Chapter Ten

"Are you okay miss?" My driver asks. I give him a smile and a slight nod. I'm not okay. Clearly. My brothers already knew about it. and I'm on the way to school.

Will the students change their thoughts about me when they knew the truth or it will get even worse. Let's just hope the for best and expect the unexpected.

I don't know why but I somethings not right today. Why? Because my four brothers of mine join me for Breakfast. I was surprised. Totally. And as usual, no one barely talked. But I can't deny that I'm happy because they joined me for breakfast. After months of eating alone, they finally joined me. Even if they are all quiet.

I bit my bottom lip. "Don't worry Amae. Everything will be settle soon." I told myself. Good thing my driver didn't hear it, he would think I'm going crazy. I don't even know why I'm so nervous! Maybe I'm really crazy.

When we arrived at my school, I saw Clark at the gate. He looks like his waiting for someone. I got off the car after thanking my driver. Clark saw me and approached me.

"Good Morning, Amae."

I smile and greet him back. "Good Morning too. You're waiting for someone?" I can't help but ask. He grinned and nodded.

"Yeah, actually she's right in front of me now." He said making me raise a brow. Why would he be waiting for me? I give him a questionable look. "I've heard students started to abuse you, so I was just wondering if you're okay?"

"I'm fine, no need to worry," I said and started walking. He also told me that he'll walk with me to my classroom. I declined his offer but he insists. So, I can't do anything.

While walking with Clark, people started whispering like couldn't hear them. They were gossiping bad things about me and how hot Clark is. I even heard them saying that we are a couple. Bitch what!? Do they want to get punch?

I remember what Zeyt told me. I want to punch them but I don't have the guts to do it. So the only thing I could do is to ignore them and walk fast.

"Liv was frustrated when George told him about you." Clark started.

"Yeah, All four of them scold me for not telling them," I said walking straight.

I heard Clark snorted and ask me. "If you don't mind me asking, Why didn't you told them right away?" He asks. I glance at him and He was looking at me. I could feel some weird emotions in his eyes. Emotions that couldn't predict.

"I have my own problems and they have theirs," I said shortly. I know he felt that I don't want to talk about it and thank god he didn't ask again. We were quiet the whole time on the way to my classroom.

When I got there, I thank him and he just smiled and left. Weird. His smile is weird, not totally weird. It was because when he smiled at me, I felt something in my tummy. Maybe I'm the weird one.

I notice when I entered that Kate still isn't there, I hope that girl won't be late. I set on my seat. And just open my textbook. When a girl in our class approach me. She's our top one, she's nice, smart and pretty.

"Hey, Ms. Amae. I heard Ine and her troops are bullying you." She smiled at me, her name is Daisy Sanders. She is one of the kindest people I've ever meet. "Are you okay? I mean did they hurt you psychically? You have asthma remember, you should be careful." I could feel how sincere her voice was.

I smile at her. "No need to worry. I think they will stop... hope so." I whispered the last sentence so she won't hear it. I know that Adi will come here, he's not bluffing about it. I know sooner or later he'll be here. Gosh, imagining it gives me shivers.

"I know your not fake, Amae." She smiled and went back to her chair. Minutes later, Kate arrives and so is our teacher.

Time past it's time for the lunch break. Why do I feel that something will bad happen? Gosh.

We went straight to the cafeteria, It's been Weeks since the rumors spread out. I'm kinda used to people whispering around. Also, Kate and Cherry us with me. To my surprise, George and Clark are also here.

We settled our self. I immediately glared at George. He thought I would forget that he is the one who told my brothers. I raise a brow confused why I'm glaring at him, the others also see it.

"I didn't remember anything I did wrong." He said, and raise both of his hands. Just like a criminal who got caught in a crime. I know he knows why I'm glaring.

I snorted, "Why would you tell my brothers about the rumors?" I didn't beat around the bush and said it straightaway. Making Cherry and Kate gasped. Clark was just eating his lunch not bothering anyone.

Kate Dramatically stands up and slaps George many times on the arms. It wasn't that hard. Because in the look of George's face, he was enjoying it rather than feeling hurt because of the slaps. To be specific, George likes Kate. While Kate?... never mind. Oblivious girl. Poor her.

"Why would you tell them that! How stupid of you!" Kate continues slapping George.

"Aw! ow! Kate stop! it hurts." He acted. I rolled my eyes, Cherry held both of Kate's arms and calm her down. After eating the boys, was the one who finishes all first. They need to hurry because they have to go to PE class.

When I suddenly felt someone drag me into the cold floor. I hit my head making me dizzy. I groan in pain.

"You bitch!" It's Ine's voice. She's the one who pulls my hair and drags me down. I was still on the ground when Ine poured cold icy water into my face. On my parallel view, I saw two guys holding Kate and Cherry. They are stopping them from coming to me. "Because of you! I fail the first semester! Because of you, my uncle grounded me for days! Fuck you!"

I already heard voices from the crowds. They are already crowding up. Some are saying that Ine should stop, some are just laughing. I feel so weak right now. I'm always weak. I've always been.

I hissed when in pain when she pulls my hair again so just I could stand up and face her. Her smirking face is now inches away from me. I saw how mad her eyes were. Bloodshot eyes.

She slaps me... again and again. I heard Kate and Cherry's voice shouting to stop. But no she didn't stop.

"S-stop... please," I beg but she only laughs. A pathetic laugh.

She was about to slap me again when. Someone pushes her away making her fall to the ground. It was Xyro and behind him was Zeyt.

Both of them are so red because of anger. I could see veins on their arms. Clinching their fist as if they could punch anything or anyone.

This is the first time, I've seen them this angry before.

I was trembling and lost my balance. But luckily familiar arms catch me. Liv. He was also mad just like Zeyt and Xyro.

"Who the fuck do you think you are for hurting our sister!?" Zeyt's angry voice echoed all over the cafeteria.

And before I knew it. I lost consciousness.

This. Is. All. My. Fault.
