Chapter Twenty

I just saw Adi drag the hell out of Zeyt out of my room. I wince imagining how red Zeyt's ear are gonna be. Yes, Adi drags Zeyt's ear. I could feel his pain.

I went to Liv who is now rolling on the floor laughing, he is that happy. I then moved my eyes to Xyro who is looking at me. "You shouldn't have let that guy put beers on your fridge Amea." Did he really call Zeyt 'That guy?

Well for me... I felt guilty, it's like I put Zeyt situation like this. 'You are just overreacting Amea.' I told myself again and again but I can't help but feel guilty. I bit my lips, thinking what should I do, should I get out of bed and stop them? or should I just let it be.

No! I'm stopping them. But before I could step out off my bed, I saw Zeyt go inside my room. He was hissing while cherishing his red ears. The right one was so red! I gulp. That hurts.

"I'm sooooo sorry." I apologize while approaching him.

His brows meet hearing what I just said. "It's not your fault, Amea. You don't have to apologize. And go back to bed, and rest. And you!" He pointed at Liv who is now laughing at Zeyt. "Stop laughing or I'll throw you out the window." He shouted at Liv making him laugh more, he started throwing a punch at Liv but Liv just dodge it easily. I just shook my head at how childish they are.

The next morning my fever was quite gone and I'm glad about it. It's Saturday no school. I went inside the library to read something, I heard from Adi that grandma– Dad's mother, delivered some news books. And one line of the shelved has some unfamiliar book.

But I don't feel like reading right now, I just want to check some new books, I know if anyone one if us would be interested in books it should be Xyro. I seat on the couch and sigh heavily.

My brothers left the house. I just woke up and the maids told me that my brothers went out, Xyro went somewhere, Liv went to his friends to practice soccer, Zeyt went to meet up some of his friends and Adi went to work.

But I know they aren't, I know it. It's just too obvious they are lying. Especially the fact that they all left the same time. I just shook my mead thinking of what could happen next. I'm bored. Super bored.

I stood up and was about to step out of the library when I notice something. A black book... two of it. They are on top of the shelves, both protected with a squared glass. I've seen these two ever since I was a kid, but something inside me wants to read it.

Curiosity just eats me. I had never had the chance to read it before, I would ask my Mom if what's the value of that book. But she would just smile and say 'That's the book of... somethings', and then said nothing anymore, of course, I was a kid I would just ignore it thinking it's nothing.

But now that I've to glance my eyes at it, My heart bounces. I gulp. Should I take it? or should I just not? I don't know! It's just a book Amea! and it's not like it's forbidden. I closed the door again and claim on top of the ladder, I opened the glass protecting the book, I sneezed when nu nose smiled dust, it dusty it's o many years and grabbed both.

Wow, this guys is heavy. I slowly climbed down and put the books on the table. It's weird seeing no title on the book, the cover is just black... all black. I opened the first one...

Blank... It's all blank. Only white pages. I frown, what? the only thing was a number on the bottom you can barely see it and the rest of the paper is blank. Why would be this book so special that it has its glass compartment but inside is nothing?

I flip more of the blanks and when I reach half of it chills went through the back of my spine. I push the book away from me, I can believe what I just saw.

A gun, a fricking gun! it's pretty well hidden in the book. the book has a whole making it fit perfectly well inside the book.

I reach for it slowly, My hands were shaking while I was touching it. It's pretty cold. This gun has been staying inside her for years. I don't know if Adi and the others knew about this.

I don't want to remove it, So I just put it aside and open the second one. I slowly open the second book and surprisingly, it wasn't another gun or any kind of weapon I was hoping for.

It's a necklace, It has a pretty golden flower and an emerald in the middle. It was so pretty that couldn't help but took it out, same as the gun the book has a hole in it. I took the necklace out of the book and examine it.

At the back of the flower, there are letters carved. It said.


What does that mean? I think I heard that before... but what the hell those mean! GEM... I'll remember that.

I frown when I just realize something on the gun. There is something under it, probably a note. But to get the note, I need to remove the gun first!

I don't even want to touch it! I relax. Amea... to get the note you need to remove the gun. So it's easy as that! remove the gun, get the note, and put the gun back! that easy!

I exercise my breathing, getting the courage to get the gun.

Let's do it!

I reach for the gun and get the note as fast as I can then put the gun back. I also notice there is a carved flower on the gun's handle, it's painted gold and has a shiny green thing in the middle. Just like the necklace, wow.

The note was folded into two. The paper looks fragile and old, so I need to be careful with my move.


-ALONZO /Pour le clan Golden Eagle/