I'm such a rogue! See me sneaking around like a bunny. And by God, these people also rushed in, so if they chase, they chase, as if I were a savage. That's what I need when I let them persuade me to be a rogue. Well, all those stories and songs have: those hijackers this, that one.... angry battles, roasted rams, flocks, pretty girls... When there is none of that: rain, stormy wind, and when it thunders all to make you shiver. Eeeee, if this was my mind... It's good here, there is a cave. I crawled up like a spider and leaned inside, away from the entrance. I sat on the rock and covered my legs with my hands. And now what? All those epic endings of the rogue hunt and brave deaths went through my head. The thought cut through the loud cramping of my stomach which, "see the gentleman" again asked to eat, as if I hadn't eaten yesterday or would have I overdone it? Mmmm, I started to forget some little things. It started to shine and the sky opened. I get even more expensive and lip.

Nice and sunny day. The forest is green and high, go! There is no end to it. Well, the trees were huge, giant, with densely branched canopies, but the sky was sheltered. And I am brave, then strong, tall, as if a real hero fell off a hill, although without a mustache, it doesn't matter. My breasts swell with pride and force. I set off, whatever I set off, like a cunning deer, I simply jumped into the forest and then ran, and shadows and light passed around, leaves rustled and birds chirped and the voices of various forest creatures could be heard. When suddenly an arrow flies past me and into a nearby tree! Bammm! Hey, wait a minute. Where did the arrow come from? Who's playing Robar Hood there? Me, Sir Earl of Loxie! There you go. Let Loxie practice so he wants to shoot me like a deer. Listen, you little loxie-shire man, go to another forest, this one is mine and I need to rogue in it. No way. When he handed me over, a strangely dressed man with a bow and arrow jumped out, all in green. Hee, hee, hee... What are you laughing at? How ridiculously dressed you are. Is it? Look at you buddy, and you'll see who's funny. I look at myself and I have something to see. If you have ever watched the cartoon "Lathur and the giant", everything will be clear to you. I looked like giant. Large, baggy pants, shirt and vest on the back, woolen with buttons, and boots with tufts on the legs. Well, I'm totally wrong. They just have to give me a bag of flour, so I'm a real miller. What's worse is the weapons nowhere. Touch there, when a large art brush shaves in my hand. It can't be that way! I shout and throw the brush and start digging in the bag that suddenly found itself in my left hand. A mother did not give birth to a hero who will defeat me. As I mumbled to myself in my chin, I stabbed myself with something sharp. I moaned and with a sneak from ear to ear I triumphantly pulled out... a compass! And can't I even run away from school to the rogue?

I look around when there is no Robin and the forest is somehow different, darker, and more sinister. Well, this doesn't even look like our forest. What is it again now? A thunderbolt nearby and I saw a laser flash. Well, I'm in the future. I just need a trooper to giggle under the mask, the way I'm dressed. I want a new suit, now! Do you hear me, you narrating monkey?

Yeah, that's how it's done. Leather boots, tight pants, a tailored coat, a musket in the left hand, a deck that sways strongly underfoot, a sword behind my belt, the sound of fighting. Oh no! Well, I'm Captain Humbert. Heavens, what's going on with me? How can I be a daring rogue, a kidnapper of beautiful ladies with three loads of treasure, when I can't do anything properly? Cling, clang the bell goes. I'm getting out of here. Puffff.

That's how I found myself in the mountains, steep and high as if they were married, again that school, I congratulated myself on how I learned everything from geography, and I became like a chamois to climb. Well, I guess I didn't get lost in the Himalayas. Yes, you are, you play Marco Polo, I heard the voice of a stranger from somewhere, just wait until the Snowman finds you, you will become his "little lunch bunny George!". I shuddered at the thought and shuddered.

I opened my eyes when I was in the cave. It's good when it's all just a dream. Wow, I was scared. It is better to die honorably, but to suffer with dreams like this. I got out of the cave and roared like a wounded lion:

"The Targars are coming here; I will kill you all now! I'm tired of your oppression, now you'll see what kind of hero you are aiming for!"

"So where have you been so far that the pizza cools down and the ice cream melts?" A huge table with drinks on it. I approach when, instead of the Targars, there are turtles around the table, their mouths were constantly working. Catch it, bro. Pizza with cheese, pepper, chocolate, prosciutto, salad, marinade..... Well, from somewhere you have to start, as Lale would say, and I dug a huge piece, a piece of pizza and took a bite, when something touched me...

"Slow down, bro, there is enough for all."