Chapter Four

Setting in class for the whole 3 hours is such a boring activity, I already know this lesson. Kate was already secretly sleeping, she's just trying to cover her face with a book. Well, she's not the only one doing it. The guys at the back and some of the girls are just using their phones.

I was about to wake Kate because the teacher might caught her but luckily the bell rings. Save by the bell. Because of the bell, she woke up funnily, her hair was messy and there was drool on her lips. "W-what happened? Did the teacher suspend me? or does he want me to go to detention?" She looks so worried. She looks around and notices that the teacher already got out she sighs in relief.

"Why are even sleeping in class?" I ask her while arranging my staff ready to get lunch. She told me she was watching series overnight.

We first went to our locker, to put our things. I put my English book and heath book. But when I closed the door I felt something hit my head. I turn my head around and saw Ine and her two friends laughing at me. I guess they're the ones who throw me this thing. It was a crumpled paper ball.

"Hey! What the hell do you think your doing!?" I heard Kate shouted, her locker was only five lockers from mine.

Ine laugh. "We're just having fun with the Copycat." Then the girl with a lollipop on her mouth throws a crumpled paper ball again, this time it hits my forehead.

Kate approach me and hide me from her back. "Hit her again and I'll going to skin you alive!"

"Stop Kate. Let's just go." I try to pull her away.

"Scared of us?" Ine asks and crosses her arms with a bitchy face. "You should be, Copycat cause we can do much worse than that. I didn't know you were too weak! You even have a worthless friend!" When I heard that I glared at her.

I was about to say something, but suddenly Ine started squealing. I saw a tall girl with a ring piercing on her lips. Throwing a smoothie on Ine's head? Ine's squeal was so loud that it got some student's attention.

The two allays of Ine were about to attack the piercing girl but she immediately shows them her sharp cutter. "Go, touch me and this is going to get bloody." The two got scared and back off, then they both drag Ine away. The piercing girl, smirk and put her cutter inside her pocket. "Hi, Are you guys okay?" She asks us.

"Thank you for that, but you really cause trouble," I said. She smiles and laughs.

"Don't worry about it," She smiles and proudly offers her hands to us. "I'm Cherry Mae Collinson! Nice to meet you."

We accept her handshake and introduce our self also, Cherry has a bitchy face but I could see kindness in her. She's super easy to get along actually she and kate are getting along pretty well. Cherry is loud and sometimes savage. Because She helps us with the Three bitches earlier, we offer her to join us for lunch and she quickly agreed with it.

While going to the canteen Cherry talk about how awesome this school is. She is actually a transferee here with her brother, She's in the tenth grade. She and Kate did all the talking while I'm just listening to them.

We settled our self and set to an empty table near the window. Kate went to get food and she also said it was on her, so I didn't argue and just go with it. When she got back we started eating.

"So your ring piercing is just fake?" Kate asks and Cherry nodded, she removed it and shows at the ring. it was really fake. "Wow! we should get one of this, Amae!"

"My brothers will kill me if I'll be wearing that."

"It's just fake!"

"It's still a piercing."

Kate rolled her eyes at me and ask me a question. "About earlier, Why are they calling you Copycat anyways?" She asks. I told them everything that happened between us and they were shock, especially Kate, she was ready to attack then again but we stop her. "Are they stupid!? They are bullying you! They even called you a copycat which so childish! Those three bitches are getting into my nerves."

"Someone's bullying you?" Kate almost jumps when she heard George's voice.

"Oh! Clark! You're here!" Cherry said, Clark is also here. Cherry told us that Clark was her brother and I wasn't that surprised. The two join as with lunch.

"Amae, who's bullying you?" George asks again, because Kate is in between us I need to lean a little bit forward to look at him.

"It was nothing, they we're just havi-."

"Liar, They're clearly bullying you." Kate said cutting me off."Wait till I saw does freak. I'll hit them with a volleyball ball!" She was stabbing her steak like a maniac, Which is totally weird.

"Just don't mind them," I said.

We spent the whole lunch break, talking and staff. It was actually fun having lunch with Cherry and her brother Clark.

And it's time for the next class. Me and Kate went straight to our locker, again. It's P.E. next, we need to go to the Gym. We change our P.E. uniform and went to the Gym.

Then our teacher arrived, she's one of the teachers who always care for her students. She's pretty and young. So, some of the male students admire her, and won't skip P.E. class.

Because of my asthma, Ms. Tina Williamson won't let me do some heavy works, like running for 10 minutes. I can only run for at least half of the time. Doing 50 push-ups, I will only 10 and more. Sometimes, I wonder why am even here.

Today's activity is Volleyball, which made Kate really excited. I'm just here sitting in the corner, last time I played volleyball, the ball hit my head making me gasped for air. Good thing I brought my Inhaler back then.

While they are busy playing, I'm taking notes about some important matters of the activity. While writing all of a sudden Ms. Tina approach me.

"Amae, can I ask you a favor?" She said while holding something, it was a brown envelope. I stand and said 'yes'. "Can you give this to Mrs. Kin, She's currently at the faculty."

"Sure miss." I smiled get the Envelope from her hand, she thanked me. The faculty isn't that far from the Gym so it's not that hard for me.

The school is big, with buildings for every course for college and two buildings for the junior and Senior high schooler. Also, the college and high school don't share the same Canteen but we have the same Gym.

When I got there, I immediately give Mrs. Kin the envelope. She thanked me and I left. I wasn't in a hurry so I was just walking, I'm not that useful at P.E.

While walking, I notice someone. He's leaning on the alley walls. It's Zeyt... and he's... smoking?

He didn't notice me for a second but he did. He was so shocked that he immediately throw the cigarette in the trash.

Well, someone needs explaining to do.