Chapter 9

" Kids, we're going back, " I said and all 7 of my kids came. " Alright let's go, " I said and snapped my fingers. We appeared in Wakanda. ' Two hours and Thanos' army will appear, ' I thought. " Adam, Britney, Chase, Daniel, Emily, Faith, and Jaime, sit y'all mother fucking ass down on the ground right now, before I beat you so fucking bad, you wish God can come, " I said and they sat down. " Just because ya are over 130 years old doesn't mean you won't get beat like a kid, " I said and they nodded. ' Status, ' I thought.


Name: Jay Jones Age: 828

Str: 999 Spd: 999 Vit: 999 Int: 999 Pow: 999


Reality Control- Level Max

Time Control- Level Max

Boxing Mastery- Level Max

Mixed Martial Arts Mastery- Level Max

Parkour Mastery- Level Max

Hacking Mastery- Level Max

Driving Mastery- Level Max

Shooting Mastery- Level Max

Sword Mastery- Level Max

Finance Mastery- Level Max

Robotics Mastery- Level Max

Engineering Mastery- Level Max

Biology Mastery- Level Max

Nano-robotics Mastery- Level Max

Nano-biotic Abilities Mastery- Level Max

Super Human Abilities Mastery- Level Max

Basketball Abilities Mastery- Level Max

Killing Intent Mastery- Level Max

I looked at my kids. " Remember, when you see them ugly creatures kill every last one of them, " I said and they nodded with big smiles. ' Seeing them like this is just like 3 years ago, ' I thought.

---------------------------------------- Flash Back ---------------------------------------

" I'm not gonna do it, " Adam said. Chase pushed Adam towards my room door. Britney, Faith, Emily, Jaime, and Daniel walked towards them. " What ya doing, " they asked. Adam and Chase looked at each other and the others. " We're trying to see who will ask Dad to bring us to fight aliens again, " Adam and Chase said at the same time. " I'll do it pussies, " Jaime said and the rest chuckled. " No, I'll do it, " Faith, Britney, and Emily said at the same time. Britney and Faith had turned Emily into a Father-con. Three of my kids have a father complex. " We'll all do it, " Daniel said and they nodded. They gathered next to each other. Jaime was pushed. " Don't push me, " Jaime said and pushed Chase. He fell onto Adam and Adam threw him unto Daniel. Then a whole brawl started between all 7 of them.

" Da fuck is going on, " I said opening my room door to see all my kids fighting. ' Jaime's winning, ' I thought and was proud. Jaime, Britney, Emily, and Faith have a blush on their face because I have only a towel wrapped around my waist. " Every sit ya asses on the ground, " I said and they did that. I chuckled. " Since ya wanna do that, whoever can get me a wine bottle first can pick two people to come with us when we fight Aliens again, " I said and they ran to the kitchen with big smiles.

--------------------------------------- Flash Back end ------------------------------------

" Alright, 10 more minutes and then y'all can let hell loose, " I said and they jumped up. After 10 minutes, they ran towards where Thanos' army is. " What do they feed kids these days, " I heard one of the people say, as they watched my kids kill the Chituri easily. I saw the big worm, so I walked towards it. " My kids wanna have more fun, so goodbye, " I said and snapped my fingers. The big worm disappeared into a black smoke. I walked around dodging anything that comes towards me. I felt one of my kids in danger. I appeared right in front of Faith as three big worms were in front of us. " Faith finished having fun, I got this, " I said and she went to go help her siblings. I used my Killing Intent skill and the whole Battlefield froze. " YOU DARE HARM MY DAUGHTER, YOU PURPLE GRAPE, " I said and with a swing of my arms the three big worms were cut in half.

A couple minutes later, Thanos came out of the portal with the time stone added to his gauntlet. I appeared in front of Thanos and cut his left hand. The gauntlet was on his left hand. " PURPLE GRAPE RAISIN MISS ME, " I said with a devilish smile.

------------------------- Flash Back 700 years ago -----------------------------

I'm in bed with someone called Lady Death. " That was awesome, you are always going to be my favorite, " Lady Death said. " Death, should I just kill that Purple Grape Raisin, " I asked. Death got on top of me and my cock got hard again. " No, you should really just focus on me, " she answered and kissed me on the lips. " Death, I love you, " I said. " I love you too, " Death replied, but the roof was blown off and Thanos the Raisin is here. " Death, I'll deal with him and see you tomorrow, " I said and pants appeared on me. I then appeared in front of Thanos and grabbed his whole head. I then lifted him in the air. " SHE SAID I CAN'T KILL YA, BUT I CAN HURT YA, " I said and made a knife appear in my hands. I then carved out my first name into Thanos' right arm. I also cut out his left eye. " IF I SEE YOU AGAIN, I'll KILL YA, " I threatened and teleported him back to his place.

------------------------------------ Flash Back end -------------------------------------------

" The only being strong enough to hurt me is still alive, even after 700 years, " Thanos said. He still had my name carved into him and his left eye was replaced with robots. I grabbed his whole face again. Everyone is just watching, because my kids have already finished the army. " I MISSED YOUR FACE AS I CARVED YOUR LEFT EYE OUT, MAYBE I SHOULD JUST KILL YA, " and wrapped my hands around his neck. I then started gripping hard. Thanos was slowly losing his life. A figure appeared out of nowhere and wrapped her arms around my back.

" Husband, you really shouldn't kill my champion, if you do, I would have to punish you, " Death said whispering in my ears. ' Death, ' Thanos saw Death and tried to break free for her. " Honey, you visit after 600 hundred years, I stopped following the rules of you beings, " I said and CRACK. I snapped Thanos' neck. Death kissed my neck. " I always knew you would do what you want, that's why I came back, " Death said and turned my head to kiss my lips. Before she could do that, my four Daughters stopped her. " What do you think you're doing to our dad, " Emily said and the other three nodded. " Hubby, you didn't tell them, " Death said and I sighed. "Adam, Chase, and Daniel, get your asses over here, " I said and then three came over here. I looked at Steve. " Steve, Nat, and Banner, good to see you and your team after 6 years, " I said and we disappeared.

We arrived at my house. " All of y'all do not go to the second or fourth floor, " I said. Me and Lady Death went downstairs to my office. " Husband, you didn't tell them who I am, " Death asked, as she faked tears. " What do you want? '' I questioned. Death walked up towards me. I'm now 6'4 and she's 6'1. " It's funny how you married me and had thousands of kids, " Death chuckled. " Oh be quiet, I wasn't questioning your thot life every time you had sex with me, was after the Purple raisin could satisfy you, so do talk about me being unfaithful, Lady Slut, " I replied and Death wrapped her arms around me. " You know I changed, I haven't talked to Thanos for over 400 years and only had you on my mind, " Death stated moving closer to my lips. I moved out her embrace. " Death, you were fucking guys while we were married because of some search for a champion, yeah at least I don't fuck others behind my lovers back, " I said and sat down in a chair. Death sat on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck. " You know I cannot lie, why, because I gave you half of my existence, all you have to do is just use it and you'll become stronger, " Death said and kissed my cheeks. " I made a promise to never use the power you gave me, " I said and grabbed her tighter. '' You still love Marinette, even all that happened, even when you caused her death, " Death chuckled at the last word. " Yeah and she was the one who got me to move on from you, I mean hundreds of years with you and you weren't faithful for one day, It was a surprise we never divorced, " I replied. Death made my computer turn on.

We are watching my old war videos, from when I made a camera and Death would hide and follow me recording. " Did you forget who you were all these centuries, did you forget the cruel, coldblooded, and merciless man I fell in love with, who would kill a whole family because of what one of their relatives did, I left because you became softer and wouldn't use my power I gave you, " Death said and stared at into my eyes. " Death, you know how many times I saw the future of us, you wanna know what it was, " I asked and Death was intrigued. " It's just me and you, half the universe is dead and everyone I know is gone, just me and you, rule the only half of the universe left, every single time we're together, this is the future I see, " I answered my own question and Death smiled. She kissed me on my forehead. " You should know, that's the correct future for us, even though you can't die, your kids and everyone you know can, your kids may be immortal, but they can't heal from any wound like you, " Death said with a smirk. I grabbed her throat and my eyes turned dark. " IF YOU LAY A HAND ON ANY OF MY KIDS OR FRIENDS, I'LL KILL YOU, " I threatened and tightened my grip. Death teleported out my grip. " Hubby, I really missed you, soon you'll use my power and get back to your true self, " Death said and teleported out of here.

I rubbed my temple. " If y'all don't come in here right now, no food for a year, " I said and they all rushed inside the room. " Dad, was that Lady Death, as in Death, " Adam asked and I nodded. " She's my wife, who I haven't seen in about 600 hundred years, " I said. They looked at each other. " Dad, we know you can give us power, so can you give it to us and help us get stronger, " Britney asked and they all nodded. " I'll send all of y'all to a good friend of mine, he'll train y'all in martial arts, we is one of the top five martial artist to ever live, tell Karnak, 852 sent you, " I said and teleported all 7 of them to Karnak's location. ' I'll see them in about 5 years, ' I thought and went to sleep.

--------------------------------------- A week later ----------------------------------

I decided to go to Charles mansion. I disappeared and appeared there. It's destroyed. " Who are you, " someone asked, but I dodged a kick to the head. It's a young adult woman, with black hair and blue eyes, and someone who looks familiar. The woman then punched at my chest. I grabbed her hand and she sent a kick to my ribs. I caught her leg and threw her into the broken wall. She went through the wall and came back. " Kitty, " some people called and 5 people ran towards the room. ' I just fought Katherine, ' I thought. I knew 4 of the 5 people. It's Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Kurt Wagner, and Anne Jones. The other one is someone I don't know. They're wearing an X-men suit. " Who are you, " Scott questioned. I walked towards Anne, the others were frozen in place because of me. " Damn, you got taller, " I said. She's now 5'9. She looked at me. I looked at her and Kitty who's getting off the ground. " Anne and Katherine, let's talk, " I said and made a chair appear. " Jay, " Anne and Kitty said at the same time and jumped on me.

A couple hours later, I'm in a hideout somewhere in Las Vegas. Kitty, Anne, Logan, Storm, Charles, Eric, Raven( Mystique), Kurt, Scott, Hank, and Jean. " Where have you been for the past 6 years, " Kitty and Anne asked at the same time. " I had to train 7 annoying people, so I went to a different planet, " I answered and a glass of white wine appeared in my hand. I looked at Eric and Raven, who I could tell was still shocked that Charles became young again. I snapped my fingers and they changed into their state in the Movie " X-men: First Class''. " You're welcome, " I said and they were shocked. " How old are you, " Hank asked. I took a sip of wine. " I could've fucked all your 10x great grandmothers and their mothers, " I answered with a chuckle. " You're 600 something, " Logan said, shocked that I'm older than him. " Katherine and Charles, you didn't tell them my real age, " I said and they nodded. I stood up. " I'm turning 829 in a month, " I stated and they were shocked I'm that old. " Do you have any children, " Jean questioned. " Y'all gonna need some wine, " I said and snapped my fingers, now everyone has a glass of white wine. " I have 7 children, 1 from a different mother and sextuplets born from the same mother on the same day, " I answered Jean's question. Kitty came towards me. " What year were they born, " Kitty asked. " The oldest one is born April 2, 1791 and the sextuplets born in 1883, they're still alive, I mean they're immortal like me, but the sextuplets look 17 and the oldest she looks 15, " I answered and they were shocked at how old my kids are. ' One of his kids is older than me and the other's are at least 50 years younger, ' Logan thought.

Everyone was looking at me. " Why are you here now, " Scott asked. I took a sip of my wine. " I wanted to see Anne and Katherine, " I answered. Anne was about to say something, but Lady Death appeared. They were about to attack, but I stopped them. " Why are you here, " I asked. ' He knows her, ' they thought. " I wanted to see if you changed your mind, " Death answered and she smiled. " Changed his mind about what, " Kitty questioned. Death smiled and walked towards me. She got behind me and hugged me on my neck from the back. " If he wanted to destroy half the universe and rule the half that's left, " Death answered and she kissed my cheek. They were stunned. " What do you mean destroy half the universe, " Eric asked and was ready to attack. " Jay is strong enough to kill everyone in the universe at his peak, but he sealed his own strength, and lived a normal life after I left, which was 600 hundred years ago, " Death answered and everyone shivered. Death then started to ruffle my hair. " What would happen if Mr. Jones unseals his strength, " Kurt asked and everyone looked like they wanted to listen. '' As soon as he unseals his powers, the power I gave him will activate and anything within 2000 miles of Jay will automatically die, but if he trains it, he can choose whether people will die or not, " Death answered and everyone almost passed out. ' He's that strong, ' they thought. '' Wa..Wait at how much of his strength is he at right now, " Eric asked. ' We need to know this, ' they thought. " The way he is right now, he is at 5% of his full strength, but strong enough to destroy a few planets with some punches, " Death answered and they all passed out.