
Chapter 3:  Blockade 1

The Trogan Militia.

One of the leading powers that had emerged when the world was transmigrated.

These powers came to prominence because they were able to secure the new resources found in the dungeons and exploit them to their advantage.

Perhaps gamers or players would prefer to call them [Guilds].

However throughout the years, as people accepted [Roku Shiki Online] as the norm, these so called Guilds have evolved into entities which are more 'politically correct'.

A mega corporation, an industrial giant, an international organization, a governing body, or a ruling class.

Among these Guilds, three had become more active in the recent years. They were able to expand their influence through multiple countries across the world.

The Trogan Militia was one of those three.

And they were currently blocking the entrance of a dungeon.

The dungeon which Yoshino Aruven was planning to enter to be precise.

The young man who was twenty years old narrowed his eyes. He was not expecting this obstacle in front of him. He probed,

"What is the Militia doing here? Anira City belongs to the Hyugan Nation!"

"What do you care? This is none of your business."

The man in military uniform raised an eyebrow when Yoshino tried to provoke him. The move was ineffective.

The Hyugan Nation was also one of the three recently active powers. And they were indeed the ruling power in the city of Anira.

However that never meant that the other guilds could not operate in the city. This was similar to a political territory.

For example, a city may be supported by the Liberal party. But that did not mean that the Nationalist party was not allowed to enter.

"Sir, unauthorized personnel are not allowed pass this area. Please leave this place immediately."

The other man in military uniform said. He looked to be younger than the first officer Yoshino spoke with. This may be the reason why his tone had more respect to it.

"But I live in this area. I need to pass through."

Yoshino reasoned with the younger officer. He reckoned that he could convince this one.


"Then turn around and take a detour."

The older officer answered instead. Having two or more officers guarding a place was indeed troublesome.

They could cover each other in case anything happens.

"Please bear with the inconvenience for a while. The blockade will be lifted in a few hours."

"Enough officer. No need to divulge any further."

The younger officer tried to explain the situation apologetically. But the older officer cut him short.

The older officer was correct though. There was no need to divulge any information regarding their operation to civilians.

Especially when that civilian was a suspicious-looking individual like a certain young man.


Yoshino Aruven had no choice but to turn around and leave. If he stayed any longer the two officers might start to suspect him.

They could then demand him to show some identification. And that would be bad because he was not really a resident in the area.

In fact, he should not be here in the first place.

"What am I supposed to do now?"

Yoshino wondered when was far enough from the officers. He began pondering on his options.

The safest move here was to wait until the blockade was lifted.

But that would be a mistake.

The reason why the clue he found was never discovered by others was because the dungeon entrance was inconspicuous.

In addition, the leading powers had also never shown any interest on it during the past two years.

But why show up here now?

Perhaps they had found out about the clue. Or perhaps it was something entirely unrelated.

Whatever their reason, with the Trogan Militia in the area, they are bound to find the clue in one way or another.

The leading powers were just uninterested not incompetent.

"I need to go inside now!"

Yoshino gritted his teeth as he made his decision. Even with only one non-combat type skill equipped, he needs to find a way to get pass the blockade.

He had to venture inside the dungeon at all cost.

The question here is how?

After thinking further about the situation, the answer is clear.

"There's no way to get pass them."

Yoshino admitted weakly.

A simple college student can never outsmart those two officers. Heck, even overpowering was out of the question.

Not unless ---

"You stop being a 'simple' college student."

He grinned mischieviously. He then reached out on his shoulder bag. He took out his ultimate cheat tool as of the moment.

A smartphone.

Indeed, even the cellular and telecommunication services of the modern world had been restored.

This was also thanks to the advent of new resources found in the dungeons.

The lone college student dialed a certain contact number. He might not be able to get pass a blockade on his own.

But he knew someone who does.

Ring. Ring. Click.

The call connected after a few moments.

"H-hey pal, how are you?"

Yoshino greeted the person on the other side of the call.

He felt awkward. He never really fancied calling others for help.

But desperate times calls for desperate measures. He was no longer in a position where he can be picky with his methods.

If he let this opportunity pass, then all of his efforts in the past two years will be for naught.

The person on the other side of the call was also not thrilled. Yoshino was prompted to say what he wanted so they can be done with it.

Yoshino smiled wryly. He felt conflicted on the passive aggressive treatment he was experiencing. He voiced out,

"I… I need your help."

He began to explain the situation.


"You again?"

"Yes it's me again."

The older officer said in an exasperated tone. And yet Yoshino replied while smiling.

"Oh? I thought you were going to pretend to be someone else."

The older officer then sneered in return. He seemed amused with what he was seeing even.

Perhaps he was expecting the scenario to be like that of a certain yellow spongy character wearing a silly wig who was trying to enter a tough-looking bar.

This seems to be plausible though. Yoshino had walked in front of them with the coat of his uniform unbuttoned.

His jet black hair was also disheveled. He was going for a 'deliquent-type' look after all.

"The blockade will end in a few hours. Please have patience."

The younger officer was exasperated as well. His tone sounded like he was the one losing patience though.

"At ease, Officers. I'm here for business this time."

Yoshino flashed a document with confidence. The senior officer took the paper and read it.

This made the latter furrow his eyebrows. He inquired,

"A warrant?"

"A Notification for Inspection. I told you before, right? This city belongs to the Hyugan Nation."

Yoshino narrowed his eyes as he answered the older officer. He was trying to exert the influence of his position. As per what the document was stating.

"What does that supposed to mean?"

The young officer butted in. He had also taken a glance on the written notification. And he looked puzzled as well.

This time, it was Yoshino's turn to answer with a respectful tone.

"The Trogan Militia can operate in Anira City. But the Hyugan Nation needs to know what you people are doing here exactly."

The young man made sure to pronounce every word carefully and patiently. He was also looking at the guards seriously. He continued,

"No need to divulge any information, officers. I just need you to let me pass. And I will verify the situation with my own eyes."

The younger officer seemed to have accepted the logic. He reluctantly opened the blockade a little to allow Yoshino to pass.


"Wait a minute, Inspector Kang Ruben."

The older officer stopped the suspicious-looking young man.