
Chapter 30: You Deserved That

Yoshino Aruven waited for what else the female lieutenant had to say. After a few seconds, he heard,

"I also have to hold back my power as a Tier 3 when I'm on the Outer University."

"That is understandable. Some of the outer students could seriously get hurt if you don't."

Alshura Soura explained her situation. Yoshino agreed that such restrictions should be made.

There was more though,

"I have to purchase my uniform on my own."

"Fair enough."

"I thought so too."

Soura stared at him when she saw him nod in agreement. Yoshino raised an eyebrow. He asked,

"What's with that stare?"

"You are to provide with the uniform."

"Huh?! Why me?"

"Since you like to play like a recruiter, you have to take responsibility. The person on the phone said that."

Soura repeated the words that were told to her. She seemed to agree on this point as well.

Yoshino was surprised to hear this. Did the person on the phone hated him that much?

Nonetheless he decided to accept this condition. He said,

"Alright, fine! I'll find a way to purchase some female uniform."

This was because he realized a certain issue. He grinned then added,

"What are your sizes then?"

"Medium polo shirt and small slacks, you pervert!"

Soura quickly countered. There was no way she would let such information slip to dubious hands. Good vigilance by the way.

Yoshino grumbled upon hearing this. The idea of doing a weekly unpaid chore sounded more appealing to him now.

And then the female lieutenant discussed another topic. She said,

"I would have to participate on the Border Run that will happen three days from now."

The Border Run.

This was an event challenge organized to give chance for the Outer students to qualify for the Inner University.

This was conducted every six months which was during the middle of a semester. Hence this could be considered as a practical part of the mid-term examinations.

Of course those who were not planning to cultivate further due to personal reasons were not required to participate. They could still continue their studies in the Outer part and receive a certificate that they attended the university.

However, Soura aimed to develop her skills. She had to enter the Inner University at all costs!

Yoshino was aware of this. But he then realized a problem in this condition. He inquired,

"Are you saying that you were prohibited in using your Advanced Skills during the event?"

"Yes. I will be disqualified and then expelled if I dare to cast any of them."

Soura also understood the catch on her situation. Yoshino pondered on this for a few seconds. He then justified,

"Well, look at the bright side, you could get the chance to improve your three Tier 2 skills during the event."

"That was also what the person on the phone explained to me. However I do not have three."


Yoshino tilted his head upon hearing her reply. Soura then revealed,

"I only have one Tier 2 skill. The other two is at Tier 1."


Yoshino could not believe this. How could a supposed high-ranking officer of the Trogan Militia had neglected the growth of her other skills?

True enough, Soura had reasons for her current situation. She explained,

"The skill I got from Mink. It had an absolutely good effect. I decided to resynthesize two of my skills to incorporate that effect. So they now returned to the Basic-Tier."

Skill Resynthesis.

This was a technique used to revise the effects of a skill. As mentioned before, obtaining skills was not equivalent to being able to equip them. Thus a method where a person could still posses effects which they could normally not equip was developed.

This could be done by extracting the desired effect of an unequippable skill towards one of those that could be equipped. The skill where the effect was extracted from would then be permanently destroyed from the soul sea of that person.

Of course the success rate of this technique was not one hundred percent. Precious resources were also required in order to conduct this method. Resources that a poor student would not have.

Plus the resynthesized skill would return to Tier 1. Thus the person who would conduct this technique had to be careful. Or else her Tier could fall back down.

The fact that Soura was able to extract not just one but two effects from a single spell. And then succeeded in both resynthesis attempts speak volumes about her talent. As well as her resources.

Yoshino processed this new information in his thoughts. He then noticed the cheerful vibe coming from the female lieutenant. He asked,

"You seem happy about this though?"

"Hawu, the effects are absolutely good!"

"No not that. You would be challenging the Border Run when your skills are basically at Tier 1. Why do you seem excited about it?"

"Fufu, how hard can it be anyway? A challenge for university students should absolutely be a piece of cake for me!"

Yoshino wanted to correct her biased opinion. But why ruin her fun now? She would realize her mistake soon anyway.


"And besides, you'll be there to protect me right?"


"The person on the phone had said that since you were so busy recruiting talents rather than cultivating, maybe you're strong enough to challenge the event now."

"Wait, what? That person said that?"


Yoshino verified this claim by calling the person again. It was confirmed. No, to be precise, it was even reinforced.

If he failed or refused to participate in the event, he would be expelled.

Time to suffer the consequences of your negligence. These were the words that was said to him.


"Anyways, pay up now."

Benjo Roxas called out when neither of them spoke for a while. He was someone who never forgets debts.

The two were still sitting on their respective benches. Yoshino pulled his thoughts back at the current situation. He then replied,

"I am short on funds right now."

"You bastard. Then why did you have the gall to ask for my services?"

The mage-merchant despite his petty attitude was already at the Expert-level of Tier 2. That would mean that Roxas already had all his skills in the said tier. He had also reached level 3 of his current perk.

Yoshino would definitely struggle if he decided to annoy the merchant any further. Thus he offered,

"Do you accept glowing stones as payment?"

"What do you take me for? A flee market vendor?"

Roxas scoffed. He was obviously aware of the market price for the stones. If there was even one. But then he said,

"Give those to me. They could cover for the drafting materials you took. Barely, mind you."

Money was money after all. But then he added,

"However, the notification will have to cost this much."

Roxas gestured the amount he was asking. His fingers resembled a figure.

Yoshino understood the signal. But his mind refused to acknowledge the value he saw. He complained,

"That's too much! Why don't you rob a bank instead?"

"The requested service was completed in a rush. You even disturbed me when I was busy of something else. I had to drop that off just to help you."

"Help my foot! For all I know you were just dealing with some shady business."

"That you will never know. So, are you going to pay or not?"

Roxas reasoned out. He then waved the sealing stave again. He did this to remind that he still had the upper hand in their negotiation.

Yoshino winced upon seeing this. He sped up his thought process to figure out a leverage that he could use. He then remembered something,

"Now that I think about it, your notification was useless. I only got pass the blockade with my acting skills."

"Remember that when you get caught on another blockade again."



Roxas was able to counter the argument. The two fell silent for a while. Both sides were not willing to back down.


"Fine! I'll pay. Just not now. And can you at least give me a discount?"

"No can do."

Yoshino conceded. But he tried to lower the price at the very least. However Roxas was resolute with his stance.

Despite the loss though, Yoshino still searched for a chance to make a comeback. True enough, he found another angle. He tried to pry using this,

"Then what about the fact that you told to the library staff about the abandoned drawers?"

"That was not me but a concerned citizen."

The mage-merchant was grinning. It was definitely him! He even added,

"Regardless, you deserved that."

"You say that, but have you ever considered the potential of those drawers?"

"Oh? Care to elaborate?"

"That abandoned storage space could have been a perfect trading medium for your merchandise."

"Haha. I'm a merchant not a smuggler!"

Roxas seemed offended. Perhaps traders do follow a code when conducting their business.

But then,

"A good idea though. Fine, you win. I'll give you a discount."

"How much?"

Yoshino felt triumphant with this small success. He was moving one step at a time in the bargaining vocation.

But this celebration was short lived. Roxas stated his true aim,

"The Border Run."


"Haha, never underestimate my information network! You can even trade for one right now if you have the budget."

Roxas laughed. He was probably leading the conversation to this direction from the very start. He then added,

"Since you are participating on the challenge, I want you to accompany me during the run. In exchange for the uniform and the rest of your debt."


Yoshino wanted to ask more about the terms set by the mage-merchant. But he now realized that he had still much to learn when it comes to trading. So he settled for a one word question.

Roxas quickly gave his reply,

"None of your concern. Just treat it as an NPC merchant issuing out an escort-type quest to a player."



"Fine, I agree."

Yoshino admitted his defeat and accepted the so-called 'quest'.