Chapter Twenty-One

It been a long day.. and what worried me more is that when my brothers got home they got bruises all over there body. But the only thing I did was just look at them without them noticing. I'm worried about them, I mean, who won't!

My four dear brother got home at like 4 o'clock, I reach my way down the stairs, I couldn't sleep because I was worried about them. I'm about to approach them when I froze on what I saw, Bruises all over there faces, I shivered when I notice some drop on red liquid on there shirts– are does blood!?

Have they been fighting someone? Ambush? I don't know!

Instead of showing my self I hide my self making sure they won't see nor notice my presence. I try to eavesdrop them but they are all whispering like they won't want anybody to know they got home. So it's useless to be here, I just went inside my room and rest. No class tomorrow it's okay not to wake up early.

I woke up at 10 in the morning. I touch my forehead, I sign in relief cause my fever is already off. I took a shower and wear my casual clothes. I was wiping my hear with a towel when my eyes landed on the table. I saw the necklace. I didn't but it back in place same as the letter under the gun, The only thing I didn't is the gun inside the book and the other book that is now empty.

I just got a feeling that this necklace is special, so I decided to keep it instead of putting it back. I'm sure that my brothers didn't know about it anyways. The book is dusty meaning it wasn't touch for years, also the only one who entered the library often is Xyro and me.

I look at the mirror while I put the necklace on my neck. I smiled how perfect it looks, The shinny golden flower with a tiny emerald on the middle, it's not that big nor small. I like it and I'm gonna keep it forever. I don't like necklace, I never like them for me they are just making my neck uncomfortable. Even ring, bracelet or earrings. I don't want them.

I'm not that typical of girl who wants shiny things on her body, I'd rather make my self comfortable then wanting others to see me as a fashionista.

But now? I could say this necklace is special.

I went downstairs meeting Adi. His wounds on his face was visible but I dicided not to ask. When our eyes meet he frown. "That's odd..." He mumble.

"What's odd?" I ask.

He look at his wrist watch. "It's like 10:30 AM, and I bet you just woke up... didn't you sleep last night or is your fever came back again?" He ask worriedly, I notice he was holding a cup of coffee on his hand. Why would you drink coffee when it's in the middle of the day?

Oh yeah... they came back home at 4 AM. Tsk.

I shrug my shoulders. "I was just tired of studying, I need to review because i didn't get to attend my classes last friday." I said, making him sigh in frustration.

"I told you not stress your studies to much, last time you past out because you didn't get much sleep." He raffle my hair. "Sleep early, and you should take your breakfast now. Zeyt and Liv is also at the dining room, They overslept too–." He paused when we heard a loud crash on the kitchen. Was at that a plate?

I heard Adi groans. "Does kids..." He sounded so frustrated. I laugh, it's not the first time they both broke something, last time they both broke a half a million vase that Adi won in an auction. and for the second time we heard another glass broke... then a third one.... forth and so on... Adi just caressed his forehead. "Tell them I'll be deducting does to there allowance." Then he walk away murmuring curses to Liv and Zeyt.

I immediately went inside the dining area seeing Zeyt and Liv having a...spoon fight?...on top of the table. Really? I can believe I'm younger then them. And some broken plate are already at the floor, peices by peices. There are two maids trying to stop them but couldn't get near because they might get involved while two others are cleaning some broken pieces. What the heck!!!

"Hey stop it both of you!!" I shouted. and pull Liv's hand. Making him fall off the table. "OMG! I'm so sorry!" I shouted in fear when I pulled to hard, he is now laying on the ground. Still holding the spoon.

Then all I heard now is just Zeyt's laugh. And it turns out they were JUST fighting over a single bacon.

Monday comes in a flash. I just finish taking my test. Kate isn't with me right now and cherry is having a group study. All students are busy with the up coming finals. I don't feel like studying today so I went somewhere no one can find me. I wanna be alone for now.

I've been stress lately that's why I faint in class last Friday. I went to the old garden, This is my second time here. It still have big trees and some old benches it also have an old fountain in the middle. I sat on the bench and relax my thoughts.

I closed my eyes and lessen to the birds chirping flying freely, as the sun lights hits every inches of my face while my hair dances as the wind passed by, The smell of nature is like the smell of a manly perfume.

What? That's not how nature smells like. I open my eyes and almost shout when I saw a guy standing 10 inches away from me. He genuinely smile at me. "It's weird seeing you here."

I seat properly as I look into his eyes. "What are you doing here, Clark?" I ask. That's why it smells manly. He laugh and seated next to me. He is holding two books, physics and History.

"You know... I never could have imagined that you'll be here." He started.

I frown. "What?"

He chuckled. "You see... Some girls would be scared to death if they come here. They would always think that there's is ghost or a wild animal here. Then you, you are just relax, aren't you afraid by some snakes or ghosts perhaps?"

"Ghost aren't going to scare you if didn't to anything to them, same as a snake it won't bite you if you didn't hurt them first."

"Good point." He laugh.