Chapter 7

I woke up because I felt Kate shake me. " What's wrong, " I asked. " Nothing, I'm about to go to school, " Kate said and gave me a kiss. She then left. I got out of bed 5 minutes later. I got dressed and left. I was going to a different warehouse I owned. I got there and saw 10 people wearing ninja suits. " Kill him, " one of the ninja's said and 1 of them came towards me. He slashed down with his sword. I grabbed his sword and stabbed him with it in his heart. I then took the sword out of his heart. The other's saw this and charged at me except for 1 stayed back. I then cut all their heads off. I looked at the one that's still alive. I was about to ask him something, but he killed himself. I snapped my fingers and the bodies disappeared. ' I want to have some fun, ' I thought and snapped my fingers. A suit appeared on me. It was one of my favorite suits, it's Snake Eyes suit from G.I Joe.

I then disappeared. I appeared in Shield. I snapped my fingers and every member of the shield that isn't hydra teleported to a desert. I then looked at Hydra members here. I started to kill all of them. Some tried to shoot at me. I sliced the bullets apart. Everyone here is dead except me. My sword is bloody. I looked at the camera recording this. " I did y'all a favor, " I said in a deep voice and disappeared. I appeared where they were hiding Bucky. I started getting shot at. I dodged and sliced the bullets. I then killed the people. I burst through the metal door. I saw Bucky getting his dose of daily steroids and the scientist looked at me. They pulled out a gun. As soon as that happened, they had their heads cut off. Bucky was about to move. I walked towards him. I then knocked him out. I picked him up and we disappeared.

We appeared in one of the warehouses I have in New York. I then snapped my fingers and my suit disappeared. I then made a perfect super soldier serum appear in my hands. I then made Bucky drink it. He started screaming. 40 minutes later, he stopped. I snapped my fingers and got rid of all the mind control stuff. " James Barnes, I'm Jay Jones, I saved you, I will let you meet Steve in two years, " I said and he nodded. " Do I gotta stay here, " Bucky asked and I nodded. I then snapped my fingers and everything Bucky needed to survive for two years appeared. " I'll come get you in two years, " I said and he nodded. I then appeared back in my house. " Delta, " I called and he appeared. " I need you to make sure Bucky doesn't leave that place for two years, " I said and he left.

A while later, I was in my office doing company work. I heard a knock on the door. " Can I come in, " Kate asked. " Come in, " I answered and she came into the office. Kate sat on the arm of my chair. " Jay, are you ok, " Kate asked. " Yeah, I'm just tired, " I answered. Kate then sat in my lap, facing me. " We didn't get to do it yesterday, so why not today, " Kate whispered in my ear. We then did it for a couple hours and I wouldn't let Kate pass out. I went downstairs. Anne and Katie were watching T.V. " Girls, do y'all wanna go watch a movie, " I asked and they nodded. We put a horror movie on. Halfway through the movie, Kattie and Anna fell asleep. I snapped my fingers and they appeared on their beds. I then went to my room and went to sleep.

I woke up because Kate was shaking me. " Jay, you need to get up and I can't stand straight, " Kate said while she just stayed next to me. I got up. I grabbed a black hoodie and black combat pants. " Kate, I'll be gone for a couple hours, ask Prime and Alpha if you need anything, " I said and left after putting on my clothes. I then snapped my fingers and I appeared in the middle of nowhere. ' I wonder what would happen if I made an army of people with Deadpool's healing factor, ' I thought and snapped my fingers again. Three large military bases appeared and three hundred created humans appeared. They all have a healing factor better than Deadpool. " Y'all will stay here, train in every fighting style, and thereś everything y'all need to survive in the base, it is filled with thousands of weapons, so go, " I said and they went inside the bases. I then disappeared and appeared in another desert. I then did the same thing, then left for Charles Mansion.

I arrived there and walked right past an annoying kid wearing a barnet. ' I wonder if Kitty's here, ' I thought and walked past some mutants trying to stop me from going inside Charles' office. I went into the office and saw Charles, Jean, Kurt, Logan, Storm, Kitty, and Scott. " Mr. Jones, what do I owe the pleasure of you visiting, " Charles asked. ' He's even more handsome in person, ' Jean and Kitty thought. " Nothing really, just checking out the place Anne will go to in a couple days, " I answered and snapped my fingers. A chair appeared and I sat down. ' He made a chair appear out of nowhere, ' they except Charles thought. " So Miss Jean, Mr. Summers, Miss Pryde, and Mr. Wagner, do ya like this place, " I asked them, a little stunned. I knew who they were. " This place feels like a home to us, " Scott said and the rest nodded. I looked at Charles. I made a glass of red wine appear in my hands. " Charles, do you wanna walk again, and want some wine, " I asked, taking a sip of wine. " I would like some, and what do you mean I wanna walk again, " Charles answered and sparked his own question. I snapped and a glass of white wine appeared in his hands. " Just a yes or no, " I said and Charles nodded. I stood up and walked towards him. " You'll feel a little sting, " I said and snapped my fingers. Everyone else other than us two gasped.

Charles stood up. " Charles, you're young again, " Logan said and Charles touched his face in amazement. " Before you ask, I just made you back in the state you were in before you was paralized, " I said and took another sip. I walked towards Jean and Kitty. " Katherine, you look some much like your mother, " I said and touched her head. " HUH, " everyone said. 4 minutes later, Me and Kitty are in her room. " What do you mean my mother, " Kitty asked. I showed a picture of me and Kitty's mother. This is when her mother was 17. " This is mom, but how do you look the same from over 20 years ago, " Kitty questioned. I put my hand on her head. " Katherine, would you believe if I said I dated most of the females in your family starting with your great-great-great -great-great- great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother around 800 years ago, " I said, as I stared into her eyes. ' That means he's over 800, ' Kitty thought and was shocked. I then moved in closer to her lips. " Wa...Wait doe...does that..that mean..mean I'm, " Kitty asked and I nodded. She blushed and before she could do anything, I kissed her. After 15 seconds I stopped. Kitty was stunned and shocked. ' My first kiss, ' Kitty thought. " Kitty, I'll see you in a couple of days, that's how long you have to sort your feelings, " I said and disappeared from the room.

I arrived in Natasha's room. ' I wonder if Natasha will come in here, ' I thought and took my shirt off. I saw 3 minutes into the future. I snapped my fingers and a towel was wrapped around my waist. I laid down on the bed and snapped my fingers. The bed was covered in Petals. The door opened after 20 seconds and a knife was thrown next to my head. " That's not very nice, Natasha, " I said and smirked. " Get out, " Natasha said and I stood up. I walked towards her. " I'll leave after a kiss, " I said and grabbed her chin. We moved closer to each other's lips. As soon as they were about to touch, Steve came in and asked " Nat, do yoouuu…, " he paused, seeing me only wearing a towel and us about to kiss. " I guess it's time for me to leave, " I said and snapped my fingers. A black suit appeared on me. " Bye Nat, " I said and disappeared.

I arrived in my room and Kate was asleep. I gently got on my bed and laid her on top of me. " Kate, do you love me or my money, I don't think you love me, because I dated a lot of people and they were after my money, most of them, if you love me, I'll need you to tell me who you and Katte really are, I can find out myself, but don't want to because I trust you, " I said and closed my eye faking sleep. Kate, who was faking sleep too, which I knew, opened her eyes. " Jay, I love you, but I can't tell you who we are. I promise you this, if you love me still love me next time we meet, I'll tell you everything, " Kate said, kissed my forehead, and grabbed a suitcase. I could tell the suitcase only had clothes in it. Katie came into the room with her suitcase. " Sis, I'm really gonna miss them, " Kattie said and they both left the house. ' Status, ' I said.


Name: Jay Jones Age: 822

Str: 499 Spd: 499 Vit: 499 Int: 499 Pow: 499


Reality Control- Level Max

Time Control- Level Max

Boxing Mastery- Level Max

Mixed Martial Arts Mastery- Level Max

Parkour Mastery- Level Max

Hacking Mastery- Level Max

Driving Mastery- Level Max

Shooting Mastery- Level Max

Sword Mastery- Level Max

Finance Mastery- Level Max

Robotics Mastery- Level Max

Engineering Mastery- Level Max

Biology Mastery- Level Max

Nano-robotics Mastery- Level Max

Nano-biotic Abilities Mastery- Level Max

Super Human Abilities Mastery- Level Max

Basketball Abilities Mastery- Level Max

" Alpha and Bravo, follow those two and take care of the people who will follow them, " I said and then two bots left. I got out of bed. I snapped my fingers and a phone appeared. The phone is from my old life. I plug some earbuds into them. I played Sad by XXXtentacion. "

Yeah, Who am I? Someone that's afraid to let go, uh

You decide, if you're ever gonna let me know, yeah

Suicide, if you ever try to let go, uh

I'm sad I know, yeah, I'm sad I know, yeah

Who am I? Someone that's afraid to let go, uh

You decide, if you're ever gonna let me know, yeah

Suicide, if you ever try to let go, uh

I'm sad I know, yeah, I'm sad I know, yeah

Thought I gave her everything

She took my heart and left me lonely

I've been broken, heart's contentious

I won't fix, I'd rather weep

I'm lost then I'm found

But it's torture bein' in love

I love when you're around

But I fuckin' hate when you leave

Who am I? Someone that's afraid to let go, uh

You decide, if you're ever gonna let me know, yeah

Suicide, if you ever try to let go, uh

I'm sad I know, yeah, I'm sad I know, yeah

Who am I? Someone that's afraid to let go, uh

You decide, if you're ever gonna let me know, yeah

Suicide, if you ever try to let go, uh

I'm sad I know, yeah, I'm sad I know, yeah

Who am I? Someone that's afraid to let go, uh

You decide, if you're ever gonna let me know, yeah

Suicide, if you ever try to let go, uh

I'm sad I know, yeah, I'm sad I know, yeah

Who am I? Someone that's afraid to let go, uh

You decide, if you're ever gonna let me know, yeah

Suicide, if you ever try to let go, uh

I'm sad I know, yeah, I'm sad I know, yeah

" I finished singing the song. I left my room and went to Anne's room. I knocked on the door and she opened it. '' Anne, pack your things, you're going to Charle's school in a couple days, " I said and left before she could say anything.