Chapter 10

I looked at Death. " Why don't you find a new husband, I'm done with you, " I said and got out her grasp. Death looked at me. " Hubby, you should know that I can only love you, so why don't me and you leave this place, and we'll go travel the multiverse like you always wanted to, " Death said. I looked at her. I snapped my fingers and Death felt a sting. " What did you just do, " Death asked, not mad at all. " I made a new multiverse law, it's as soon as you think of having sex with another man than me, the man will die, " I answered with a devilish smirk. Death smiled and jumped on my body. " I always knew you still loved me, I guess you'll freeze time here and we'll go to a new universe, " Death said and I froze time. ' This is where we'll go, ' I said and grabbed hold of Death. I unfroze her and before she could say something, we disappeared.

------------------------------ Percy Jackson(movies) ----------------------------------

Me and Death appeared in a place that had thrones and poles. " Who are you, " a voice said and I looked around. Death looked around too. ' That's Zeus, ' I thought. I saw Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, and Hestia. The 12 main gods. Aphrodite and most of the small female goddesses looked at me with lust. " Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Hermes, Hestia, and the lovely Aphrodite, I'm Jay, I what you would say the God of Creation and this is here is the slu...Lady Death, I would love to hear what y'all got to say, Zeus say something wrong, racist, outta pocket, and I will take away your divinity, " I said. ' Who is this human who claims to be a god, ' Zeus thought. The other's could tell I'm stronger than them. " I don't know who you are, so get out of Olympus before I destroy you, " Zeus said and got in his giant form. " I hate arrogant gods, " I said and snapped my fingers. Zeus was put in human form and his divinity was in my hands. ' He just took away his divinity, ' everyone else thought.

Three minutes later, I'm sitting on Zeus's throne and Death is on my lap. Zeus is in the corner crying. The other 11 main gods are quiet. " All right, who wants Zeus divinity, " I said playfully, as I held it in my hand. No one spoke. " I don't like the way they look at you, " Death said, as she pointed at Aphrodite and the small goddesses. They were still looking at me with Lust. " Hera, queen of gods, can you tell me what y'all were just talking about, " I said and she nodded slowly. " We were discussing that Poseidon's son, Percy Jackson, stole Zeus' lightning bolt, " Hera said. " My son did no such thing, " Poseidon replied. I looked at Death. " Death, go get the lightning bolt and bring it to me, kill anyone and I'll KILL YA, " I said and she nodded. She then teleported to where it was after I sent the location and who had it to her brain. " Zeus, come here, I'll give you your divinity back, " I said and he came running towards me. " I'll give it back to you, but your penis will never stand up again, " I said and gave it back to him, before he could say anything.

A couple hours later, Death came back with the lightning bolt. She threw it at Zeus. He caught it but was still sad. " I took it from some kid in flying boots, he was fighting another kid that was controlling water, " Death said and sat in my lap again. " So Hermes' kid versus Poseidon's kid, Death do me a favor and go train the kid who was controlling water for three weeks, don't kill him and don't think about him like that or he'll die, " I said and Death got off my lap. She kissed me on the lips. " Don't worry, I don't like little kids, " Death said and teleported out of here. " What do you mean don't think about him like that or he'll die, " Poseidon asked worriedly about his son. " I cursed her, around 600 years ago, we had a fight and I cursed her, so if she thinks about any man other than me sexaully, the man will die, " I answered and a glass of wine appeared in my hands. I took a sip and Poseidon had sweat coming down his head. " Don't she doesn't break her promises, Aphrodite, you were looking at me with lust right, " I asked and she nodded. I then appeared in front of her. " I see ya later, " I said and I grabbed her. We then disappeared and appeared in a hotel room.

" Take your clothes off, lay down on the bed, and lift your ass up, " I said and she did just that. ' She's already dripping thinking about me, ' I thought and took my shirt off. I grabbed her right boob. " ~Mhmmm~, " she moaned as my hand caressed her boob. I then rammed my cock in her pussy. " ~Ahhhh~, " she moaned as she came from just half of it coming in. She plopped down and all of me was inside her. "~Sooo goood~, " she moaned as she moved her up and down. ' I'll play with her, ' I thought and leaned forward and started kissing her boobs. "~Moooreee~, " she moaned as I started thrusting and biting her nipples. I grabbed her throat with my left hand and started kissing her aggressively. CLAP CLAP CLAP. Was the sound of our flesh slapping against each other as I rammed her from behind. "~I love yooouuu soo mucchhh~, " Aphrodite moaned as she came for the third time. I then stood up and held her legs in a M-shape. " I'm about to cripple you, " I whispered in her ears, as I thrusted even harder than before. My cock went in and out of her pussy. "~I'm going to breaaakkkk~, " Aphrodite moaned as I rammed my cock deeper inside her and came into her womb. Aphrodite was panting. " Round 2 start, " I said and went again.

After 48 hours, I stopped. Aphrodite was covered in my cum. It's on her face, breast, body, and inside her pussy. I put my pants back on and waited for her to wake up. 7 hours later, she woke up. " That was the best sex I ever had all my life, " Aphrodite said and tried to walk, but fell down. " Noone could stand right away after having me, " I said and helped her get dressed. I then snapped my fingers and she was cleaned. " Let's go back, " I said and we disappeared and appeared back in Olympos. The gods were looking at us. The goddesses except for Athena, Hestia, Hera, and Artemis were looking at Aphrodite with jealousy. " Hera, come help Aphrodite walk, " I said and Hera did that. I then went towards Zeus. " Did Death come back, " I asked and someone hugged me from the back. " I'm mad, you did it with her, but not me, " Death said and pouted. " You still have 48 hours until I'll forgive you, " I replied and she smiled. " Alright, I'm going to camp half blood, Death if any of the goddesses here want me, tell me, " I said and teleported there before she could say anything.

As soon as I appeared, I was surrounded by campers with swords, spears, and bows. The girls were looking at me with lust. " Hello half-bloods, I'm Jay, don't attack, I don't like hurting kids, " I said and smiled. A girl who I knew said, " Why are you here, ". I walked towards her and others were ready to attack. " Clarisse La Rue, you have the same scent and attitude as your father, " I said and she was shocked I met her father. " Why are you here, " she asked again and raised her sword. I snapped my fingers and all the weapons were in the air pointing at everyone except me. " I don't like to fight kids, so let me meet Chiron, " I said and walked towards where the Centaur was. I went into the big house. " Chiron, calm down or I'll take away your legs, " I said with a deadly smile. " Who are you, " Chiron asked. I snapped my fingers and showed Chiron what happened 48 hours ago, not what happened between me and a certain female goddess, but everything else.

" Lord Jay, why did you come here, " Chiron asked. " I just wanted to see something, " I answered and looked out the window. Percy was talking to Annabeth. ' I'll bring Grover back, ' I said and snapped my fingers. Grover appeared beside Percy and he was hugged. ' I wonder if I should make an appearance, ' I thought and saw Death appear. She went towards Percy. Annabeth looked at her with a weird look. I appeared next to Annabeth, Percy, and Death. " Boo, " I said and they, except for Death, jumped. " Who are you, " Annabeth asked. I looked at Percy. " Death, is he getting any stronger, " I asked and Percy was thinking how I am. " He's kinda like how you were before I trained you, except the part where we were fucking every night, " Death answered and smiled, while Annabeth and Percy blushed.

" Who are you, " Percy asked. " I'm Jay Jones, I'm the reason you're being trained by my sl..wife, " I answered and Death glared at me. " Are you a God like her, " Percy asked and Annabeth was shocked Percy's being trained by a goddess. Death chuckled. " No no no, he's something way more dangerous and stronger, " Death answered and kissed my cheek. " Annabeth, want me to train you or just make you strong, " I said and snapped my fingers. A chair appeared and I sat in it. " Train me, being strong without working for it is for the weak, " Annabeth replied. " Same aura as your mother, alright let's start, " I said and punched Annabeth with the same strength as a human. She held her right arm up to block, but before the fist touched her, I swept her to the ground. She then got up. " Use a weapon, I'm better with swords, " I said and a katana appeared in my hands. She grabbed one of the long swords in the rack. " Attack, " I said and she stabbed towards my head. I deflected with my sword and kicked her with my right foot in the stomach. She moved back three steps and blocked a slash to her head. ' If that got me, I would've died, ' Annabeth thought and moved back a couple feet. I charged at her, slashing at her ribs. She sidestepped and sliced at my neck. I ducked down and kicked up towards her head. I hit her in the jaw and she flew up in the air. She then crashed into the ground. " Get up, " I said and healed her. She then got up again and we continued.

" Is Annabeth going to be ok, " Percy asked worriedly. Grover was walking towards us and saw me fighting Annabeth. He was about to do something, but Percy stopped him. " Hubby isn't going to hurt her, if he does he can heal her, so Percy let's start your training, " Death said and she started training Percy. ' What happened while I was gone, ' Grover thought and just watched us train. 4 hours later, Annabeth and Percy were on the ground panting, while Me and Death were looking at each other. Grover got some water for Percy and Annabeth. The kids of Aphrodite were looking at me with lust. " Jay, I know what you're thinking, they probably are like their mother in bed, " Death said and Percy, Grover, and Annabeth overheard. " Did you just say he slept with Aphrodite, the goddess of love, " Grover said. " Yeah and she is still limping, I mean no one is better than me, " I replied and winked at the Aphrodite kids. They blushed and held even more lust. " Wait, aren't y'all married, " Percy asked and the other two looked at me. " I used to cheat on him for two hundred years, but he didn't not once , which was 600 hundred years ago, we got back together a couple days ago and I promised he can do what he wants, but I can't, " Death answered, lying in an attempt to get a reward. " Yeah, I don't know why we aren't divorced, " I said and she laughed. " You can't escape me, " Death said and I ran away with her chasing me. ' They act like kids and are supposed to be gods and stronger, ' Percy, Annabeth, and Grover thought.