"After his conquest the Great-Prince Godoslav of Kiever, thought what to do with the treasure he gathered on his conquest. He divided the treasure into three parts. The first part of the treasure for himself. The second part for his elder son. The third part for his younger son.
The eldest son used one third of the gold to assemble a large army. The younger son used one third of his gold to buy whores and expensive wine. Not so long after the Yorweden's attacked.
The eldest brother defeated the Yorweden force that attacked his fiefdom. The younger brother wasn't that fortunate; Yorweden torched his fiefdom to the ground.
The Treasure of the eldest son grew larger and larger, while his brother used the money to organize concerts, parades, masquerade's…soon after he was left with only a single copper to his name.
One day while the younger brother was in the forest he found a leprechaun.
The leprechaun asked the prince for help. The prince agreed. The Prince had to find the golden apple that belonged to the Princess Arwayan. The leprechaun promised a large amount of gold. The Prince searched far and wide for the golden apple. When all hope was last the Prince the Princess Arwayan. After a long negotiation the Princess gave him the golden apple.
The Prince returned to the forest. The leprechaun waited near the crossroad. As promised the leprechaun told him where the gold is located.
The leprechaun didn't lie. The gold was truly there. With that amount of gold one could by an entire kingdom.
And so it was. The young prince bought an army and ships.
Conquered the island of Faeldon and ruled there as its King for many years.
So ends the tale of the two brothers."