Chapter 10

As my body was doing its normal stuff, in the world in ragnarok origin, I suddenly died and was thrown back to my kid's body. The feeling felt like, a portal sucked my soul forcefully and as my body received my soul back the momentum and speed how my soul sprung from the other dimension to my original one was like hurling a soul in a slingshot and my kid body flew backward toward the brick fence while it was walking to the house from the shop as it was dinner time. I saw mom running towards me while holding a black frying pan and damn she started tearing up and that's the last thing I saw before I passed out.

- Next day morning -

My body felt energized as I woke up and noticed that I'm on our bed while mom is sleeping beside the bed.

I do wonder how did I get to the bed as I weighs more than I used to (close to an adult because of body reconstruction), there is no way mom could carry that weight.

I was thinking some random explanations but before I touch moms hand, I heard a voice by the kitchen, "let your mother rest she took care of you all night".

As I started to slowly sat up on the bed the ancient one walks through and sat by the couch in the living room

I just notice just now her mouth wasn't moving and as she told me "so what happened?"

Isaiah: Uh is this telepathy?

Ancient one: Yes, but not quite.. tell me what happen?

I told ancient one the time I unlocked another ability and because of it, my body started reconstructing itself, (she's acting like my family doctor but some secrets must be kept forever-what I believed) My muscle got denser and I gained so much weight because of it, but my appearance went back to how I look before "now I look like real age" as I said to her

By the way how did I get to our bed, I asked the ancient one

Ancient one: I made a portal to your house but no one was in so I went outside intending to look for you and your mom in the shop but instead I saw you mother trying to drag you but she couldn't move you at all, so I helped her

Isaiah: Ahh… I didn't know you were so strong!?

Ancient one: sorry to disappoint you I used this instead of me personally carrying you

The ancient one made something with her hand as she made mom float without her knowing and placing her back to where she is.

Isaiah: that looks cool!.. I thank you so much for being there..

Ancient one: so this new ability of yours how much have you tested it?

Isaiah: truth to be told I have not done anything to train it yet as it looks dangerous to use it around here

(Which is true)

Ancient one: then lets go to the mirror dimension, at least there you can do anything without harming anyone

Isaiah: Ahh why I didn't think of that!, thank you again for this. As I bowed my head towards her

We proceeded to the mirror dimension and there the ancient one kept tabs on myself and my mother at the same time

She made a rune metal dummy and said try this one and make sure to give it your all

Since this is the first time I'll be using the strength ability knowingly, I closed my eyes and tried to grasp what my body is capable of and the feeling I felt when I first used it and then willed the strength ability to enhance my whole body to its limit and then I threw a punch at the dummy. The air gushed towards the target and a loud impact was made as soon as my fist touched the dummy.

Ancient one: huh!?…

She looked at the dummy and found that the runes inscribed and the surface of the dummy itself got a tiny crack on it.

The ancient one took out another dummy and this time, it has triple the runes inscribed on it and the metal it was made of was the toughest without alien ores

Ancient one: Do that again with the same power output

Isaiah: ok!..

I threw another punch and it made the same effect like last time, the ancient one went to inspect the dummy and said that its ok the dummy has withstood the impact

Ancient one: now try to throw the same punch, alternating left and right with the same output until you get tired

Isaiah: huh!!, are you serious just now?

Ancient one: come on now, lets do this!!! Just think of this as your training not to hurt your mom by accident

Isaiah: shouldn't the training supposed to be how to control my power while not breaking things?

Ancient one: with the power you have right now, that wouldn't work, that is why we're doing the reverse so lets get to it before your mom wakes up.

Isaiah: wait, hold up.. you've been visiting us like a family member but I still don't know your name ms. Ancient one..

Ancient one: It has been a long time since I was asked of that.. very well my name is Yao

Isaiah: nice to meet you Master Yao

Yao: enough with pleasantries, as she gestured towards the dummies and said proceed

… After a while

It took me 1hr and 30 mins just to throw a total of 900 punches, with 650 has the same output, in the notification proficiency the increase only totals at 650/10000

It seems Master Yao's method works best to train the proficiency of the strength ability

The remaining 250 of the 900 was thrown very poorly as it loses power either midway or as soon as the fist lands on the dummy's surface

(This ability suits best with either the Saiyan's or Superman's bloodline, but thinking about it, if I get either one of those, it would be overkill, why so because of Yao's remark)

(My current strength ability was only at level 1, since my time ability leveled up as high as 6 and still have gaining proficiency, the strength might be the same as well.)

(What I'm saying was the time Master Yao told me to try and destroy the dummy with 3 times the protective runes, the result was unbelievable she said. I think, I was able to crack it again.)

(Master said If ever I could maintain the peak output of my ability at all times, I can be compared to 2.5 times of the level of Captain America. As for getting a bloodline that can power me up, I'll become a monster in no time)

For now I better get a hang of this sooner the better