
Chapter 2: The First Clue

Adventurers had figured out that the Book of N or perhaps a clue to finding the book can be found on dangerous areas.

To be precise these areas are called [Dungeons].

These so-called Dungeons are special locations within dimensional rifts. Their entrances were spread throughout the world.

And on some instances these entrances spawn within the human territories.

Such as the one Yoshino Aruven was heading to right now.

"Hehe, I feel nervous going inside a dungeon with only one skill equipped."

Yoshino mumbled while sitting on a moving bus. He was fidgeting as he looked inside the public vehicle.

One of the reasons why people had adapted to the new world was because the pioneers were able to restore the living conditions of the modern world.

For example, public transport had resumed and was actually better than ever.

With the advent of the so called dungeons, humans discovered new sources of alternative energy. New options that far exceeded the conventional ones.

Thus the reliance to coal and fuel products had been outdated by the natural resources found in the dimensional rifts.

But make no mistake. A Dungeon was still a dangerous area to venture to.

However, throughout the fifty years of living in the new world, humanity had improved their survival abilities as well.

The numerous tribulations they have endured had enabled them to develop skills that could help them face the dangers.

With sufficient preparations one could venture inside a dungeon safely.

And one of these preparations was fully equipping oneself with skills.

[Roku Shiki Online] was a game that allows a player to equip up to six special skills.

Hence the word 'roku' was in the name. A foreign term which meant 'six' on certain languages. And this prominent game mechanic was carried over when the world was transmigrated.

Would it not be better when humans can equip more skills?


This was the crucial mechanic that separated the pro from the casuals. In the hands of a professional player those six skill slots could be more lethal than an amateur with thousands of weapons.

Furthermore, by having only six skills at a time, the player will have better efficiency on improving those said skills.

Even when the world was transmigrated no records on the legends and lore had mentioned of any existence being able to equip skills past the sixth slot.

Not even Yoshino Aruven.

Having said that, an individual who attempts to enter a dungeon with six equipped skills would be considered as somewhat prepared.

Then what would you call someone who dares to enter a dungeon with only one skill?

An amateur? An idiot? Or a retard?

"T-there's a reason for this!"

Yoshino grumbled weakly as he exited the bus. He was wary that the other passengers would stare at him weirdly of they heard him speak to himself.

That was why he tried to keep his voice down. And move out as quickly as possible.

Anyway, he was actually aware that what he was about to do was extremely risky. That meant he was not an amateur at the very least, right?

But Yoshino had no other choice.

The clue he had found was inside the dungeon he was heading to. Back then, he was able to find it but was unable to identify the contents.

And unfortunately the clue was part of the dimensional rift and cannot be taken outside unlike the natural resources.

The only way to gain the knowledge within it was to go inside the dungeon and do an on-site analysis.

However normal analysis skills were unable to 'read' the clue.

Perhaps if Yoshino coordinated with the leading powers of the new world. Then perhaps he could obtain better resources to process this enigma.

But who the heck would do that? Why would anyone share this information to any leading powers?

They would just grab this opportunity for themselves once they figured out its true value.

And what would be left for him if that happens?


Was this selfish?

Of course it was.

This clue could lead to world-level breakthroughs. A possibility thay could bring forth the completion of the game called [Roku Shiki Online].

But honestly, the advantages and resources found in the dungeons had already improved the lives of the humans.

No one would want to revert back to the era of expensive coal and fuel anymore.

Even Yoshino Aruven does not want this era to end. Despite admitting that he was selfish, he did care for the economy.

Not only because it affected him directly. But because all the people he knew would be impacted too.

Having said that, what he really wanted from all of this was to find the Book of N. Then read its contents. And if the theories were true, have a chance to write the game's ending.

The world can stay as is but the game had to end.

What this meant was that a person could 'tweak' one of the prevailing rules of [Roku Shiki Online]. Or perhaps even control all the aspects.

Disclaimer though, this was just a prevailing theory. No one was still sure of what the said book could do exactly.

Nonetheless, this was still a very attractive theory.

Obviously anyone will have complaints in any world they would be in. Yoshino also had his own gripes with the transmigrated world.

And he would be a hypocrite if he denies that he never wanted those gripes to change together with the game.

In summation, Yoshino Aruven was a selfish player who wanted to end the game. Or at least modify it to his liking. He had been playing it for twenty years after all.

And thus Yoshino decided to figure out how to 'read' the clue on his own. He researched the best analysis-type skills obtainable to him.

He then learned about an extremely rare variant of [Scanner]. Which can only be obtained when you have no other equipped skills.

And you would also have to read numerous works in certain places.

The 'encounter rate' was abysmally low and had taken him around two years to finally obtain.

Yoshino did not just read non-stop during those two years though. Aside from doing his studies as a college student, he also frequented the dungeon in question.

This was because even if he obtained the one-of-a-kind [Scanner], that may still not be enough to analyze the clue.

He suspected that there would be other requirement or even requirements which he needed to clear.

One day, he accidentally went to the dungeon in question with only three skills equipped.

Yes, Yoshino Aruven was someone who was susceptible to doing dumb things from time to time.

He had a lapse of judgment that one day regarding the minimal amount of preparation when entering a dungeon.

Still he ventured forward anyway since he was already there back then. And he was surprised with what he found out.

There was a reaction!

He had used a common variant of Scanner he obtained during one of his failed 'rare-skill hunt' on the clue. And it had surprisingly shown a reaction!

Unfortunarely, this reaction was not enough to give any substantial information.

Nonetheless this phenomenon had never happened before. And he suspected that it was because he was fully equipped with skills all the time.

- So what would happen if I use an extremely rare Scanner while equipped with no other skills?

Perhaps this will ---

"Halt! This area has been closed off by the order of the Trogan Militia. Unauthorized personnel are not allowed pass this line."

A man in military uniform proudly declared. The man had also placed his hand foward. It was to stop the advance of the person approaching.

This startled Yoshino who was lost on his thoughts.