
Chapter 29: Tit For Tat

"I see."

Benjo Roxas said upon listening to what had happened. He was sitting on a bench along the pavement leading to the USB Library. His legs were crossed and his right hand was on his chin. He then added,

"So it was not a fetish?"

"No! Is that really your take from all that I said?"

Yoshino Aruven sighed in exasperation. He had tried his best to explain his situation to the merchant. Without telling the important details of course.

He was sitting on the neighboring bench by the way.

The gap between the two benches were not that far apart. Thus they could still conduct a conversation when they sat near the end of each bench. They were not that close anyway. Plus, they were both men. They don't swing that way as well.

Roxas then scoffed. He seemed to act like the issue was none of his concern. He was right about this though.

"You're troubled by something mundane. Why don't you just bring the applicant to the Office of Student Admission?"

"That would be the right thing to do. But she is a talent that I found, not theirs."

"So you're a Recruiter now?"

There was no such thing as Recruiter in the classes available to [Roku Shiki Online]. In fact, the Merchant did not belong to the six main classes as well.

But buying and selling items was a necessity to restore the modern living conditions of the world.

When the world transmigrated, all of humanity had become a 'player' that has to develop there character stats. But there were no longer any NPCs that would sell items and buy junk to the blessed players.

Everyone had to contribute. Whether by gathering, processing, or selling of goods. Humanity have to function as a working society in order to survive.

Thus the vocation called Merchant was classified as a [Job] along with other essential trades and services.

However most of the Merchants originated from a different Main Class. Mages were not that inclined for commercial endeavors.

Roxas insisted on becoming one nonetheless. One of the appealing features of the game which was carried over was that anyone could develop any build they want.

As long as the setup works, then any character build was possible!

Anyway, Yoshino saw that the mage-merchant was waiting for his reply. He returned his thoughts to the current situation. He then answered,

"No. But I do want to keep her close to me."

"I see. It's a fetish after all."

Roxas concluded. He seemed cranky from waiting for the answer. Who wouldn't if they had to wait for someone to finish his inner monologue first before speaking?


Yoshino wanted to add more. But he felt tired to argue for some reason.

The mage-merchant seemed to have noticed something. He asked,

"Why look so dispirited? Recruiting a female talent, for all I know you gained 'benefits' from it."


Yoshino rolled his eyes upon hearing this. But he could not find the right words to deny the merchant's accusation. Anything he say would definitely be used against him.

He was a male after all. He would be a hypocrite if he said that he was not attracted with the female lieutenant.

In fact, he did find her features really appealing. But alas, he was also a person that lacked experience when communicating with the opposite gender. He was not that much of a smooth operator. No matter how much he tried to convince himself otherwise.

Thus he chose to remain silent and keep the words inside his mind.

You have no idea.


"Then perhaps this is the time to know some of your stats?"


Yoshino broke the silence when they entered the apartment unit 209. He did have to show the new occupant around. This would justify why he was invited inside.

The apartment unit had a minimalistic design. A studio-type room with a mezzanine floor for the bedroom having a floor area of 60 square meters. This kind of setup was identical to all the units in the apartment complex.

Of course for unit number 210, they had installed a partition for the two single beds of the siblings.

Alshura Soura seemed delighted upon checking the condition of the apartment unit. But her eyebrows furrowed when she heard the question.

Yoshino explained his side,

"You just agreed to be my lifeline. I should at least know the extent of your capabilities."

"The only thing you need to know is that I can absolutely incinerate you at any time."

"Please don't! Anyway, Soura does not need to be specific with the details. Just let me have a grasp of what you can do."


Soura seemed adamant on not revealing her exact parameters. That was understandable actually.

The attributes that an individual possess were the key for their survival in the transmigrated world. Knowing the precise details of her abilities would mean knowing the most effective way to neutralize her.

Of course Yoshino was aware of this as well. That was why he opted to reword what he had said. When he saw that the female lieutenant was still hesitating, he further added,

"This is also necessary for the evaluation of your admission. Again, there is no need to be specific. But you have to give the gist of it."

"Huu, that's fine I guess."


Soura finally agreed. He smiled upon hearing this. He started asking,

"So first, what level are you in Tier 3 exactly?"


"That's good. So you have four advanced skills?"

"N-no. Just three."

"…Still good."

Soura answered the questions readily. She seemed relieved that the inquiries were only about the simple details.

However, that was just the beginning.

"How about the Advanced-Tier Perk? Have you begun to tap onto it?"

Developing each skill would require more resources and proficiency as the Tiers go up. This would mean that at higher Tiers, one might find learning the Tier Perk of that particular realm easier than upgrading the rest of his skills. Hence opting on training that first.

This kind of cultivation was acceptable. It did not matter where you start as long as you meet the requirements to be considered a Peak-level.

There were even instances where gaining an understanding of the perks could help in the attempt to upgrade the remaining skills. The sub-level would still rise regardless of which factor one wished to develop first.

Yoshino was hoping that the female lieutenant had this sort of cultivation path. That was why he asked the question.

Soura seemed embarrassed for some reason. She answered,

"Huu, I still need more time to grasp the mechanics of the perk."


The gap between a Tier 2 and Tier 3 was enormous. This was mainly due to the Advanced Perk that brings a qualitative change to a person. That was why most people would immediately try to grasp the mechanics of the perk once they reached the Advanced-Tier.

Unfortunately, Soura was not that kind of person.

She was no different than an overpowered Tier 2 then! What about the dreams of waltzing anywhere in the university. What about the face-slapping?

These delusions were of course not possible anymore.

"What's with that look?"

The female lieutenant seemed to have noticed his disappointed expression. She pouted her lips and demanded an explanation.

There was no way Yoshino would tell about his unfulfilled delusions. That was if he wanted to get out of the apartment unit unburned. Thus he instead said,

 "I just felt like I was duped or something."

"Rargh, serves you right."

Soura seemed to have realized the reason for the disappointed look. She looked away and harrumphed.

Haha, tit for tat I guess.

Yoshino had already agreed with their arrangement. There was no turning back now. So he had to make do with what he received. Three Advanced skills were still better than nothing anyway.

He then took out his smartphone. He dialed a number from his contact list. It was not Benjo Roxas by the way.

The call connected. Yoshino greeted the person on the other side. He then began explaining the situation.

The person ordered to pass the phone to Soura. She received the device and greeted the other person. She then moved towards the stairs leading to the bedroom. Perhaps she wanted privacy during their conversation?

Yoshino sat on the sofa of the living room. He waited for them to finish their talk.

But he then remembered that he was the one who initiated the call. He began to worry about the phone bill that he will be charged with.

Screw it. Let us just consider this a small price to pay for being freed from unpaid chores!

Soura went back down after fifteen minutes. She returned the smartphone then sat on the other chair of the living room.

They were not that close anyway.

Yoshino was anxious to know what happened. He could not help but ask,

"How was it?"

"Huu, I think I just got admitted."

"Really? Haha, that's good news!"


Soura cut his celebration short. Why did she have to take that away from the inner monologue?!

Anyway, she paused for a second before continuing,

"I would have to start from the Outer university first."

University of Saint Benevolent was divided into two parts. The inner part was dedicated to students who wanted to graduate the university with high distinction.

The Outer part, on the other hand, was for students that was Tier 2 or below.

The 'below' here refers to the students who were at the partially admitted status and those who do not plan to cultivate any further due to personal reasons.

Yoshino belonged to the Outer part because he was officially a slacker.

"That sounds fair."

Yoshino answered after a few thoughts. He did consider this possibility anyway. So he understood the rationale behind it.

Unfortunately, Soura was still not done,

"But wait there's more."

There's more?!

Yoshino could not believe what he just heard.

Did Soura just become a mage-merchant?