Chapter Six

This week is our finals for our first semester.l Every student is busy preparing for the Exam. Me, Cherry, and Kate agreed to skip lunch just to study here in the library. But we did bring our self some drink.

As always I got lemonade. It's my favorite.

"Arg!! I'm really close to throwing this book!" Kate shouted but not that loud, we're not allowed to be loud in the library. We might get kicked out. I look at her and she was busy studying math. While I'm studying science, And think Cherry is busy taking notes on her history book.

I grab Kate's book and look at it, she's studying algebra. "Which is part you didn't understand?" I ask, she points at it. And because I'm worried she won't pass I help her. The topic is not that, it just that kate is missed something on the solution. "See it's just easy," I told her, she nodded excitedly. I think she already got it.

Then I just went back on studying science, it's just cause and effect. not that hard, But sometimes it can get confusing.

I was about to take a sip on my lemonade but someone took it from me, I immediately look at up and saw Ine. Wow, she's alone this time, where are her friends? Sarah and Trish. I know that because Cherry told me.

"So you really like lemonade huh?" She smirks, Cherry and Kate noticed her already. I was about to stole it from her, but she rise her hand. she's taller, I can't reach it. Damn. For a second, I wish was tall just like my brothers. "Poor little thing." She laughs.

"I'm not in the mood to fight right now Ine. Please just give it back." I said, and she laughs even more. I really don't get what's she's up to. We're just studying for heaven's sake! The exam is tomorrow!

"You?... Fighting me? Really?" She laughs loudly making everyone here in the library look at us. Shocks, now she wants some attention. "Look at you! You're so thin that wind could just easily blow you up!" I know some of the students are secretly laughing.

Kate harshly stood up, "Can you please get the hell out of here? We're studying for our Exam, go study yours. You might fail this year. oh well... I hope you would. So there's less bitchy in these schools." Kate said making my eyes widen. Does she want a fight!? I look at the cherry and she was giggling at what kate said.

"You little scumbag!" Ine shouted at kate. Then her firing eyes lead to me. She smirks, "Lessen everyone! This girl is named Amae... Viglianco." That made everyone here in the library gasped. "Well, she's not a Viglianco. She's just copying that surname to gain...popularity." That made everyone gasp, even more, the only thing I could do is just bit my lips. "So everyone! As much as possible we need to avoid this Copycat." She smirks but before she could leave, she happily poured that lemonade at me. "Bye-bye." Then she left.

I saw Cherry was about to attack her but Kate stopped her.

Then I heard whispering. I know all of the students here are talking about me now.

"God, is she really copying the Viglianco's surname?"

"Probably, Ine never lies to us."

"I don't know if I'm going to feel sorry for her or I'll disgust her."

"Well for me, She's disgusting! I know she's imitating the boys."

"If her surname is not Viglianco... then what is it?"

"Bro, how could she change her surname."

"Maybe, she paid a huge amount here in school just to have that surname."

I don't know what to feel, I want to shout at their faces that I'm a real Viglianco and I'm their full-blood sister! But I can't move my mouth. I'm scared, really really scared. I don't know why. Why would I even lie about my family name?

I'm weak, I can't even shout at them to correct their thoughts. I have to admit... I'm scared when people know me as a TRUE Viglianco. Why? Look at my brothers. So popular and have so many admirers. People would beg just to date or be friends with them. Not just because they're good-looking but also smart and sporty.

While me? Just a plain girl who doesn't like attention from others.

I never ever like being known. I never even want to be popular.

I'm scared. Because I know, if I become popular they will notice every single right and wrong about me. They will judge even if make a very simple mistake. That what people are. They judge without people from the outside, not even looking from their inside. And hate comments can affect everyone. That's the reason I just shut my mouths when someone is asking if I'm a real one.

But now, I think all of my silent years will vanish.

I grab my bag, book and run away, I heard Kate and Cherry calling me but I didn't look back. I just run and run. Then I just found myself in the school garden, hiding under the tree trunks. And I let out the tears I've been keeping for.

It hurt.

It really does.

I hug my knees and shouted. "Ahhh!" I know no one will see nor hear me here. This garden is old. very old that no one will ever go here, because they thought they're snacks in here.

I'm a person that can be easily be hurt, physically and mentally. Even if it's just a small judgment, It affects me. Maybe because my thoughts are always being no one to others' eyes. I'm so focused on being no one to others that I forget that I truly existed.

Then I felt something in my chest, My lungs were like being wrapped up. Then I remember, I was running like flash so no one, not even kate and cherry, can follow me. Even if I want everyone to see me us no one, I still want to live.

I quickly, open my bag and get my inhaler. I put it in my mouth. And later on, I started to breathe normally.

Then I told myself. "You don't want to have lung cancer right? so you should stop crying and don't run that fast ever again." I slap my face lightly. So I could stop my tears.

I stayed there and stare at nowhere. My mind was blank. Then I look at the time on my watch... I let out a deep sigh and stood up. I wipe my remaining tears and just walk away. It was nice there in the old garden. I think I already have a place to stay when I want to be alone.

While walking I saw Liv walking around. When he saw me he immediately run to me. "Where have you been? Are you crying? Kate and your new friend are looking for you. What happened?" He asks worriedly.

I badly want to hug him and tell him everything but there's a part of me that doesn't want to. Maybe because they're keeping something from me too, and it would be unfair to tell them. I know how stupid of me to think of that but that's what I felt. And also I don't want to make them worried.

"I-it's nothing, A dust just got into my eyes." I made an excuse.

He looks at me not buying my excuse. "You're lying."

"I'm not." I forcefully giggle, so it would look okay.

He bit his bottom lips and nodded. "Fine... You better go to your class."

I nodded and left him there, no looking back just went straight inside the building.

It hurt inside.