Chapter Nine

The maids greet me when I arrive at the house. I Immediately ask them if Liv got home already. But they said no. Actually none of them are home yet.

But then questions started to invade my mind. What if it's not from Liv? then who? I really need to ask him. Also, what if it's him? but he can just message me. Whoever sent me that letter didn't even show up.

There's also a possibility that this is Ine's. Or one of the students who's bullying me. Not to mention that I'm the most popular kid in the school. Note the sarcasm on that.

Popular of being the 'Fake Viglianco' 'That I'm copying their Surname just to gain popularity. I want to shout at them and show them they are my brother. I'm not fake! and I'm not being fake!

But it's too late...

I just went upstairs and change my clothes into comfortable ones. Kate text me about our test tomorrow. That made me sigh. Another test for tomorrow, I need to study. But first I need to eat.

I went downstairs, and eat. My brother isn't here yet. It's already 10 Pm but they still aren't home. I took a spoon fool of my salad.

I was just sitting at the dining table ALONE. I really hope my brother is here.

"Amae! Amae!" I almost drop my spoon when suddenly someone called me. "Amae, where are you!?" It's Zeyt. God, I almost drop my spoon. Why is he even shouting anyway?

I didn't remember doing something that could make him mad or what. Who knows what he wants. "I'm in the kitchen!" I shouted back. While carrying my salad, I went to the living where I see my brothers. Tree of them. Adi is not here yet. they are looking at me, with unfamiliar emotions in their eyes.

What did you do now, Amae?

"Sit," Liv ordered me. I didn't think twice and sit on the couch while the three of them is in front of me. I don't know why but I suddenly felt nervous. is this about the letter?

No one talk for a minute, they are just looking at me, Gosh they are making me nervous as hell! Talk! why aren't they talking? Should I talk first? I think I should.

"What did I do?" I ask nervously. "Did something happen?"

I saw how Liv's jaw move and said. "George talk to me about something." That made me even more curious. What did he tell him? "That you were bullied."

My body froze. Oh gosh. Now I'm dead. It's not like I don't want them to know about this, I'm just afraid what would they react if they knew about this... Especially Adi.

I look at each one of them in the eyes. I know they are just trying to control their anger.

"Why didn't you tell us about this?" This time its Xyro who talk. Making me look down.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do when they started bullying me." I said. "And I know you four have some problems dealing with. I don't want to bother all of you."

"Is this the reason why your crying last time?" Liv asks, making me clench my fist on my knee. I know, I can't lie on them anymore. I nodded my head.

"They made you fucking cry?" Xyro cursed. I look at the floor again.

They were quiet for a while when Zeyt talk. "You should have punch does girls." It was only a mumble but we could hear it. The two creased their forehead.

"Don't teach her like that, Zeyt," Xyro said. But Zeyt only rolled his eyes.

I was about to open my mouth when the door open. Okay. Just when I'm about to tell them not to tell Adi! Bad timing! This is going to be the end of me. Adi comes inside confused when he sees us all in the living room. He eyed the tree first before looking at me, I didn't take his stares so I just look down. He must be confused why I'm sitting on the couch and Xyro, Zeyt, and Liv is in front of me.

It looks like a did a crime. Well, I really did something.

"What are you doing?" Adi asks while I'm just looking down. Hoping they won't they won't tell him. But...

"Amae was bullied." That was only a short sentence. But I know it really got Adi's attention. I inhale sharply when Adi slams the door.

"WHAT!?" He shouted making me flinch. "Why!?"

I could hear footsteps coming close to us.

They told Adi the whole story while I'm just here looking at the floor. I'd rather look at this than looking at their eyes. I'm scared right now. I really appreciate their concern but I don't want to bother them.

"Amae..." Adi called my name with his cold shivering voice. I clench my fist really hard before looking at him. "I'll be going to your school tomorrow. and I will expel all of does students who bullied you. I'm also going to talk to the fucking owner of the school."

I gulp. Expel? The hell!? I know he has lots of connections. And one of them is our school. He graduated there also.

"Adi, I don't have to expel them," I said with the calmest voice. But know it wasn't enough to convince him. Them.

"Amae, don't be too much of a softie. They deserve that and you don't deserve being bullied. Do they even know who they are dealing with?" I look away when Adi said that. I just can't look at him, I can't look at his angry eyes.

I don't know why but I'm scared of them. I'm scared of my own brothers. I'm being Absurd.

"That why they are bullying me because they don't know who am I..." I mumble making them stop. I didn't regret saying that.

"I told you, you should just punch them," Zeyt added. Yeah, I should just punch them. But it would cause a lot of chaos.

Adi glared at Zeyt.

They were quiet for the whole minute or two. So I just get my salad and continue eating it. The whole conversation made me hungry again. I know Zeyt and Xyro are Starring at me. I wonder what they are thinking. Liv sat down on the other side of the sofa while Adi was texting someone on his phone.

Then a memory pops up in my mind. The letter. I should ask Liv about the letter. I look at Liv and called him. "Liv."

They all then look at me. God, I only called Liv why the hell would they all look at me. Are they all Liv?

"Hmm." He hummed in response.

"Did you sent me a letter or something?" I ask. He raises a brow at me, not getting what I said. So I was right, It wasn't from him then who? I took out the letter from my pocket, I put that in there since I change my clothes so it would be easy. "I thought you sent me this." I give him the letter. "Your name is on it."

He looks at the paper. His reaction went from calmness into shockness. He was so shocked that he stands up. My other three brothers were curious so they went to Liv's side and look at the paper.

Their reaction was the same as Liv. Shock.

I wasn't that shocked when I saw the letter. Why would they be so shocked seeing just a letter? "Why?"

"Who sent you this?" Zeyt ask.

I frown and said, "It was inside my locker." I'm so blank right now. Why are their reactions like that? it's not like theirs something magical on that piece of paper. The only thing on is printed letters and feathers. Noting surprising.

"Amae... Go to your room it's already 10:30." Adi ordered. I didn't argue and just followed what he said. But first I put the empty bowl on the sink and went to bed.

While studying. And can't help but think. Why would they be so shocked? Is there a hidden message in the letter? Is there something they could see but I couldn't?

Arg! I need to study!