Chapter Seven

Our Exam is finally over. And I was delighted that I passed every test. It was hard. Kate and Cherry also pass. So we three distended to celebrate at the coffee shop near the school.

"I'm in, I just need to put my books in my locker. Wait for me outside the school." I told them, they nodded and left. While I went to my locker, I put all my books when I suddenly felt peeing.

I went inside the girl's restroom and do my business. I got out and wash my hand but before I could go out, I suddenly heard a familiar voice. Oh gosh, it's the tree! I run back inside the cables.

I want to avoid them as much as possible. Because of what happened in the library days ago, the students started to whisper some bad stuff about me, some even laugh and call me Copycat!

"You fail your geometry, Ine... you're uncle might scold you for this!" I heard Sarah's voice.

"Can you just shot the F up, Sarah! You're stressing me even more!" Ine shouted.

Wait Ine, failed her geometry test?

"Maybe because of that Amae girl." I heard Trish's voice. Me? I didn't even do anything to them! and then, I'm the reason why Ina Fail? That's crap!

I heard the other cubicle door beside me open.

"What's with that girl anyway?" I heard Sarah's voice inside.

"Think of it! Ine's been stress out because of that stupid girl. If I were you, I would probably blame her all." Trish's voice was so bitchy that it wants me to slap her. but nothing's bitchy than Ine's.

"You know what... Trish is right, it's all that Copycats fault! I'm going to slap her and rip all her hair off!" She said and rush out, and the two followed her after Sarah was done peeing.

I slowly open the door and sigh in relief once I saw no one here anymore. I didn't think too much and just rush outside, Probably Kate and Cherry are waiting for me.

They scowled at me when I got there, they've been waiting for 15 minutes for me and I just told them that most of the cubicles are occupied so I need to wait and line up. Good thing they both believe it.

While we're walking to the cafe, I can't get my mind of Ine, What if she'll suddenly attack me? I don't know what she can do to me. Maybe I should just have told them that I'm a true Viglianco!

Ever since that incident from the library, rumors started to spread out like fire. Students started to look at me strangely and whispered something like how much did I cost to change my surname!

I should tell them, I don't want my brothers to know about this stuff, this is going to be a pain of the ass.

We arrived at the Cafe and we chose a table, The cafe isn't that full. Cherry volunteers to take the orders, while I volunteer to pay for all of it. Cherry was shocked and disagreed with it, while Kate on the other hand was used to it.

Cherry gives me my money back, but I grab her hand and forcefully put the money in her hand. "It's my treat Cherry, it's okay." She gives me an assuring look.

Kate grinned. "Cherry... You see here. This girl is hella rich." She points me and I just rolled my eyes. "It won't harm her if she spent a thousand dollars! or even a million! God! We should buy everything on the menu!" That made me slap her on the arm.

"Just shut up." I said dragging her to sit down. "lemonade and a slice of blueberry cake." I told Cherry my order.

"Mango shake and a burger for me!" Kate said. Cherry hurried and lined up at the counter. We waited for Cherry and finally, she's her.

Cherry looks at me with a questionable look. "I have a question? You have asthma right? Isn't it bad for your health always drinking lemonade?"

"I drink pure lemonade not artificial. And it's not almost every day I drink lemonade." I explain and she understands it. It's true, I'm forbidden to drink some artificial stuff, it might worsen my health.

The food arrives and as always the kind waitress serves us, with a smile. I know she's a little bit older than me, but does she have school? I want to ask, but it's a personal question. so never mind. Her name is Rebecca by the way. "Enjoy your food."

We thank her and she got back to work. We also didn't waste time and started eating our food. As always Kate and Cherry did all the talking while I'm just listening to them. I'm more than a listener than a talker. I'm not the girl that easily trusts anyone. I don't have trust issues or something, I just like this.

They talk about boys most of the time. I can't believe they have the same taste of guys, hot, gentlemanly, tall, and more than you expected.

"Let me just remind you, Kate. That your still 14 turning 15." I said making Kate pout and rolled her eyes at me.

Cherry chuckle and ask me. "How about you? any interest of hot guys?" I just give her a dirty look, me interested in a hot guy? not even once. "Come on! Do you even know the definition of hot guys?"

"Cherry, to all girls in school. My friend right here." She elbows me making me glare at her. "She's the luckiest!" She proudly said.

"Why?" Cherry chuckles asking.

"Like duh! she got four fucking super hot brothers. Imagine waking up and having breakfast with them? like shit!" She squeals like a squirrel.

As if does four idiots go-to breakfast or lunch with me anymore.

Cherry's eyes widen and look at me like I'm pure gold or something. "I almost forgot that you're the only sister of the hot Viglianco boys. Like, damn girl, you look hot too!" She leans close to Kate and whispers. "Their blood is pure beauty."

Kate just laughs, agreeing to what Cherry said. Now they're annoying me. And of course, I won't deny that my brothers aren't hot, because they are! but what's weird is, they are so handsome that sometimes it is a pain of the ass.


Well, let me start with Zeyt. Playboy, sleep with girls and dump them after. Second Liv loves sport and girls would kneel just to get his attention, and of course, my dear brother would flirt with them. Third Xyro, I think some of the students are scared of him, he doesn't talk to most people, he ignores them like they are just nothing. and Fourth Adi, I don't have an idea what's up with his love life, or he doesn't even have a girlfriend since! He's a workaholic. the only thing I know is that most women employees in our company fantasize about him.

Weird shits.

Me? I'm not interested in love. Well, some asking guys ask me out but I only just give them a look, a cold look and they just then leave me alone.

Who cares about relationships anyway.