Chapter 6

I got back home and saw Kate limping, but way less than yesterday. " You ok, " I asked and she nodded. I went towards her and kissed her neck and hugged her from behind. " I don't want you to be frustrated, so I can use my hands and mouth if you want, " Kate said and I nodded. " I'm not frustrated, I can do it tomorrow and I won't stop for 20 hours, " I said and she nodded blushing. I let go of her and went downstairs. Only I have access here. " X tell my team that's in Washington Dc and Florida, to kill Nathaniel Essex and all of his clones, steal his research and add all his cash to my account, " I said. " Right away sir, " X said. A while later, Anna and Kate came home. " Charles Xavier, James Howlett or Logan, and Ororo Munroe( Storm) are outside your door, " X said. I went upstairs. " Kate and Kattie go upstairs and don't leave until I say so, Anna sits on the couch, " I said and they did what I said. " Prime, go open the door for our guest, " I said and sat next to Anna. A 2 minutes later, Prime came back with Charles, James, and Ororo. " What do I owe the pleasure of the three main members of X-men coming to visit me, " I said and they were shocked for 2 seconds. Charles was looking at me. ' He found out he can't read my mind, ' I thought. " Mr. Jones, what do you think about mutants? " Charles asked. " They are humans, but way more gifted than us regular humans. I have no problem with them as long as they don't cause me trouble, " I answered and he nodded. Charles looked at Anna. " Miss Anna, do you know that you're a mutant, " Charles asked and she nodded. " Can you tell me what your ability is, " Charles asked. Anna looked at me and I nodded. " I can absorb the abilities and life force of people, " Anna answered, stunning them for a quick second. " Would you like to come to my school for people like you, " Charles asked. " No thanks, I'm fine where I am, " Anna answered. ' Logan looks a little calmer than in the movies and comics, ' I thought. " Anna, if you wanna go to the school, you can, but I'll still visit you, " I whispered in her ears and she nodded. " I'll go but on one condition, " Anna said. " What's the condition, " Charles asked. " You have to let Jay visit me 2 times a week, " Anna answered. " That's fine, " Charles replied. " Alright Anna will leave next week, " I said and left.

Kattie and Anna went out with their friends. Me and Kate are on the couch. Kate looked worried. " Kate what are you worried about, " I asked but she didn't answer. " Is it the Hand, " I asked and she stared at me in shock. " How do you know about that, " Kate asked. " Hello, I'm rich and smart, " I answered and she calmed down. " Don't worry nothing can happen to Kate or Anna because I have Shadow and Zero watching them, " I said and kissed her forehead. Kate then kissed me on the lips and I pushed her down on the couch. " Do you want me to use my hands or mouth, " Kate asked. " Mouth, " I said and pulled out my cock. Kate was still laying down on the couch. I moved closer to her mouth and forced my cock inside her mouth. " Mffmhh, " Kate gasped as my 12 inch cock went inside her mouth. "~ So good~, " I moaned as I started to face fuck her. Her mouth was tightening around my cock and her tongue circles around it. I was thrusting my cock in and out of her mouth. I used my right hand and started to finger her. Her body did a slight twitch. I fingered her as I face-fucked her very hard. I was making my cock go all the way down her throat and further. I did this for 10 minutes straight and came down her mouth. She came for the 3rd time. I pulled out and she started coughing. She made sure none of my cum came out of her mouth though. " Thank you, " I said and put my pants back on. My cock was still hard, but I can handle it.

A while later, I picked up a sleeping Kate and put her on my bed. I went downstairs. I snapped my fingers and I changed my hair color to black and changed my outfit. I then went to the garage. I got in my car. I put in locations for New Mexico, directly where Dr. Jane Foster lives. I got there in 2 hours. I got there and knocked on her door. Darcy opened and was just staring at me. ' He's handsome, ' she thought. " Hello handsome, what are you doing here, " Darcy asked. " I'm here for Dr. Jane Foster, " I answered. Darcy let me in with a pout. I sat down on a chair. A while later, Jane came out and towards me. " I'm Dr. Jane Foster, what do you need with me, " Jane asked. " I would like to provide you with money for your research and I don't want to take your research, I just want to see your results, " I answered. Jane took a breath, because she thought I was gonna steal her research like shield. " How much money would you give me to help further and prolong my research, " Jane asked. " What's your bank account, " I asked. " It's xxxxxxxxxxxx, " she answered. I sent her 10 billion dollars. She got a message saying 10 billion dollars were added to her bank account. " Thank you sir, can you tell me what your name is, " Jane asked. " I'll come back here tomorrow, I'm Jay Jones, yes the richest and smartest man in the world, " I answered and left.

I drove back home and went to sleep. I woke up because Kate was shaking me. " Why is your hair color different, " Kate asked. " Later, " I answered. " Get up, " Kate said. " I'm going to be down in 5 minutes, " I replied and she went downstairs. I put on a black shirt and some black sweatpants. I then went downstairs. " Anna and Kattie said they're staying home today, " Kate said and we got in my car. We drove to Kate's college. We got there and everyone was looking at my car. Kate got out of the car and everyone was shocked. " Kate must've gotten a sugar daddy, " a girl said. I stepped out of the car next. " That's Jay Jones, " a girl said. " How much would I pay to sleep with him, " another girl stated. " Kate, can you show me the way to the principal's office, " I said and she took me to the office. " I would like for you to call all the students and teachers to the gym and I'll pick some students to help me out, " I said and the principal nodded.

A while later, every student, teacher, and staff member were in the gym. " Do y'all know why I'm here, " I asked. " You're here to pick some students to play basketball with, " a boy answered. " How do y'all know, " I questioned. " We saw the video of you playing with highschool students, " a girl answered. " I need 19 boys to play and 10 girls to cheer, " I said and started to pick out people. Everyone on my team is over 5'8 and the other team has everyone over 5' 9. Kate was one of the girls cheering for my team. I walked towards her. " Kate, do you think I'll win? '' I asked. " If you don't win agaisnt college students, that'll be bad, " Kate answered, chuckling. I pinched her cheek. " I want Jay to pinch my cheek, " a girl said. " If I went to school here, I'll be a senior, " I said and stopped pinching her cheek. I kissed Kate on the lips. The students were shocked. " I can't wait for later, " I said and went back to my team. '' Mr. Jones, we all want you to play point guard, " a boy said, as I nodded.

The gym teacher was ref. " Jump ball, " the teacher said and threw the ball up. The oc got and passed it to the opg. I started to guard him. He tried to do a behind the back crossover on me. As soon as he switched hands I stole the ball and dribbled to the three point line. I shot it and SWOSH. It went right in. Home: 0 Away: 3( Jay's team is away, ). I saw people recording. The osf passed the ball to the osg. He passed the sg and went to the paint. He then dunked on the sf. " Damnnnn, " a student said. Home: 2 Away: 3. The sf passed the ball to the sg. I was at the wing. I got the ball. I dribbled to the top of the key. I dribbled in my right hand and switched to my left. I then dribbled a little bit forwards and did a hop-step. The opg slipped and I shot the 3. SWOSH. " Holy shit, " the osg said. Home: 2 Away: 6. The osf passed the ball to the opg. I was guarding him. He passed the ball to the open osg at the three point line. He shot the ball and it went. Home: 5 Away: 6. The sf passed the ball to me. I dribbled to the top key. Did an in and out cross over. I got in the paint. Threw the ball off the backboard. The oc tried to get the ball when it bounced. I jumped in the air and slammed the ball in the net. Home: 5 Away: 8. " What the fuck, " the osf said. The oc was on the floor. I helped him up.

42 minutes later and it's the fourth quarter. Home: 86 Away: 87. I started to stop scoring after the 2nd quarter. This is my stats. Points: 39 Assists: 11 Steals: 17 Blocks: 13 Rebounds: 18. There's 3 seconds left. The opg is at the free point line. He shot the ball and it went in. Home: 87 Away: 87. We called time out. " I'll take the shot, " I said and they nodded. Timeout is over. The sf passed to me. I'm 7ft outside the three point line. I shot the ball and the opg jumped up with me. 3...2...1… the buzzer went off. The ball was swirling around and it went in. Home: 87 Away: 90. " That was fun, " the student's that played said. I walked towards Kate. " You won't be able to walk for a week after I'm done with you, " I said and she blushed. Some girls heard what I said. " Kate, I'll tell Prime to come pick you up, " I said and she nodded. I left the school and got in my car. " Is Essex dead, " I asked. " Sir, all of Essex's warehouses, companies, and homes are destroyed. Your two teams have all his research, you have his money, and in the base in Florida, Essex is in a cell that blocks his powers, " X replied. I got a text saying 20 billion was added to my account. I then drove to Jane Foster's house.

I got there and knocked on the door. Jane opened it and I sat down on the couch. " I've gotten way more equipment because of your help, " Jane said. I nodded. " Can I know why you wanted to help me, " Jane asked. " I'm interested in Kinetic Energy and I know you study that, so I might as well get you further in your research, " I answered and she nodded. We talked some more, before I left back home. I got it and it was 7 something. I went to my room. Kate was sleeping. ' I guess no fun, ' I thought and took my shirt and pants off. I then laid down next to her and hugged her. I kissed her forehead and went to sleep.