Chapter 8

---------------------------------------------- A couple days later ---------------------------------------

I'm driving in my 2017 mustang, which I created or snapped into reality. Anne's next to me. " Anne, I'm going to visit you everyday, " I said. Anne looked at me. " I really miss Kate and Kattie, " Anne replied and I nodded. We arrived at Charles' mansion. I grabbed her two suitcases. We went inside and were greeted with Charles, Jean, Kitty, and Scott. " Miss Jones, Kitty and Jean will show you your new room, " Charles said and then three left. I already put a block on Anne's mind so Charles or Jean can't read it. " It feels good to be young again, right, " I said and Charles nodded. We went to his office. " Mr. Jones, why don't you become a teacher here, " Charles said and I chuckled. " I could teach History, I mean I lived for over 800 years, " I replied and walked towards Charles. Charles was shocked I'm that old, he knew from Kitty I'm older than I looked." Charles, I won't be a teacher, but I have to tell you something, " I said. Charles did a hand gesture. I smiled and the whole room became darker. " If anyone in this school does any harm to my sister, I'll KILL EVERYONE HERE, " I said and left the office to find Anne. ' He just gave me a sinister feeling, ' Charles thought.

I found Anne's room and went inside. Anne saw me come inside and gave me a hug. " Jay, I know you're going to visit everyday, but you don't have to, I only need you to come once a week and spend the whole weekend with me, " Anne said and I nodded. " Anne, I'll see ya saturday, " I said and left the room and saw Kitty. " Katherine, let's talk somewhere private, " I said and Kitty took me to her room. We sat on the bed. " Jay, how much of your life have you spent dating my family, " Kitty asked. I rubbed my chin. " I would say about 489 years of my life was spent dating different females in your family, " I answered and Kitty was just shocked. " Jay, I would like to try dating you, " Kitty said and I hugged her. " Kitty, I'll show you where I used to live 800 hundred years ago someday, " I said and kissed her on the cheek. I then left the room, and saw Jean looking at me in shock. " 800 hundred, " she kept muttering and I disappeared.

I appeared in Dr. Jane Foster's home in New Mexico. I sat down on the couch. ' I wonder if I should do what I did to Natasha, ' I thought and decided to do it. I snapped my fingers and only a towel was wrapped around my waist, while my clothes disappeared. Then roses were ready to fall as soon as someone stepped in the house. I snapped my fingers and a small table with a bucket of ice appeared. A red wine bottle was inside it and there were three glasses next to it. 4 minutes later, the door opened and Jane Foster came inside with an unknown girl. " Mia, as I was telling you, if we can connect kinetic ener…, " Jane Foster was saying until she saw me. The red roses fell and the girl who was called Mia stood next to Jane stunned. ' He's hot and his body is hotter, ' Mia thought. " Would y'all like a drink, " I asked and held out the three glasses.

A couple minutes later, we were talking about Cosmic and Kinetic energy. Jane and Mia are close to getting drunk. " Jane, how *Hic* did you meet *Hic* him, " Mia asked clearly drunk. " *Hic* He's my spons *Hic* er, " Jane answered, clearly as drunk as Mia. " Y'all our light weights, Jane and Mia wanna do something fun, " I asked and they probably thought something LEWD. " It's y'all go to sleep and I'll see ya in a couple days, " I said and put on clothes I made appear a while ago. " Wai *Hic* t, " Mia said. " I'm sorry, but I'm not someone who will take advantage of someone who's drunk, " I said and left the house.

I arrived home and for the first time in 200 years, I felt alone. " Zero and Shadow, I need ya yo send invites Jean Grey, Charles Xavier, Anne Jones, Katherine Pryde, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Scott Summers, Jane Foster, and over a total of 70 rich females and 30 rich males, for a party that I'm having in 12 days, " I said and they left to do what I said. I sat down on the couch. " Sir, you have 25 hand ninjas on your roof, " X said. ' I need to let off some steam, ' I thought and appeared on my roof in the middle of all 25 ninjas. " Allright, I have all day so one at a time, " I said and the ninja sent a slash towards my head. I grabbed his arm and kneed him in the stomach as hard as I could. CRACK. ' That every bone in his body, ' I thought. Two came at me at the same time. I dodged the kicks to my head and grabbed them by their head. I then slammed them into each other. " All right, time to DIE, " I said and jumped at the closest ninja.

2 minutes later, every hand ninja was on the ground. ' Could've done it in 10 seconds, but wanted to have fun, ' I thought. " Prime, Tiger, and Lion get rid of their existence, " I said and appeared back on the couch. ' I wonder if I'll ever have a child in my 822 years of living, ' I thought and started thinking of all 1,000,000 ex's. " X, search the Database for any human being dead or alive with at least a 96% match of my DNA, " I said. " Right Away sir, " X replied and got straight to work. 10 minutes later X was done. " Sir I have two matches of 98.7% that match your DNA so far, " X said. " Tell me their names and if they are dead or alive, " I said. " The first match is Hinoto Haruki, a Japanese and Black Female, born February 12, 1990, age 22, died two months ago, " X said and I got sad. ' One of my kids died and I didn't even know, ' I thought. " The other one is Jamie Kim, Mexican and Black female , born April 2, 1791, age 230, looks 15, lives Las Vegas, inherited your immortal genes, but that's all, " X said and I was happy. " X, tell me if you found any more, " I said and left to find Jamie.

A couple hours later, I was outside a house. It is a two story house. I knocked on the door. A couple minutes later, the door opened and it was Jamie. " Jamie Kim, can I come inside, " I asked and she let me inside the house. I was in the living room on the couch. In the kitchen Jamie was looking at an old time picture of me and her mother. ' That's Jay Jones, he looks exactly like my father, ' Jamie thought as she looked at the picture. She came into the living room with two glasses of water. " Jamie, It might be hard to believe at first but I think you are a daughter from over 100 years ago, " I said and Jamie jumped on me. " *Sniff* I finally *Sniff* meet you, " Jamie said in between her tears. ' If he's really my father, he could've found me, ' Jamie thought and got off me. She then threw me across the room. I let her though. " You *Sniff* don't know how *Sniff* lonely I been *Sniff* thinking you were *Sniff* dead, your the richest *Sniff* person in the world *Sniff* and couldn't find me until over *Sniff* 100 hundred years, " Jamie said and punched me in the stomach with each word. ' It stings, I guess she's been getting stronger for all these years, ' I thought.

Some minutes later, Jamie calmed down. " Ja..Dad, so what you're saying is that you might have more kids out there in the world and you're going to try to find them, " Jamie said and I nodded. " Ja..Dad, how old are you, " Jamie asked. " I'm 822 years old, born October 8, 1190, " I answered and Jamie was just stunned at how old I am. " You probably got hundreds, no millions of kids out in the world somewhere, " Jamie said and I nodded. " I found out about another one of my kids, " I said and Jamie perked up. " Where is she, " Jamie asked. " I just found out she died two months ago, " I answered and Jamie got as sad as I was. " Jamie, do you wanna live in my house and help me find out if you have brothers and sisters, " I said and she nodded. We left for my house and I went to sleep.

I woke up to Jaime jumping on me. " Dad, it's 3 pm, wake up, " Jaime said. I got her off of me. " Jaime, next time wake me up gently, " I replied and got up. Jaime blushed because she's seeing me shirtless. " Never seen abs before, " I teased and Jaime left the room. I put a robe on and went downstairs. " Sir, I found six more people with a 98.3% match of your DNA, " X said. Me and Jaime looked at each other in joy. " I need their names, " I said. " They are Adam male, Britney female, Chris male, Danial male, Emily, female, Faith female, Last name Smith, sextuplets born October 8, 1883, age 129, they all look 17 and have got your immortality gene, " X replied. " Dad, we found more of your kids and my siblings, " Jaime said happily. " I found something bad on all six of them, " X said. " Spill it, " I stated. " They are a group of murderers called Otherworldly and they are charged with over two thousand murders, and if I look into who they murdered, that's bad, " X said. I jumped up. ' Please don't tell me, ' I thought. " Everyone they murdered has over a 96% match of your DNA, Sir, " X finished what he was saying and the couch broke. " Send me their location now, and make sure Jaime is protected at all times, " I said and left the house after getting their location.

A couple hours later, I was somewhere in Texas in front of a warehouse. I could tell all six of my kids are here. I walked inside the warehouse and all six of them saw me. Daniel was the first one to move. He got in front of me. He's 6'0 and I'm now 6'2. " Who are you, " Daniel asked. Adam was about to say something, but SLAM. The back of Daniel's head was into the ground, while my hand was on his face. " Daniel, " Britney, Faith, Emily, and Chase said, while Adam was looking for something. " Wh...Who are, " Daniel asked barely under my grasp. I glared at everyone. " I'M YOUR PUNISHER, " I answered and punched him in the face and he was buried deeper into the ground. CRACK. His jaw is broken. Everyone was frozen in fear. Adam managed to grab an old photo of me and their mother. " Guys, that's our father, " Adam said and everyone knew what I'm here for. " HOW DARE Y'ALL KILL 2,000 OF MY KIDS, YOUR SIBLINGS, " I yelled and appeared in front of Adam. I grabbed him by the throat. " I WILL BREAK EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU, " I said and slammed him into the wall. CRACK. His back is broken. I looked at Chase. I was about to go to him, but I heard Jaime's voice. " Dad, don't hurt them no more, " Jaime said and they were shocked to hear one of their siblings stopping me. " Ya are coming with me, " I said and snapped my fingers.

We appeared in one of the underground bases I own in Texas. I already healed everyone. Everyone except me and Jaime are strapped to a seat. " Why did you kill our siblings, " Jaime asked. Britney looked at her. " We did it because we wanted to see dad, we knew he was alive, but didn't know where, so we decided that we kill all of his children so he can show himself to us, " Britney answered. " Y'all didn't have to do that, Dad was trying to find us, not hide, " Jaime said and they looked down. After 20 minutes, I was ready to talk to them.

" Da...Dad, how old are you, " Emily asked and they, except Jaime, looked at me. " I was born in 1190, the 12th Century, so 822 ," I answered. They were shocked to know I was born before America was discovered by Comlombus. " D..Dad, why did we never see you until today, " Chase questioned. " The truth is I never knew about ya until today, I only knew about Jaime yesterday and that's when I found ya, I only found out about y'all because someone important to me left to go somewhere else, " I answered and they were stunned for a bit. " Dad, is it ok for us to be in-love with you, " Faith and Britney said at the same time. Now everyone in the room is frozen. " I'm sorry, but I don't think that's ok, " I replied. ' Then we'll just make it ok, ' Faith and Britney thought. " Now since that's out of the way, I'll guess me and Jaime will be training y'all for six years, " I said and looked at Jaime. " Dad who's older out of her and us, " Emily asked. I chuckled. " Jaime is older than y'all by 1 hundred and 1 years, " I answered and they were shocked by Jamie's age. " Dad, what do you mean train us for the next 6 years, " Daniel and Adam asked at the same time. " In 6 years, someone strong will appear, so I need y'all to be stronger, " I said and snapped my fingers.

We appeared on another planet. " This is where we'll be for the next 6 years of your lives, " I said and groaned.

---------------------------------------------- 6 years later ---------------------------------------------------