Undead Unluck: Every Negator Ranked Part 2

24. Chikara Shigeno (100th loop) Unmove

The next couple of entries might be controversial, but these Negators have a rock paper scissor aspect, so let me explain adequately. It sucks a little to put Chikara so low since, right behind Ichico, he's one of my more fond minor characters, plus he's the best SOLE restrainer type Negator on this list.

With how easily other UMA's and Negators have outmaneuvered this in the past, it's easy to forget just how powerful Unmove is. Just one look can effectively not only stop you in you and any attack in your tracks in place, but it mixes so well with other Negation abilities you think it was pork-fired rice (which goes well with everything, mind you).

Pair this up with a more evasive or defensive ability, and the opponent might as well be a deer in headlights (or me every time I talk with a woman). Combined with his goggles, resolve, and psycho pod provided by my daddy, Nico, he can stick around and play keep away like bad acne. Unfortunately, Chikara's lack of offensive options has hurt him more than anyone in the bottom 10.

The guy can't make any big attacks on his own, and if the opponent is smart and fast enough, they could turn their potential deadlock into a Mexican standoff. Anything Chikara stops still keeps its momentum, and if enough gets thrown in the way, or worse, comes at him at an odd enough angle, Chikara's goose is more cooked than the ramen noodles I made last week. Thus, Chikara is unmoving from this spot.

23. Sean Datz (100th Loop) Unseen

It's fitting that Loop101 currently takes place in the year of the GOAT (2015) since we're talking about him. Sean was one of the harder characters to debate putting on this list. His current variant has seen a massive blossom from him as a character and a Negator. Being able to turn his allies invisible from anything that can detect him is incredibly useful.

Unfortunately, the 100th loop Sean still has to use here since he's a better fighter. With a knife and a life of crime underneath his belt, Sean can use his abilities to slice through the competition. And while Chikara can make you still as stone, Sean's transparent, almost paper-sheet-through sunshine-looking ability will envelop him in the one strike he needs. Still, Sean is an ambush fighter, if anything, and other characters here either have the durability, speed, or utility to bring Sean to look into a different kind of spotlight if needed.

22. Tella (100th Loop) Untell

Tella is taking up the mic in 22nd place. Or, as I like to call him, Billy's totally platonic life partner in crime who sits 5 feet apart in the hot tub because they're not gay (or bi, in Billy's case). Fittingly, I don't have much to say on Tella; he may have the ability we know the least about, so a lot of this is speculation.

Through what little we know, his experience in Telecommunications makes him capable of detecting targets quickly. His weaponry in Loop 100 and stopping Fukko's bullet in Loop 101 implies an overall defensive ability with quick reflexes. With both in mind, plus his experience as a mercenary, Tella has a better background to fight the characters mentioned here. Still, only time will tell if Tella's powers get more elaboration. Either way, he has the skills to get cover, take out most of everyone on this list, and defend himself well.

21. Latla Mirah Untrust

Completing the fourfecta and my really bad rock-paper-scissors analogy, there's Latla. Serving as one of Under's premier members, this fine-ass fortune teller with the fine-ass and clothes is a powerful combatant now in Loop 101. In contrast, Untrust does make Latla's predictions permanently wrong. The funny thing is that if her predictions are wrong 100% of the time, they are still viable.

Mainly since her wrong predictions result in any attack thrown her way getting deflected, combined with Rip's impressive power, Latala was an amazing shield to his spear (even though we know she pegs him in their relationship). However, now that she has one-half of an amped-up Blade Runner, Latla should gain all of the benefits of artifact, like bladed projectiles and flight.

So, while Chikara could freeze Latla and Sean could sneak up on her because both exploit her weakness to feints or unexpected attacks, I believe Latla's predictions and speed would allow her to cut them both like scissors. I don't see her in a future where she prevails against these characters.

20th Isshin Haruka/Isshin the 12th Unbreakable

For once, I'll thank God for finally getting into the excellent tier of characters. Steadfast in their sturdy stances, the Isshin's Unbreakable allows them to seriously stay strong even against a storm of slashes and shots. Unlike other Negators who share the same ability, though, I see no need for either of these two to have different slots.

They both operate the same, with the only notable difference between them being how Haruka seems to have built more impressive constructs (she'll need it for when Chris Hansen comes), while 12 seems more experienced and calm under fire. Even if Andy's sword and various other gadgets are to be believed, Unbreakable lives up to the name and grants surprising versatility as even objects cobbled together count as a construct.

Similarly to Chikara, though, this is an ability made purely for defensive purposes, and even then, it could be better given how characters like Billy and Creed could slip through the armor. Also, in Haruka's case, her shaky convictions have made Unbreakable fail. Thus, this family of protectors will be getting sturdy around the block here.

#19th Void Volks Unavoidable

Entering the ring, nice and proper, we have Void Volks, one of my favorite characters, now that we have more confirmation on him. This melanated king has been a Union mainstay for every Loop and hailed as their best frontline attacker by Fukko. It's an insane feat he proves to back up. This mammoth of a man straight up is a heavyweight world boxing champion. It's a title he held well, even against Negators.

His sheer strength was so great he completely decimated Fukko (and probably most characters) in a bout of ye old fisticuffs. The guy can also take what he dishes out, as he tanked multiple hits from Fukko without being worse for wear. Sure, Fukko was holding back her negation ability till Void got his, but it should be noted that she needed to get supported by Gina in their fight, and Void didn't have his power suit.

With the suit, Void's already daunting power becomes downright lethal when combined with Unavoidable's restraint abilities. Still, despite my CLB (certifiably loved boy) being a downright knockout (and having the world's sluttiest waist), Void is this low for a reason. As exploited by most fighters on this list, Unavoidable still gives the opponent time to block or counterattack.

This means anyone in his weight class with another ability at play could defeat him. Because of Void's lack of range or speed feats, I can't put my boy on the podium in good conscience. He's still one of my faves, though.

#18 Yusai Undraw

Another cool character I wish got more fights, given how important they are. Placing Yusai's skills is hard to scale. For now, though, it's appropriate to use her in Loop 101; old enough to have taught Andy everything he knows and young enough to have better physicality feats than her older self (like fighting an unnamed Uma for a week straight).

Through her Gekkou-style Moonlight-style Quick Drawing, Yusai showed ridiculous power and mid-level range enough to cut down trees while keeping her unbreakable blade sheathed. These showings, combined with Fukko's statements of her being closer in sword skill to Juiz and her constant pairing up with Void (who is said to be weaker when Fukko thinks about her during the space mission), put her much higher than him.

Ability-wise, Undraw is also not the worst restrainer (Unback still wins the nonexistent medal) since it can also come majorly in clutch moments to trap the opponent. Unlike her counterpart, though, Undraw has far less reliability in this Loop, which could end up biting her back against these next couple of opponents.

#17 Rip Tristan Unrepair (Loop 100 Ragnorak)

The daring, dashing doctor finds his place here. As the first real introduction to Under and a consistent enemy to Andy, Rip sets the bar for how powerful more villainous Negators can be. To that end, we tend to underestimate how dangerous he is. By consistently dodging and keeping up with Andy, he's already physically around the upper echelon of other characters.

His innate understanding of the human body, his small arsenal of weapons (scalpels, Blade Runner, and arm blade), and any minor slip-up you make against Rip will cost you. Especially if he states his Negation's deactivation requirement, making any killing blow a desperate opponent wishes to do pointless. The accompaniment by Blade Runner's flight capabilities finally gives Rip some of the best mobility in the series.

Honestly, the only thing holding the man back (besides being more down bad than the Mariana Trench) is the opponents he's up against. Just like his ability is more of a problem for repeat encounters, the same goes for him. I think many selfless and committed Union members would have the will to push forward and deliver a killing blow.

This symbolizes Rip's arc, not realizing that others are willing to bear the same burden. Thus, he left himself in a state of unrepair till he got the second chance he needed. Poetic huh?

#16 Creed Deckard Undecrease

On that sour-ass note, we got Under's second-in-command Creed. It's here where I think the list gets a little easier to rank, given how straightforward some of these people are. As a lieutenant from (insert nameless country here ), I believe this Guile reject has very few relatively impressive showings.

As noted by Andy himself, Undecrease with the right munitions essentially makes Creed a one-person army, and he lives up to the title. While he's lost or withdrawn from every fight he participated in, Creed still has one of the most impressive records of the whole series. He fought Titana's suit relatively well, was noted by Andy to be one of the few counters to his Undead, nearly beat Top/Chikara solo, stood up against God, and managed to press Loop 101 Fukko, Yusai, Void, Sean, Gina, and Isshin.

Accompanied by a strict military mind and the good ole American mentality of shooting enough bullets at all your problems Creed honestly is adaptable across many opponents. While a fight between Rip and Creed would be great to pay for, Rip's cavalier and stubborn nature would have him slip amongst Creed's drastic onslaught. Still, Creed is held back by the need for equipment to fight. So, instead of winning any more fights, this living NRA ad needs to drop and give me 16.

#15: Phil Hawkins Unfeel

Arguably the most underutilized and underrated member of the entire OG Union, Phil is a powerhouse; unfortunately, he caps lower than I'd like. Born up in space with an artificial body, this literal Astro boy, when absorbed by the artifact Entruster, essentially becomes one of the most tenacious fighters in all of Undead Unluck.

Armed with powerful lasers, gigantic blades, steely shears, and tempestuous thrusters, Phil can fly around the battlefield and blanket the entire area in hellfire. Plus, unlike most other Negators, this bucket of bolts and bullets also has endurance for days through Unfeel. Without pesky emotions or feelings getting in the way, Phil can keep a cool head and act out more dangerous plans that more skittish fighters wouldn't dare attempt.

While Phil did need Gina's help to accomplish this, the fact that the kid survived reentry speaks volumes about how persistent he could be. Unfortunately, I feel like Phil (goddamnit Tozuka and your homonyms) suffers from minimal showings. He's been pushed around by other high-tier Negators/Umas, and his lack of feelings also limits his self-preservation and adaptability. So, for now, my 90% robot boy will go here.