalls and then she stops and seems to pick an object up and talk to the man at the stall. Choi Young gets up from the desk and goes to open the window she is in, but can't and is looking for a way to get in behind it he asks "How can I get in this way? "Behind him, the Security Guard is taken by surprise "What?" and then gets angry and demands "Hey, can't you hear people?" Choi Young responds by asking politely "Open this, please, I have to go inside."

The Soldiers in uniform in the background that have been observing the interrogation are taken by surprise by his request and laugh. Choi Young is inspecting the side of the window for a way to open it, looks behind him as the Security Guard answers "Are you kidding me? Do we look so free?" Choi Young is looking at the man as his hands are trying to pry the window open. The man approaches Choi Young and pokes his finger into the chest of armour worn by Choi Young while he asks, "What's this fish?" Choi Young endures the physical challenge with no response, yet he remains vigilant.

The Security Guard then notices a stickiness on his finger where it has touched the armour "Huh? What is this. It looks like blood. Sir, I don't know which company your part-timer at, but you can't go around like this. You should have gotten our permission before entering and what is this?" he exclaims as he tries to grab Choi Youngs' Sword but is grab by the wrist before he can make contact. Choi Young thinks "What the heck did he do? Do you carelessly put your hands on someone else's weapon?"

The Security Guard feels threatened and demands "Ah, ah, don't let me go?" as he tries to force the grip on his wrist loose. Choi Young uses his power to push him away, which causes him to fly back hitting a statue making it fall on top of him as he lands on the floor. The Security Guard roars, standing up in a hurry and glares at Choi Young with clear hostility and says aggressively "You just assaulted me. This is the second time already." He pulls something out of his waist which looks like a club which Choi Young is unfamiliar with its function. Choi Young has no choice but to draw his sword, he has no intention of killing, but if the opponent becomes hostile, he will have no choice but to defend himself and the chances are his opponent will not live.

The soldiers taken by surprise by his sword start to exclaim to each other "Is that real? Ah, no way. "Choi Young looks at the small windows again and sees the woman, his heart is beating uncharacteristically fast. The Security Guard yells urgently "Call the police. A madman has broken into the conference hall, security. Assault, vandalism, and that's illegal possession of weapons." he lists the criminal charges as he approaches Choi Young wriggling his club. Choi Young reacts by wielding his sword in a precise way that just splits the stick, so it breaks in two, leaving the Security Guard stunned as the top part falls to the ground and rolls, leaving him holding what is left.

There is a moment of silence, before the Security Guard looks at his hand and drops the remaining half of her merge and at the same time no matter who said first everyone runs out at once. Choi Young looks back at the window where the woman was last seen only to notice, that the woman is no longer visible from any window. Eun-soo is currently walking the medical equipment exhibition hall, thinking the selection of companies able to display medical equipment may be affected due to the bad economy. She decides to look around and think about it and if it is the same as before will be able to get some samples.

Previously Eun-soo was able to get a lot of samples to try before she buys, but his year seems to be not as available due to the economy being bad. She stops in front of the booth displaying the loupe. Salesperson quickly attend to show Eun-soo a loupe explaining "You must use a luxury brand to buy a loupe. Look at this product it has 2.5x magnification is standard and this is frame is made with ultra-light alloy material. Feel how light it is, our teachers have even forgotten to take it off and if you look in the middle here, this is an LED lamp...Do you want us to send you the information? or did you want to order? The chattering salesperson looks behind Eun-soo and opens his mouth and exclaims "Wow, these days, they will do anything to promote"

Eun-soo looks back to see what the salesperson is talking about. That is him, the extra who entered her seminar room, this person seems to be separate yet stands among the people, who come and go yet drawing their attention. The company who hired this extra chose someone who easily attracted people's attention. The salesman is looking right past Eun-soo says "Look at that makeup?" Eun-soo responds "Is that how you run business? I thought it was extra." She turns her attention to Loupe again, but the salesperson cannot take his eyes off Choi Young. She asks, "Don't you think this guy is a bit strange? "

The salesperson smirks and retorts "Looks like you're working." She replies "I want to. Can you send me this brochure?" The salesman's attention is caught "Ayu, that's right. If you give me the address of the hospital, I will deliver it myself. Go… " Eun-soo who is watching him, sees him pause and then stop talking, looking behind her, this makes Eun-soo look back at what has caught his attention. The Building Security guards are running around followed by police officers on one side and the Security Guard from earlier is leading more guards and other uniformed people, Choi Young can tell they don't specialise in marital arts. The Security Guard that has put this into action sees Choi Young who is the target of this action and screams. "That's him. There... I think it's better to gain some time by showing momentum before getting close. Hurry up!"

Choi Young draws his sword which the Security Guard warns the others "That one. That's a real sword." Choi Young reacts to this statement by aiming a wide swing of his sword at the table where an exhibition display is placed next to him. The table breaks in half and collapses, people around Choi Young get scared and start to run away. Only the uniformed people actioned to catch him do not know what to do. Eun-soo is in shock and not sure what to do starts to take two or three steps back, this movement catches Choi Young. Choi Young assesses the situation: All these people are also those who have not learned martial arts, he asks Eun-soo quickly "Can you save a woman who has been cut on the neck with a sword?" A soldier shouts at Choi Young "Hey. Put it down. Put it down." Choi Young shows he is not intimidated by picking up the table he cut in half and pushed it in such a way so that it stands accurately blocking the path in front of the woman who was about to run away. Choi Young approaches the woman and asks again. "Can you save the patient I mentioned earlier?"

The look in the woman's eyes when she looks at Choi Young reveals how scared she is and she stutters back "I have to see the patient... I must see the injury. Where and how much the patient was injured." Choi Young nods his head and looks back at her. Again, he remembers the other encounters he has had in the dark. It is when she pointed at Choi Young and said something and their eyes meet that Choi Young feels that he has meet with fate. He has never been wrong, and no matter how farfetched it is. Choi Young is sure that it is this woman is the Heavenly Healer he is looking for to save his Queen. After all this world is not a place where you can go back just because you made a mistake, if the heavens punish him for what he does from now on, then so be it he decides. Choi Young decides to cut the Security Guard that led the others in the same way that the Queen has been injured.

Eun-soo screams. "Ambulance. Call 911. Come on!" She looks back and there he is standing with his sword outstretched, while his other arm has captured the Security Guard that has collapsed upon being injured. The sword cut on the neck of the Security Guard and the salesman who was crouching next to him and shivering. Choi Young hesitates when he sees that there are tears in her woman's eyes and asks again "She is injured like this. Can you save her?" Choi Young notices how the woman's eyes wander behind him, as he watches her and realises that there is an uproar there that has drawn her attention. The Soldiers that are there to capture him have cleared out all the other normal people from the room, leaving a room as large as a field empty in an instant. Eun-soo quickly urges the salesman to clear the table of his products and urges him to help her take the Security Guard from the man with the sword to put him on the table.

Choi Young looks at the woman again, she is wiping her tears roughly, before she seems to refocus and looks down at her patient. Eun-soo sees that the injury is Jugular vein cut in half and asks in disbelief "You want me to save him? This patient right here?" clearly this injury is so serious that it is emergency and states "There is no time." Choi Young who seem to be unaffected commands "Please begin." Eun-soo thinks he is like a robot when follows this with "If we can't save him, we'll try one more time with interest." She cannot feel any emotion even in the tone of voice and the way he talks is strange, the way he uses language and the expression on his face is detached.

Eun-soo, who decided that it was useless to try arguing with this person and decides to take action. She gathers her thoughts as she rolls up her sleeves and ties up her hair thinking that since it is a medical equipment exhibition hall with other booths exhibiting medical tools that she can use like the headlamp exhibition booth. After this thought Eun-soo, who was about to move, is blocked by Choi Young, in frustration she unknowingly, pushes him aside, worried about running out of time which would result in the patient dying she says "Get out of the way. I need tools that are over there". Eun-soo then rushes to the different medical supplies booths. She gathers: A box of surgical gloves and gauze, then picks up a bag to put the saline solution, and the betadine solution in. she turns around, and promptly bumps into a chair.

The extra seems to be following Eun-soo the whole time, she tries to push him aside once again but does not succeed as he dodged to avoid it. Eun-soo runs to the patient she pours saline solution into the wound and a small amount of betadine this is also poured and sprinkled on surgical instrument to replace disinfectant. She opens the gauze bag and set the gauze to one side, she then puts on a surgery gown and mask and glove to examine the wound more closely while wearing it. Eun-soo notices that the patient is already unconscious and thinks "Thank God. I can go without anaesthesia. It is the dark and the lighting that is the problem. Eun-soo shouts at the salesperson "The table needs lighting." But the salesperson head is bowed, mumbling over his hands that are held like he is praying.

Eun-soo asks him "Are you praying?" The salesman looks up a Eun-soo and their eyes meet and Eun-soo prompts "I need help. That person..." Like a robot, Choi Young quickly judges the situation, approaches the salesman, he leans his upper body and speaks to him saying "If this person dies, I will use you next to see if this can be successful on you?" The salesperson crawls up to Eunsoo side slowly, who instructs the salesperson "Put the loupe on."

The salesperson quickly put the loupe, which is also his product, on to Eun-soo, Uncover the light and it turn on the. Eun-soo then instructs "AMI. The salesperson looks at Eun-soo with tears in his eyes "Doesn't the person who sells medical devices know AMI?" Eun-soo thinks and instructs again while pointing with her hand "AMI" The salesperson follows what Eun-soo is pointing at and moves to pick up AMI with a half-excited face, until Eunsoo screams loudly "Wearing gloves! "The salesperson while sniffling and crying puts the surgical gloves on and then picks up AMI. Eun-soo instructs quickly as he brings it over " You hold on to it as I open it." when this is done, she instructs " Now see the saline solution.... take it out.... prepare it and spray the injured area to clean the area for surgery.

Choi Young who is watching the woman as she focuses on what she is doing notices her forehead glowing again, which has nothing to do with light from the headlamp thinks "no way", his doubts the woman being the Heavenly Healer disappeared in an instant. It is with this realisation that his determination to take protect and care for her and follow her directions when he takes her back ways is hardened. Choi Young watches as she seems to be sewing a thin and pictures Zhang Bins reaction when he sees if later as he assists beside her. Anyone could forget the earthly world by sitting down and watching how she is treating the patient. Choi Young focuses more on the woman than on what she is doing, she has red hair and under the object on her forehead is the two eyes that he compares to the eyes that linger in his memory. They seem to be the same and this makes him more curious to pay more attention now that he can observe them up close, as he can hear a hum, even though there is no one within audible distance the space around seems to be surrounded with this sound. A voice is then heard that fills the air "This is Lieutenant Oh Sang-seop of the Gangnam Police Station. How is the situation inside? Hello? Who can answer me?" The woman raises her head and eyes met with Choi Young, noticing that he has not reacted she looks back down and devotes herself to treatment without a fuss. Choi Young nods in approval, takes a few steps and looks around as the voice continues " "I'll call you inside. Please answer the phone. I'll call you." Choi Young senses movement through the large, closed door located far away from where they are. He focuses on that door and can see from the small gap underneath that there is movement and from how they move that there are many people behind the door, and they are trained. The woman seems to have a high status in this world this is reflected in the number of soldiers and the variety of soldiers which were dispatched in such a short amount of time. In Goryeo, you would have to be a member of the royal family to receive this kind of attention? Momentarily, Choi Young gets nervous and assumes his defensive sword posture, when suddenly somewhere there is a loud noise. The sound came from a small object hanging on the wall, unable to bear the sound any longer, Choi Young cuts it with his sword.

Eun-soo quickly sews the wound up at 3 points 1cm apart and thinks it is a bit rough and thinks that hopefully the patient won't have a lot to complain about later in regard to scars. She concentrates tying a knot and instructing in habit "Cut", which the salesperson cuts with scissors, while looking decidedly unwell, but determined to fulfil his role regardless of feeling like to vomit. Eun-soo puts sterile tape on the surgical site and sighs thinking "I did enough in this absurd situation. I did everything I could do." She then raises her head and watches the man with the sword approach, stretches out his hand and touches the patient's carotid artery with the pads of his index and middle finger. Eun-soo says "We still have to see the progress, and we need to administer antibiotics...…."

The salesperson interrupts Eun-soo's words. "He lives. Look. He's breathing well." The salesperson indicates the patients face is reviving with a desire for life, completely opposite to how it looked just before passing out. The salesperson goes on "The surgery was a complete success. Say it. Yes? Sir, please tell me. It's a complete success." Choi Young gathers the corners of tablecloth on the display stand next to him and captures the medical tools used and picks up the doctor's bag is also picked up as he demands urgently to Eun-soo "You should go with me. There is someone who needs to be saved." Eun-soo protests "Hey, it's been a while since I majored in surgery and······" she stammers when she notices that he is not listening to her words at all when he says, "I don't know if the road to attend will be a bit rough." He finishes gathering up her thinks and slings them over his shoulder and turns himself diagonally around to give orders to Eun-soo "Follow me." Eun-soo pleads. "Look at mister. I am...."

Choi Young demands urgently "Stay close. Do not fall, behind." he walks towards the entrance. Eun-soo follows him looking backwards towards the police that emerge from a distance following them, she is assessing when she can escape determined not to become a hostage when he must run away or to die by his hand or the polices hand when taking him out. All the movies depict hostage scenes in this way. Eun-soo is desperately looking around in all directions, looking for a place to escape. Choi Young notices she is not right behind him and sees that she is trying to escape so he catches up grabs her upper arm asking, " Why are you so far behind?" when she resists, he changes how he hold her by grabbing her by the collar of her clothing at the nape of her neck and pulling on it to make her walk "Follow me."

As he drags her Eun-soo complains " I am not comfortable" and the tries to convince him "Where are you going after this? There must have been police all over the place. Where do you want to go?" The man looks back at Eun-soo and it looks like he smiled slightly before saying "Breaking through the front." He then raises his one free hand to reach out towards the refrigerator used for displays and gathers his inner power in his hand that starts to pulse and crackle with the power of lightning and thunder.

The display refrigerator made from iron is easily manipulated to receive the power generated by Choi Youngs brain. His initial intention was to channel his power through the box, but she knows what to do with it. Suddenly it begins to sway to and from and unexpectedly a fire broke out all around, wondering how a box can be so powerful so pushes it away. The long string of power attached to the box suddenly disconnected makes a pop, which causes the box is to be pushed towards the entrance at high speed.Originally, protests would be held around this building, so the security guards and police where familiar with the type of response required in these situations, this could be seen in the hallway outside the entrance of the exhibition hall, the police and riot police ran to take their positions, securing the front entrance of the hall and any possible avenues of escape. The commander was walking around, trying to determine the situation and waiting in the next alley for information as to what type of emergency they had been dispatched to handle.

The only information he received was in a simple statement that suggested he was asking for information already provided "You do know that there is a hostage situation going on? So, the commander was taken by surprise when the entrance doors burst open and unexpectedly a refrigerator came flying out to come crashing to the ground, making it move along the ground with its momentum before coming to a stop.

The Commander in its paths quickly moves out of the way which enables the criminal from inside to jump out of the entrance with the woman held hostage with one hand and the other held in front of him, enabling him to grab one of the Police riot shields that had been dropped one of the police when taking cover during the explosion to use as a weapon, swinging and threatening with at random to open a way to proceed. Later, the commander reported: "He took the woman hostage, without the threat of a weapon, because of that, we could not attack. He used the shield he took from us and used it in defence like a weapon. He would swing the shield, in a way that would make our children parentless with a single swing as we would die one by one, but seemed only in defence and it was also used to shield the hostage, making it impossible for us to grab her or separate her from him so he escaped with her.

The culprit who never let go of the hostage and cleared a path to slowly walk through the scenery of the people and disappear through the long corridor in an instant where we lost sight of him. The police team that had been allocated Bus No. 3 when they were dispatched ran up from the underground parking lot as their commander is a was shouting urgently on the radio "The culprit is moving toward the east entrance with the female hostage, repeat." The commander then quickly urges all the men to run to the front and can be heard through the walkie-talkie which continues to transmit the chatter in the control room commanding "Close the door, turn off the electricity, lock it!"

Upon reaching the lobby in front of the east exit, the commander saw the criminal was standing in front of a wide glass door and he noticed that the criminal was grabbing the back of a young woman who appears to be a resisting with one hand. The criminal seems to be a young man that is wearing a historical costume and it has been reported to be mentally unstable, but appears to be calm, determined and unafraid. The criminal comes to a stop, all that isolates him from them is the long glass door that has been locked. The commander re-evaluates his men, the soldiers have only taken out their bats to use, their guns remain holstered, the same goes for the soldiers stationed in the back, as they do not want to injure the woman taken hostage.

Choi Young notice the number of solders are increasing around him and through the transparent window in front of him is the outside world with more opponents are coming in their iron horses that have flashing red and blue lights accompanied with a loud sound that penetrates the walls and windows, as many iron horses run forward following one another and come to a stop taking positions outside to make it harder for his to escape. Choi Young assesses the distance in his head from where he is to where the door is to go back to earth through.

On top of that he must go through the snow, dragging the woman who is still struggling and resisting his hold, it seems far. Choi Young then assess the woman by scanning her body up and down, he judges her slender frame and notes that she does not seem to be heavy. He the assess the shield he is still holding and decides to keep it for the time being, deciding that it is a good substitute for his sword as it is not only light but hard. Cho Young decides his course of action first he asks for forgiveness from the woman "Please excuse what I am about to do and please remain still for a moment...." Eun-soo is clearly confused when she responds with " Whattt?" which changes to a startled exclamation as he wraps her around his shoulder, she struggles to get down until he starts to run and then she is clinging to him desperately.

Choi Young runs so lightly and quickly, he jumps so effortlessly while balancing her while she hangs in amazement. Eun-soo notices that he is heading towards Bongeunsa Temple wondering what can stop him? When she notices that they land on a car roof and that he is jumping from roof to roof so fast that it seems that he has crossed an 8-lane road with her on his shoulder and when he finally puts her down it is to sit her on top of a very high wall. Choi Young stays standing at the bottom of the wall and re-ties his hair that has come loose, while she is trying to gather her scattered senses she looks left, then right, noticing the road that they crossed.

It is while she is looking around that the man jumps over the wall catches Eun-soo again and puts her around his shoulder again. Eun-soo finds herself on top of his hard armor, she notices that he is breathing heavily. He adjusts his hold on her and starts to run again. Eun-soo grabs the hem of the hard leather he wears and that digs uncomfortably in her body with her hands. The man is running up a steep hill without slowing down at all. The smell of drying blood is strong and mixes with the smell of the man under her, she lifts her head to see where he is going. Eun-soo decides it is better to close her eyes, as in the movies if you are taken hostage, do not look at the hostage takers face. So, when the man puts her down, she keeps her eyes closed, however when she feels how cautiously he puts her down and then unexpectedly feels a rough hand gently touching her face. She opens her eyes to find the man staring right at her into her eyes, that she forgets to close her eyes or even to look away.

The man points behind her and states " "You can go in there." Eun-soo looks back in the direction he was pointing, but it was a stone structure, she could not see anything like a door. The sight in front of her is bad it is a dark path surrounded by a thick growth of trees and shrubs or bushes and it reminds her of all those horror movies she has watched, there are tears in her eyes, and she is crying thinking "He intends to kill me". Eun- soo remembers how he without any hesitation, not that long ago and that he also cut the security guards throat with a knife and carried him around... just like he did me.... this guy is a psychopath. Eun-soo throws her pride away and faces her intended killer to plead for her life "Tell me what you want, and I will do it." she thinks "I'm going to die at the hands of a madman who doesn't even feel guilty even if he kills people. He clearly does not care what other people think". So, she decides to offer another choice "There is not much money in my house, but I have money for my new practice saved that I can get."

He approaches Eun-soo who staggers backwards thinking "What did I do wrong? One swing and he will kill me." and then he says, "Help me" He points to the place he indicated before and goes to where he pointed. Does this mean she can go? She looks to navigate her way back to where she wants to return and then withdraws further as he re-emerges to approach her again and states "I will not kill you. If you save that person, I will bring you back" Eun-soo argues "You lie! I saw your face! I know you will kill me because I have seen it.... I saw it in a movie, so I know that I will die to not identify you." she starts to cry out of control. The woman who cries like that makes Choi Young uncomfortable with her it reminds him of his woman Chi Ai. It is how the woman cries, the way her eyes fill with tears, flow down her cheeks, making tracks that are renewed with the new tears that spill from her eyes which are the source of an unending stream.

She is looking up at him with those eyes that are pleading for mercy he finds himself kneeling to be at her level and saying words he never meant to say in a pledge. "I... Choi Young as Goryeo warrior, promise in the warrior's name with all my might to return you to this place unharmed and alive." Choi Young approaches her once more, and the woman who tried to back away loses her balance, stumbles and is about to fall, when she is captured by his arm around her waist and then she is pulled securely up against his body as he stands. In that same instant, they are sucked into the heavenly gate together. At first, Eun-soo screams thinking that she is falling from a high place, she opens her eyes unaware when she closed them and sees the that the world around her is filled with strong light. She starts to feel dizzy and gasps for breath, burrowing into the arms of the person who has her firmly against his body the whole experience makes it hard for her to catch her breath. Eun-soo is a person who has never fainted in her life struggles with the combination of the falling sensation lasting a long time, the dizziness due to being out of breath and when she is able to get some air the strong smell of blood that makes her feel unwell, so she ends up fainting.