Chapter 3 A Doctor from the Heavenly World

The woman who became Queen remains lying unconscious, bleeding from her neck. The King who had witnessed, is still recovering from the shock. His heart is pounding, and he is shaking from experiencing it first-hand. The sequence of events replays in his head trying to understand what happened while he watched. The moment the assassin who was heading towards himself, the King is stopped, and the assassin turns around to attack the Queen. The moment the sword was aimed at his Queen, slicing her throat, which instantly spurts with blood and the moment she collapses unconscious. The King knows that in normal circumstances that he would have never listened to the nonsense of his advisor, he knows the mere idea of a Heavenly Healer is ridiculous, yet he clutches at the possibility. The King hesitates as he blurts out "I can't believe all of that but...." The Captain of the Woodalchie looks at him, his hand on his sword and says determinedly "Give the order." It is like a helping hand to the King, yet he still could not issue a solemn order and qualifies his decision by saying "I have to find out." The captain immediately responds with "I will go" he turns around immediately and without hesitation walks towards the opening in the stone, he is uncomfortable seeing his King hesitating being indecisive. The Woodalchi troop that the captain leads become agitated as they are aware of the enormity of the decision. They pepper him with questions trying to see what information he has so that they can take his place. One says, "It is the Sky World, how do you know where to go?" Another says, "How will you know the Heavenly Healer from all the other shining, glamorous things and important people" Another volunteers "Maybe I can go instead. Just tell me where I need to go?" Another worries "How do you know you will be able to come back after entering and seeing the Heavenly World?" The captain continues to walk towards the whirlpool of light without hesitation he looks at them and subdues them with his eyes he states, "I go alone" he then commands "Guard the King" as he enters and promptly disappears. The King watches with a mixture of jealousy and possessiveness as the captain enters the Heavenly world. After all he is born into royalty, he is the evidence of a Divine line of royalty and he has lived 20 years as royalty, selected to be King by the Heavens. The King is aware of the risk which is why he allows his Captain to go. After all a person with no drop of royal blood regardless of his Captains' aura and demeanor are that of unbeatable dignity made by training, which comes across as indifference to the real risk of going into an unknown environment. The King is reassured that a person who is his closest escort decided to find out on his behalf, protecting him from any risk in fulfilling the endeavor. At the same time, he is jealous of his Captain, who he is watching the approach the center of the light which appears to move to surround him and then explodes as the figure of the captain disappears in an intense blinding light all at once. The King could not tell where and how the captain disappeared, he looks anxiously around as the other guards' step closer to him in protection against the unusual occurrence they just witnessed and preparing for any type of attack. The King notices Taiwan, he is one of the troops responsible for scouting and keeping watch on the surroundings for any possible intruders or approaching enemies, is more agitated then normal. The animal like eyes and gestures which are normal for him to exhibit are more pronounced as he watches the captain that he follows devotedly disappear. Taiwan becomes so anxious that he cannot contain himself and exclaims ""I will follow you, Captain..." he explains to the next in command the Lieutenant "I can't send the captain alone." The response to this statement is stern " "What did you hear the captain say? The captain commanded us not to follow him. He commanded us to stay here to protect the King." He finds that he is interrupted by the Jo Il-shin his advisor as pushes them apart and demands to Taiwan "Why don't you go and scout the way we came back to the inn." He then turns to the King and states "We shouldn't stay here any longer. I'll take you back to the inn, where it is safer." The King can feel the animosity of his adviser as his eyes display a distinct predatory gleam that accompanies his demand.The King looks at the guards that have made a close circle of protection around him, just as the captain commanded before, he followed his King's orders to a possible unknown death. The King looks at these people apart from him who all have a devoted trust and unyielding loyalty to their Captain which enable him to say "We will wait" he says calmly but firmly, trusting in their protection and support. Jo Il-shin argues his point "Your Highness, it's dangerous here. Once you die..." The King looks in disgust at him and says in a dismissive way "Didn't I come to pray for three days and three nights?" Jo Il-shin continues leaving no room for discussion "That was with the captain for your protection. Now we are without the captain, your Majesty I do not have the confidence to protect you for this night, let alone three days and three nights. "The King who has no plans to go anywhere despite the attitude of his advisor say calmly and more firmly "I will wait for the captain here." Taiwan who has not moved from being pushed earlier has been keeping watch on the light exclaims "What's wrong with that!" drawing everyone's attention to the pit of light which shimmers, seeming to get brighter and acting like its boiling over. The Lieutenant shouts a command "Defend!" they surround the King more tightly than before, so that nothing can penetrate their defense. Jo Il-shin moans and digs into the center of their defense with the King the lieutenant positioned at the front of their defense commands the troops "One step back" the troops move in unison as they surround their King and take a step back at a time as commanded by the lieutenant "One step back...." The light that was brightening and boiling over suddenly seems to explode at the same time releasing a blinding light as it does so, the impact of the explosion is so strong that it makes their teeth rattle, and they are physically hit with a strong wave of wind that is expelled from within the light. The advisor embraces the King, the troops protectively pull them down as they all lower their positions, cover the King and the advisor in the center and protect their faces from the foreign objects stirred up due to the explosion, while remain on alert for any possible threat. The Archers that have drawn their bows in anticipation of an attack assess what has made everyone nervous and quickly calmed down, as they see no threat but notice shadows coming out of the light. The King also notices through the gaps in the men who surrounded him the shadows walking out of the light. At the same time, he hears the guards whisper in amazement "Captain?" the whispers become exclamations as excitement takes "Captain?" All the guards look at each other as the shadows emerge from the light to clearly be seen by everyone at the same time. At the appearance of Captain, they all come to attention and acknowledging his presence in unison with "Captain!" They notice that he holds a woman in one arm and in the other he is holding a strange shield-shaped thing. The King makes his way forward through the guards, who at the captain's appearance do not restrain him from approaching the captain. Choi Young whose eyes are still adjusting looks around in disbelief and then he sees the King coming towards him. He lets go of the shield, straighten his posture and states "Your Highness, I have brought you the Heavenly Healer." moving the woman in front of him, he lets her wrist go. The woman stumbles a bit and looks like she would fall at any moment, her face glistening with tears, suddenly realises she is free, she looks this way, then that way seeing the light behind her, she turns and tries to run back towards it. The captain calmly and familiarly stretches out his arm and grasps the woman by the collar, at the back of her neck and asks, "Is the Queen Mama still, okay?" facing a stunned audience who are unable to answer as they are trying to process their Captain who has entered the light and emerged with the Heavenly Healer in such a short time.

Eun-soo finds that she is confronted by the sight of a group of men in an instant who all seem to know the person who has hold of her. Eun-soo cannot believe the sight of all these people in historical costumes and that she is held hostage clearly by a psychopath that is leader of a gang. Looking at this gang in front of her Eun-soo becomes distant as she tries to remember how long it has been since she was kidnapped, wondering how long she has been in shock and trying to figure out where she is. What is the last thing she can remember clearly? Ah! that is right being taken to mountain behind the Bongeunsa Temple. Eun-soo concludes that she has fallen asleep after being carried like luggage by the psychopath next to her and that she has woken up in the mountains, where she has wandered the mountain road at night finally surrounded by gangs. She is still wearing high heels with 10cm heels bought last month in installments, so when she is dragged by the psycho held by the forearm just below the wrist, she almost falls several times as the ground is soft and gives way under her as those high heels dig in. If it was not for the psycho next to her holding her firmly just below the wrist which also adjust and supports, her to regain her footing. The psycho is also still carrying the bag of items on his other shoulder, holding the shield with one hand and using the other hand to support her weight whilst at the same time seeming to drag her beside him. He walks quickly, not slowing down and not showing any strain with the multiple things he drags, carries and negotiates as he also monitors her attempts to escape or get free from his grasp. Eun-soo could not even think of running away, if it were not for the strong smell of animal combined with a strong smell of blood, she would think this is a dream. She wonders is your sense of smell can work in dreams. Clinging to the hope that this is all a dream, she convinces herself that if she thinks it is a dream, then it is a dream. Unfortunately, the strong smell makes her feel sick to the stomach and she must physically stop herself from vomiting. The psycho pushes her into a large house that is bright she notices it is lit with lanterns that you would normally see in historical dramas, from every corner. She is startled at of her observation of her new surroundings as the unexpected sound of the wooden door closes behind her and the Psycho locks it by sliding a plank of wood through the pins on either side on the back of the doors to stops it from being dislodged unless physically broken by force from the other side. Psycho the moves her to the front of the stairs, or should I say where the staircase used to be. Now there are planks that are placed tilted on an angle to connect the three stairs that remain intact at the base of the staircase and the landing at the top of the first floor. Eun-soo cannot believe that this psycho has brought her to a historical drama set, she is given no time to ponder further on this as the psycho pushes her up the planks onto the landing above. She almost falls as she is pushed and dragged barely reaching the place where she notices that someone is lying on the bed, in the corner of the room. The room is dark apart from a lantern that is light above the bed in the corner. The woman who is lying down and the man that sits next to her bed keeping vigil are dressed in historical drama costumes.

The tall, long-haired man next to the bed asks Psycho "Is this the Heavenly Healer?" Psycho responds with "I confirmed that she is a Heavenly Healer. I saw her heal the same sword wound; these are the things she used." Psycho puts down the cloth he initially tied to transport the things by carrying on his back and unties it. Eun-soo sees the handbag is there amongst the things he collected. Her cell phone is in the bag, and she is trying to figure out how to get it out without him noticing. She suddenly notices everyone looking at her and wonders why. The tall long-haired man asks abruptly "What are you doing?" Eun-soo seeking clarification asks "Me?" her voice cracking from tension. The tall long-haired man then says "She has been unconscious since she was attacked mid-morning with a sword which has cut her on the neck" he points to the injury on the neck of woman lying on the bed with her hair draped away from her face and neck to expose the injured area. He goes on to report "The sword cut was deep enough to cut her vein I caught her qi and managed to reduce her bleeding, but she had already shed a lot of blood. I was afraid making the injury worse, so I took no further action. What should I do?" Eun-soo looks blankly and asks back "What… what?" The long-haired man then continues "The part where her veins are broken is the point between Chunyu and Yepoong sobu. Acupuncture is placed in the judicial process, and in the cheonryo...…." he is interrupted as unknowingly, Eun-soo claps her hands in understanding. "Okay. Now I see. Alright, you have tried to act boldly" she says praising the patient and her caregiver and then stretching her back and lifting her chin to challenge "As if it is something that can be solved easily" She then calmly and logically to point out the flaws in what they trying to do "Your clothes... Looking at this set, what kind of movie is this? Are you filming? Something happened while you were filming? Don't want the police to find out... So, you decided to do something like break into the convention and kidnap a doctor, hey Joe?" as she flips her hair at the Psycho as she confronts the long-haired man who asks, "What are you talking about?" Psycho shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders indicating he is innocent. Eun-soo then states what she believes to be the obvious course of action "Just call 119." When no movement is made by those that she is trying to convince she goes into pitiful mode which has worked for her in the past when trying to convince male patients. "My license will be revoked if I become involved in this accident. My life as a doctor will be ended if my license is revoked. So please, the patient and I live together just call 119." Still no movement "Shall I call for you?" she reaches to put her hand in her handbag to grab her phone as she does so her long hair hangs in front of her face blocking her periphery vision, so she looks at Psycho and asks "Are you a member of the hospital? You need to call the ambulance to have the patient taken there immediately. Don't expect me to treat the patient here just because I am a doctor. Okay Joe? I will even explain everything to the Hospital on your behalf. I swear to you I am good at that. So..." as she speaks, she is slowly moving towards the door with the cell phone in her hand and a firm plan of running away. Eun-soo has just started to open the door, but a hand reaches over her shoulder to close, stopping her in her tracks, she turns around to be confronted with the psycho right in front of her face. Psycho speaks bluntly, leaving no room for negotiation. "I tell you a remind you a few more times. Will you remember this order? The minute you save this woman, I will return you to your world and I will return here to mine." Eun-soo goes to look closer at the woman lying on the bed. She notices the patient is unconscious surprisingly there is not much bleeding and unknowingly curses "Shit" Eun-soo tidies up her disheveled hair and notices that the tall, long-haired man seems to be sweeping up and tiding papers she recalls how he spoke earlier like someone who has medical knowledge and is possibly a doctor, the way he spoke, the terminology he used seems to suggest specialization in oriental medicine.

Eun-soo asks "How long has she been unconscious?" The tall, long haired man answers "She lost consciousness the moment she was injured, mid this morning." Eun-soo assesses that the patient's mentality is semi-coma, which means that they can be slightly reactive when subjected to strong stimulus, she decides "I'm going to do this without anesthesia." She puts on the loupe and turns on the lamp, which is met by gasps from the people in the room and they physically back away, as she stands up. Eun-soo pulls out a mask and gloves out of the cloth that the Psycho opened earlier and puts them on. She then proceeds to find the main surgical tools from the things packed earlier, wipes them with gauze soaked in betadine (Iodine) solution to disinfect them temporarily. Eun-soo decides to use a Thyroid retractor which is a skin retractor used during thyroid surgery, through a small incision, it secures the field of vision and does not irritate the skin too much, which means that the scarring from what she is about to do will be minimal. Eun-soo holds out her hand in habit saying "AMI" when no one follows her instruction she looks up to meet the gaze of Psycho. Psycho indicates to the long-haired man what she is talking about, as he goes to pick AMI up, psycho interrupts and hands him a box of surgical gloves that he observed earlier that she wears. While the long-haired man puts on a pair, Eun-soo explains what she is going to do "This Surgery from now on, we will be suturing the half-severed vein here. Please pull this out so I can see it." Long haired man understands quickly as I walked over and picked up the Thyroid retractor and give it to the long-haired hand man for him to hold after positioning it the way she wants. While he skillfully holds it in the direction in which the blood vessels are visible, for her to see and check the inner blood vessels for damage. She stretches out her hand while doing it, and the vessel clamp came right into her hand, which makes her look up to see it is Psycho who is wearing surgical gloves that has handed it to her. She nods and takes it, to position it to grab the blood vessels and starts suturing them in almost the same way as before, the familiar action calming her. She rinses the wound with saline, inspects the blood vessels and finds they are all well, so after cleaning the area of the blood that remains around the wound, and assess how to stitch it, while sighing in relief. The long-haired man is sitting in front of Eun-soo watching in admiration thinking "This is heavenly medicine." Eun-soo feels how he admires her and feels embarrassed without even realizing it, to distract from this she begins the suture the cut made by a sword, thinking ahead on how to stitch it in a way that there will be a little scaring as possible for the patient who is a young woman. Concentrating on the things in front of you is a good distraction from the reality of being kidnapped and other dark things that she will have to deal with which will come later

Choi Young remembers the whole procedure the woman undertook from what he had observed earlier. He can memorize all the names of the heavenly tools that the woman calls, when and how she used them, also how angry she gets if you hand it to her with your bare hands. So, he made sure to pick up using a glove to hand it to her and is confronted by her eyes that are clear of tears, it seems that instead of wasting her energy on crying she is concentrating on what she is doing. Choi Young steps back after handing her the instrument and observes her. One strand of her red hair has escaped the ponytail tied at the back of her head and stretches across her forehead and is falling from where the instrument that illuminates from, sweat beads under it. Jang Bin holds up a white cloth and blots the sweat. Choi Young has known Jang Bin for the past 5 years, their relationship is more of professional respect for each other's positions and their allegiances are the same and they know each other's people. The way in which he blots her sweat Choi Young can see the reverence he holds regarding the woman and wants to be by her side and would struggle with letting go of the knowledge that would leave when she does. Choi Young backs away and sits against the wall, closes his eyes and acquires his inner peace. He hears the woman's voice "Cut.... Cut...…" and knows that she will be standing sewing and knotting each stitch before Jang-bin cuts the thread, he is worried that the door to the heavenly world will not be open, and he will not be able to fulfil his promise as a warrior of Goyreo (something he was not supposed to do) to send her back. Choi Young trusts his men who guard the door and the door to heaven will maintain contact and report the situation from time to time, when they transport water to the troops positioned strategically in these places. Choi Young senses movement, he opens his eyes to see one of the Queen's maid, Ai walking out the door. Being one of the three maids that the Queen brought with her, he wonders why Ai is leaving the Queen who is undergoing critical treatment, unattended. One of the maids had lost her life during the attack, while Ai had used some martial arts to protect herself and the Queen. Choi Young puts his doubts to one side and stores the suspicion that has made itself known as the other maid Cho-hyang entered form the hallway and quietly closes the door.

At the end of the hallway, a few groups of people (guards, eunches and maids) are gathering and whispering. Choi Young keeps an eye on them as he walks towards the woodahci guards that are gathered on the lower floor looking at and discussing the shield shaped thing he brought back with him, "It is strange how you can see everything, from all sides. Can you see me too?" A superior says "Do not touch it. You must not touch the heavenly things carelessly." The other challenges "Will I be punished?" They are too distracted to notice Cho-hyang hanging around them and watching what is happening. After all no one cares about Cho-hyang and this is her asset as a spy who was planted in the royal family from the age of 13, the Queen, who has considered her a close friend since she was young, would be most surprised, when and if the fact is revealed. Cho-hyang laughs a little at the thought of the daughter of King Wei, Goryeo, when she became the King's Queen, she received a message from Moga that he would kill the woman. While Cho-hyang was drawing water from the well near the inn, Mantir who notices she is leaving picks up a nearby water jug, while everyone is distracted by the heavenly object. While it seems that he is going to get the water jug refilled he is meeting Cho-hyang who can report the situation in Anh to Mantir (who is the middle leader of Moga). When Mantir was informed earlier that the rain had not died, he had been furious with the sky and had shown a great interest in the movements of Choi Young. After a quick talk Cho-hyang was instructed on what to do next. Cho-hyang felt relieved for some reason, when she noticed Choi-Young was sleeping when she entered the room with some water, thinking that her actions have gone unnoticed.

Choi-young can hear when from the low voice of the Heavenly Doctor when she is finished with her procedure. He opens his eye and approaches the side of the bed, where he looks down on the Queen with a heavenly object that looks to be a square piece of cloth, stuck with its own strength to her neck, He asks "Is she saved?" the woman answers "If you want to save her, make sure that under no circumstances is she to be moved. She needs to recover in bed" Jang-bin and Choi-Young look at each other not understanding what she is talking about. The look of confusion they both exchange does not go unnoticed, so she explains further, "Absolute bed rest as she went into hypovolemic shock. Since you are all here, do not take your eyes off the patient for a while. It is vital that you keep an eye on her condition as success of the surgery can not be guaranteed in a place like this. She might have an infection. So..." While they are both focused on the Queen the woman was moving toward her sneaking out the door. Choi-Young says to Jang-bin "Check her body for fever, is she shivering?" he watches Jan-Bin check the Queen carefully and sees him nod and he says "The Queen's heart rate is becoming stable, there is seems to be no blood leaking inside" Choi-Young can feel that the woman is cautiously opening the door behind him, he recognizes that she is trying to escape again, but lets her leave as she cannot go far. After successfully leaving the room, Eun-soo turns around and everyone is surprised, she stops in amazement as she realises that all of Psycho's colleagues are standing there have seen her. Eun-soo freezes to see what they will do and is taken by surprise when they straighten their posture and bow low to her and stay that way. She decides to walk slowly past them as they remain bowed. She decides to walk thinking that to run would alert them that she is escaping. Noticing the temporary stairs from earlier she makes her way slowly and cautiously as to not fall. When she makes it to the bottom safely, she notices her strategy seems to be working so she quickens her pace only to be surprised by the appearance of more of Psychos men. She freezes again to see what they will do but like the others they all straighten their postures and then bow low. Eun-soo does not know why but decides to be brave and starts to make her way past them and towards the entrance door.

Eun-soo is trembling as she walks towards the entrance doors, her focus is on getting through this door. She does not notice that the wood on the door that stops it from opening until she cannot open the door. Her heart which beating fast is suddenly beating crazily as she panics and she the fear that she is trying to keep down escalates so that her whole body is shaking with it. She finds the bolt and frantically pushes the bar to the side. She finds it hard to move and can barely push it out when a hand comes from behind her, and it is pushed back with a force that takes her by surprise. She looks behind her, with tears in her eyes to see him, Psycho looking at her with indifferent eyes. Gathering up the last courage she says ""There's nothing more I can do here. If you wait... ah, please" It is said in a pleading voice which is mixed with crying again "Then wait, where are you going? "The psycho does not answer instead corrects her posture and lowers her head to bend from the neck and positions himself to face the same way and lowers his head in the same way. Eun-soo notices it is the young man from the mountain that she saw from earlier, he seems to be of the highest rank, from how everyone acts around him. He seems to be looking at Eun-soo so she smiles and speaks "Are you a guardian? The patient is stable you can now just keep an eye on the progress." She tries to approach him as she speaks but is blocked. The young man seems to indicate with a hand gesture for them to move aside before he asks, "Will she come back to consciousness?" Eun-soo answers " Come to your senses, that is what I cannot answer. The patient is not my responsibility, it is yours. I hope I made that clear you could get into a lot of trouble. I did as I was told, this surgery, anterior chamber, so it has nothing to do with my doctor's license." The young man interrupts with "The one from heaven." Eun-soo looks startled and responds with "... Me?" he states "The existence of my country depends on that woman's life." Eun-soo still looking confused says" Nara...?" he goes on to say, "Looking at the fact that Heaven sent you, can I take it that my country has the support of heaven?" Eun-soo is more confused and thinks "This person is even weirder...…" The young man approaches Eun-soo saying in a low voice "Can I trust you?" Unknowingly, Eun-soo steps back and bumps into something, she becomes startled and turns around to sees Psycho standing right behind her. She dodges to the side thinking that "For a moment, I almost believed this to be reality. It is a set, historical drama." She decides that if she can explain the situation and her stance well that these people involved in the filming, will be convinced and that will enable her to run away. She must remember that this place is not real, and this is a dream, she is willing herself to wake up without slapping herself awake, as this would draw the attention of the people filming. Eun-soo feels like she is going to cry again. Meanwhile, Joo-seok was guarding the door to heaven with Jin-dong, his subordinate is concerned at what they are witnessing and discussing among themselves to see if their perception of what is happening to the door to heaven is real or not. "You're sure? It is reduced, right?" The other responds "I saw it too. It decreased again. This much." he holds his hands to show how big the size of the door to heaven is. The much longer and larger ball of light is now about the same height as the Jin-dong, which is greatly reduced from when the captain initially entered and returned through the gate. Joo-seok then looks east to assess the sky and judges that the energy of the morning sun will be rising soon, and the day will be bright and orders Jin-dong "Go and tell the captain. The gate to heaven is shrinking. If it is Tao, it will be completely closed by the time the sun sets in mid-heaven today." Back to Choi Young towers behind the woman as she interacts with the King. Noticing that the King is now looking at hm to indicated that he is finished talking to her and then walks away. Choi Young the orders Taiwan to escort her to an empty room and to be guarded. He notices how she staggers as she is guided to the room, she comes to a sudden stop and turns around, her face is pale, her big red lips have also lost their colour and is a strong contrast with her long red hair that flows loosely around her shoulders. The sight of her appearance makes him uncomfortable.

Choi Young is more than aware that she expects him to fulfil his promise. They stare in silence at each other not moving at. She seems to struggle with herself, she wants to ask a question, but she does not know how or that she wants to know the answer if it is one that is not in her favour. Choi Young turns his body and breaks eye contact to move in the opposite direction to where she is going. He flinches when he hears her stumble, he moves quickly to catch her, under the arm by the bicep and help her regain her footing in the strangely high shoes she wears, shoes that can only be worn on hard ground. Taiwan opens the door in front of them and Choi Young guides her into the room to sit on the bed he stands in front of her as she sits there, and the closeness triggers a barrage of memories. Choi Young remembers the weight of the woman on his left shoulder, how she felt wrapped around her, her smell which tugs on his memory again. He knows it was the smell of a certain flower that he is familiar with, yet still cannot identify it. The way she felt when he wrapped her in his arms to bring her through Heaven's door and the way the woman let out a small scream as she clung to him and hid in his arms against him, the feel and smell of her soft hair as it brushed his face then and does again when she is turned around and sat on the bed, he lets go abruptly uncomfortable with the memories it evokes. He then turns around to exit the room to remove himself and focus on sending her back as soon as possible. As he exits, he is met by Jin-dong who reports to him that the Heaven's door is getting smaller and access to sky will be closed soon.

Choi Young goes to make a request to the King to return the Heavenly doctor to the sky, but as he enters is conscious of the Kings' advisor Jo Il-shin standing next to him as he reports; "I will have to send her back soon, the heavenly gate is smaller in size. Please allow me to return her to the sky before it is too late." Jo Il-shin intervenes excitedly "No. Didn't we all see it clearly? Captain Woodalchi entered the sky gate and invited the heavenly doctor. She is the one who came down from heaven for you. Why are you sending such a person back?" Choi Young was disgusted with the self-serving conversation of the advisor, but he endured it and countered it with a reminder. "My King, I made a covenant with God, that if the heavenly doctor saved the queen that I would return her to Heaven. Please allow me to keep my vow and return her." Jo Il-sin approaches the King to make his argument more persuasive, "Your Highness, in Goryeo, there are people who regard Goryeo as a dog's bone. They are holding the taxes hostage and concocting all kinds of schemes to get a chance to channel it and their support to get an official who will be a mere puppet who will act on their behalf." Choi Young looks at the King in silence, the King is looking back at Choi Young as his advisor continues to chatter "At this time, bring the person heaven has sent down for you, back to Goryeo as proof of Heaven's support for your rule. Who would dare to say that your claim to the throne is not legitimate, when you provide the Heavenly doctor as proof that the sky bows down to you the King?" The king was about to say something to Choi Young, but Jo Il-shin interrupts him and blocks the King's view of Choi Young as he presses is argument, "Heaven has given us a chance for Your Highness to live and Goryeo to live. Choi Young, who is now standing behind Jo Il-shin, grabs him by the shoulder pulls him out of the room leaves him outside and re-enters to seek permission from the King. "I made a covenant in the name of a Goryeo warrior." He explains further with, "You may not know, but the value of a covenant within the circle of the warriors of Goryeo, that I grew up in, is life."

Choi Young waits for the King's answer, the King does not even blink as he looks at Choi Young, he answers "Didn't you just hear. If we take that Heavenly Doctor to Goryeo, my position is guaranteed." Choi Young tries to reason "Is that what you're supposed to be doing, it's a bit...A little..." he struggles with the right wording and finally comes up with the next words after hesitating "Won't you be sorry?" Jo Il-shin is frightened "Inomum…." The King raises his hand for silence, which Jo Il-shin complies with. The King then looks directly at Choi Young and says "For the sake of the country, there are more important things than individual covenants. Is there not?" Choi Young looks at the King who says that with a desperate heart and responds, "Your majesty, please listen carefully from the bottom of my heart. Please put your mind at ease. I return you my King, with my own hands to Goyreo." The King who is uncomfortable with hearing words like this puts his hand up to indicate Choi Young stop speaking. Jo Il-shin tries to intervene again, sensing that the Kings decision is being swayed to his side, unfortunately he is interrupted by a powerful hand grabbing him by the back for the collar on his garment and being lifted off the ground so that only his tip toes remain in contact with the ground. Choi Young then demands "This kind of high-ranking official should give me another covenant for the sake of the country. I, as a warrior for the sake of the country, use a sword to fight its enemies. A King, however, should be different from us. Is it not so? I think so." The King looked at Choi Young with a hard face. Choi Young's ends his speech desperately with "Isn't it? Back at the door to heaven, in front of Joo-seok eyes, the heavenly door's light mass dwindling and the opening was getting smaller.