Chapter 11

My name is Gary Stein, I was reborn but the world looks the same modern world I died from. I'm just your typical worker in the office that come and goes from 9 to 5 everyday. I always get the end of the stick no matter what I do at work as if, I've been cursed by the gods.

My luck is the worst since childhood and yes I'm still a virgin at the age of 30, at the fateful day, the plan I've set up to kill my whore of a boss but I ended up, killed instead. At the floor where I'm about to stab her a million times because of many reasons but the biggest one where we signed a contract but still ended up taking the credit for the newly develop smart goggles, I ended up loathing her to the bone and told myself that I would do her good in the near future.

She claimed that she got 2 little ones at home waiting for their mother to come home as she weep in tears and begged for her life, she asked for forgiveness from what she have done and will give him what he deserve, if only she was spared.

The thought of not killing her for a second cost me my life, as she meticulously trying to reach for her defensive knife and finally her reason got thru with him, she immediately swung her hand to her attacker and was able to slit his throat and there her attacker lost his life

I regretted not to have a firm resolve and out of pity, I ended up getting killed myself before I lost my consciousness I heard a voice, it might be the devil claiming for my dirty soul. But the darkness was not the end after a while of nothingness I saw the light and welcomed once again in the world of the living

- 1 Day after the world shook -

Nurse: Its a boy

As she raise the baby up and spank his bottom but before the baby was given to his mother a nurse called in "code blue"

The nurse holding the baby boy placed him on his crib as she tends to the mother having cardiac arrest with the rest of nurses and doctors

As soon as the light passes thru my eyes I knew at that moment I have been given a chance in life but as soon as I came out, my supposed my mother was about to lose her life and thought that my luck from the previous life might have been carried over to this one.

Luke: I'm hoping my mom in this world would not lose her life but it seems god really hated me as I heard the impulse noise sounds flat

As the doctor and nurses discussing who will be taking care of me as mine just died, I heard that mom was the only child with no relatives. I am left with only her inheritance which will be claimed when I'm older but needed a caretaker at the moment.

When I heard that I got an inheritance, a certain hero in a bat outfit pops up in my head but came crushing down when I found out that the head priest where I'm staying at took my inheritance money for himself, its not more than a million only a couple few hundred thousandths of dollars. Now even to this life everything I have has been taken away from me and another person would claim it as theirs as I am powerless.

Luke: I swore to this day, that I will never give anyone a chance, I will take what is mine and what I deserve to have. I will never leave my luck to some bogus fate and that I will make my own luck.

In the night as I was sleeping with the rest of the kids in the orphanage, I heard the same voice deep in my soul as if I was dreaming..

<[ Child you have been given a chance in life what ever you want to do with it will be your own, choices and decisions are dire but some might result into your own prosperity ]>

<[ Will you succumb to what is laid for you again or will you take your chances and take what is rightfully yours? ]>

<[ Choose wisely ]>

As the text appeared before me, the voice that I heard before I died came again as if reading it. It sounds very deep and dry, its chilly and creepy at the same time, its like the abyss is is directly speaking to me as it states its business

Luke: I will NEVER!! stand still ever again and take it as it is!

Luke: Before I say my declaration I stopped, its not because I'm having second thought but making sure I would say the right words, as soon as I was ready to shout my declaration to anyone who opposes my will, that voice came again

<[ I have heard and felt your desire for power, may gods fear your name o future demon king ]>

<{ Demon King System Activated }>

Luke: A system huh! but a demon king instead! now I'll be damned…


{ Body stats }

Name: Luke Stein

D-Spirit: 0.0001%

Power: .01

Physique: .10

Magic: .001

Demon Pts: 0


Luke: So it showed my body stats, look at that even my "status" are poor

Luke: Can you give me some help here who ever you are, explanations what all this meant..

<[ Help will only be given once, after this your on your own ]>

<[ Demon King System Instruction ]>

<[ In some point of hour life, a task might appear consider this as your quest to your dominance ]>

<[ Do anything the opposite of good and you will gain demon points ]>

<[ Reference: 15 - 20 stats for peak athletes or body builders ]>

<[ Power: that quantifies your demonic power ]>

<[ Physique: quantifies as your body strength, durability, reflexes into one. Train hard young one!!! ]>

<[ Magic: quantifies the amount of mana or dark mana you have in your body ]>

<[ All stats can be upgraded through "task rewards" or demon points ]>

<[ Last tip ]>

<[ There are a total of four reincarnates in this world, with unique powers of their own like you, you are my chosen one and my representative in this world as I am the demon god of my plane ]>

<[ Have fun in your path of dominance ]>